Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 50: A talking beast?


With a magnificent loud noise, one flew out to the shadows and crashed countless large logs, causing the whole forest to become lively.

"What happened?"

"I do not know?"


The robbers who were lying on the ground for a while stood up in shock, looking towards the sound source, the scene was very chaotic.

"What's wrong? Why are you panicking?"

"Yes? What happened?"

Silica and the others who heard the noise rushed to the bandits and asked them.

"I don't know! I only know that there was a huge crash suddenly! Look at that side!"

After hearing Silica's inquiry, the robbers pointed to the depths of the forest to reflect on it.

(Is it inside the forest? That's a very disadvantageous place for us, but... we can't let the situation go, I don't know Brother Yun... Wait! Where's Brother Yun?)

"Have you seen Brother Yun?"

Just when Silica calmed down and analyzed according to Yun's way of thinking, she recalled that she hadn't seen Yun since she just came back, and asked the surrounding robbers in a panic.

"I didn't see it! We all slept here with our heads covered before, I don't know where the boss took the opportunity to go!"

Seeing how worried Silica looked, the robbers shook their heads helplessly.

(Is it possible? This situation is...x7)

After hearing Silica’s conversation with the robber, she knew more or less that Yun’s characteristic of acting alone, and had already expected this voice to be caused by what Yun was doing. Obviously, there is a certain degree of danger, otherwise There won't be such a big noise...

"What about Silica sauce... shall we go in?"

"Yes! Even Brother Yun's situation is very dangerous, right?"

"Hmm~hmm! x4"

Looking at the situation in which the beasts and birds of the forest were fleeing from this "clap~li~pop~la", Lisbeth swallowed a bit and other people asked Silica about it.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they do not know if you ask others

Seeing the other 6 people focusing on her, Silica couldn't help but panic. After all, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of incident since receiving several people's command positions these two times... Obviously I am a little confused. less.

"I think you still don't want to go! The boss didn't ask you to add this scale and sound, it should be because you don't want you to get involved."

"I think this human is justified! It's really impossible. Let's leave our two brothers to guard here. Let the rest of us go and see what's going on! After all, the Yunsanbai people will also care about your safety, and replace them with our strong fighters. People will be better, at least they can fight!"

Seeing that the bandit leader said this, the pig heads on the side also kept their opinions on it, and it is better to give them the demi-humans if they want to protect themselves.



Just when Silica was in a dilemma, a dangerous roar inside the forest caught their attention.

"Couldn't... Yunsanbai will try to capture'Natta' again, right? That's a very cruel giant beast! Even we all stay away from being disturbed!'s difficult to do!"

Hearing this roar, these pigheads shook unnecessarily. It seems that this beast called "Natta" is quite dangerous, otherwise these brave pighead warriors wouldn't be so timid!

"Brother Yun!!!"

After Silica's worried roar, at the same time, the depths of the forest were very lively!

"Ah~cough! I didn't expect it! This unknown beast is really fierce! It was a lethal attack directly. If I didn't use this growth weapon that has absorbed the giant sickle in time, I'm afraid I will fall into this monster's raid. It hurts~ it hurts~ it hurts! Drink some medicine first. Fortunately, I have done a lot of it again... or it will definitely be dead!"

Located under a large, cracked rock filled with smoke, the cloud leaned against a human-shaped stone crevice covered in blood. Some of the coughing up blood was embodied as a healing potion and drank it, seeming to be bitten by the prey he was staring at. With a mouthful, this look really looks embarrassing a lot now, if it weren't to be captured alive...maybe he wouldn't be forced into such a field when he came up.

"Formidable power, speed, explosive power, and that kind of unsurpassable emperor feeling! Hmm~hmm! You are attracted to me! Unknown beast! Especially the one that collapsed on me! It should be the leader among them! It's been a long time since there was much blood boiling!"

Yun spit out blood foam slightly, then stood up, raised two giant sickles and ran in the direction that kicked him into the air just now.


With a loud roar, Yun once again returned to a wider grassland, and there were a group of giant beasts that knocked him out!

The huge horns, the tiger-like head, the sharp and deep triangular eyes of the king of the forest, the huge fangs, the furry body is as thick as a bear, and they can stand upright like a orangutan, that sharp and thick Sharp claws already represent their absolute aggressiveness.


The largest of them shrugged his nose, and smelled the scent of enemies that it had just judged to have hit but may have died. It couldn't help but turn around and turned to the man with a hideous face and grinning teeth holding two giant sickles. The cloud roared.

"Good spirit! It is this kind of mount that is worthy of the deterrent effect that we can penetrate into the tiger's den with a small number of people! This feels library ~ library!!! It is not built! I want you! I want all of you! I want you to change Cheng surrendered to my subordinates! Come on! Big guy! I am not dead yet! At least until you surrender to me! You will never die!"

With Yun’s provocative statements and actions, this huge monster was forced to no matter what it was. A high-speed movement with four feet on the ground accompanied by a violent wind pressure'charge' opened its blood basin in front of Yun. Its Haha! "

With a burst of shouts! Yun no longer underestimated and worried about the attack and defense power of this beast! In response to its head-on attack, raising the twin sickles wrapped in the halo of sword skills, it was the crazy 8hit's "Dance of Death" that collided with the giant claws and fangs of the giant beast. The strength of both sides was very, In the battle, both sides roared in response to each other's attacks.

‘Ding, bang, bang, bang, bang’

Numerous sharp or blunt metal rock-like impacts caused other giant beasts around to cover their triangular ears. This action alone made the clouds, who were still fighting with their leaders, realized that they had similarities. The human's actions made him slightly concerned.

(Could it be... they have cultural or human-like potential? Oh~ Yo~ Oh... I almost got my head off! Damn it fast!)

Just when Yun cared about the actions of these beasts just now, he was a little distracted, and the other party did not hesitate to stretch out the life-long claws into the gap. Fortunately, Yun recovered his senses or the person would be beheaded by it.

"Oh~~Oh! Boy! You were distracted when you were fighting with me! Don’t look down on people! Ooh~~"

With Yun's distraction just now, he actually forced the beast to say something. This alone made Yun a little surprised that it almost matched his inference, prompting him to show a bad smile!

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