Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 91: Fragmented physical reaction and compelling choice

(Cloud! You can't go on like this anymore! Otherwise your body simply can't stand it!)

When Yun was still troubled, Yun's worried voice appeared in his mind.

(Yun? Do you know the reason?)

Hearing that Yun chose to appear at this time proved that he knew what was happening in his current situation! Otherwise she would not choose to communicate with herself.

( calmly listen to me! Now I don’t recognize you as a mess! Your body can't stand the side effects of this power!)

(What's the matter? Can you tell me more about it?)

(Okay! But... be careful it moves!)

Hearing Yun's instructions, Yun immediately recovered, and avoided the many sharp **** spikes that rose from the ground. As he avoided, countless dark magical gas bombs fell into the orbit. Chasing, but sometimes the cloud walks in the air lightly, and it feels like walking in the air without being affected by the so-called gravity.

(No! No way to look at it! At least these things are beyond the reach of human beings! Who is he?)

Cthulhu Dakos now has a lot of sweat coming out of his head, because his enemies are already unusual. They don’t have the situation of being killed and toyed by it before, and there is no such situation in magic, which is beyond the laws of other worlds. The fear underneath, in turn, is the evil **** Dakos' fear of Yun's unknown ability.

"Who are you? You are not that Yuezaki Yun at all!"

Cthulhu Dakos can't help it! Its direction towards the cloud is not to release the magic bullets that have appeared in its shape, or the flesh and blood spikes that have gathered from countless magical powers, but it has nothing to do with the cloud’s ghostly body like a walk in the garden. The danger is at all.

(Is that so? Yun? But it feels a little weird! I don't feel as uncomfortable as my body! And from time to time I feel like my body is going to explode! It's so uncomfortable!)

(It’s okay! Slowly, you just need to release the power that I have imparted to you a little bit! I didn’t expect to be able to take some of the power from you when the two of us were lingering together! It’s me not good! It should be! Those things that stop you from treating me... I don’t know that that would be so dangerous to you! Sorry... Yun...)

Yun’s voice is very painful, and Yun also realizes that the current physical problems are too unusual and too many. After all, these things are as magical as the things described in novels and comics. At least this kind of extraordinary pleasure really makes He felt too strange.

(Is it the feeling of having power? Will I...will become as strong as Yun in the future?)

(No! No! Only this can’t! Cloud! You have to live like an ordinary person! You can’t embark on this path again! I... don’t want you to experience those memories again! You... want to live healthy and healthy …)

Yun could hear Yun's crying in her mind. Although Yun didn't know how she would cry, it was at least somewhat implicated in what she had just said. But the time of this conversation is actually very short, and the outside world becomes slow as it revolves around clouds. In other words, the speed of the cloud has become faster.

"Monster! No! Compared to me! You are more like an evil **** or a demon! Why? Why do you want to stand in front of me! Everything is produced by your human beings! You are the damn! why…"

The evil **** Dakos has already screamed frantically in the direction of the cloud, and all this is just a noise to the cloud. As long as the evil **** Dakos makes a lot of noise, the smile of the cloud will become more sadistic. stand up.

(So ​​cool...Is this Yun your power? It's really great! I... still want it!)

(Cloud! No! You can't be immersed in this power! Otherwise you will lose your sanity! Because you don't have the body to own it!)

(I know... this sensation of about to explode has responded to my body. You can see that my forearm has cracked skin and blood has leaked out!)

Yun looked at his two **** forearms and explained to Yun inside with a smile.

(You fool! Come and sing with me! To save you I can only give you that inscription! Read it after me...)

The crying voice has proved that Yun in Yun's inner world is already in tears, and the trembling voice reflects Yun's compromise.

(Um~Um! Come on! Since my cute Yun doesn't want me to be like this! I just listen to Yun!)

In response, Yun nodded to Yun and chanted vigorously!

"Thebloodismysword (feather with my blood as a sword)!"

With the chanting of this first passage, the huge pressure from Yun's body to the evil **** Dakos, who was a distance away, felt the inexplicable ‘perceived danger’ of being about to face death! Although like before, it didn't understand why this simple move would have a great danger to his instincts, but it knew that it was impossible for him to continue singing.

"Knocked down! Knocked down! Knocked down! Don't let him chant the inscription technique completely! Absolutely!"

The evil **** Dakos now looks more hideous, and the large amount of cold sweat has fallen on the ground along its ugly body mixed with blood. It waved its huge body and mobilized everything it had, regardless of anything. At the price, there is an irregular and mixed attack on the cloud.

And Yun's side gradually appeared many gaps that tore the space. With countless blood and water, he blocked a continuous attack for him. It looked like he was a bodyguard by his side. hurt!

"Theboneismyarmor (my bones become my guardian)!"

Yun's inscription chant continued, and the more deadly aura tightened the neck of the evil **** Dakos, making him feel uncomfortable.

(What the **** is this? Obviously in my inherent barrier! Why is this stinky boy pressing on me step by step! Why? Obviously I am the strongest and only evil **** in the world! How can I be a stinky boy? Deterred and ravaged! None of this is true!)

"Hahhhhhhhh! Yuezaki Yun! I want you to die without a burial place!"

It may have caused an invisible attack. The evil **** Dakos provoked a pool of blood in the mouth of the evil **** Dakos. At the cloud, he lifted the huge body with a right fist and slammed it in the direction of the cloud. Going, there was a loud'bang', only to see the spread of a huge white mist, Yun smiled and stretched out a hand like an understatement to condense the blood-red weird blood barrier in front of him. He abruptly caught the mortal blow of the evil **** Dakos, and his hair became shoulder-length and slightly longer, and his completely scarlet eyelids and hair color could not help but make the evil **** Dakos, who is a peek at his true face, his heart tightened. stand up.

(This extraordinary magic and coercion! Who is he?)

Cthulhu Dakos has thoroughly understood it! It was no longer a human named Yuezaki Yun in front of him, but a deeply hidden existence of terror.

"Thenowiamcarnage (At this time I have awakened the meaning of killing)."

"Thenowiamrevenge (at this time I take revenge to form)."

With the chanting of the inscription of the cloud, the hellish scene began to be corroded by another evil magic power. Everything was swallowed up by the powerful magic power of the cloud, and it was forced to become another. A scene...

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