Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 51: Will be wrong

With a battle, I don’t know how many back and forth, one man and one beast fought again and again, they stretched away and panted and kept their fighting stance staring at each other, trying to find out the other party’s decision now. An instant flaw.

(It looks like! No matter how hard you fight for a long time, you will feel tired. The two of us are half a catastrophe! Why not take the opportunity to talk? After all, the opposite is a language-savvy race?)

"Do you... understand what I'm saying?"

With the mentality of giving it a try, Yun asked it with a smile.

"Human... kind, right? What are your intentions in coming to our tribe! Bring it to me!"

Seeing Yun suddenly talking to himself, the beast actually responded to its words.

(I'm back!)

"Come and let your tribe join me! So can we make friends?"

Yun Jian's status changed from a fierce hunter to a friendly human appearance. It seemed that he did not have the greedy gaze that made the beast hesitate slightly.

(It seems to be a little skeptical! So too! How can someone hold a weapon to make friends with others!)

Seeing this, Yun put away his weapons and opened his hands to him, indicating that no weapons were harmless.

"But... why did you sneak up to us? Although you had no hostility at that time, the situation just appeared after I attacked you. What is your purpose? Didn't you say you wanted to conquer us before? "

The beast didn’t understand it very well, because the appearance of Yun was so weird that he mistakenly thought that he was a member of the tribe who was about to attack it, so he gritted his teeth and burst him out first, but Yun didn’t know anything but he came back with a weapon to attack them. Let it be somewhat unclear.

(Ahhhhhhhh! That thing! It is also that I first assumed that they were beasts and could not communicate! This is also my fault first!)

"Actually, it was exactly the same as you said at the beginning. I wanted to help you conquer this. I don’t deny it! Don’t~ Don't~ Don't! Wait for me to finish... Your fangs and claws are very disgusting to me. Friendly!"

At first, Yun did not deny his previous views, but when he watched the beast rushing to kill him, he spoke to stop its reckless behavior. It can only be said that it is still a beast that wants to solve the matter through negotiation.

(Strange humans...)

"Let's talk! I'll wait for you to finish talking before considering how to show you a corresponding attitude!"

After looking at the cloud, begging for mercy and showing weakness, the beast also turned into a four-legged appearance, sitting on the ground with its **** on the ground and frowning to observe the cloud.

(Looks like there are signs! You can continue to lobby!)

"Hmm~hmm! I really wanted to conquer you at the beginning because I judged you to be animals! I think you should know the term animal, right?"

Yun is deliberately used as a respectful name to alleviate the hostility of the beast.


"I understand this! After all, we are also going to hunt other edible animals... So that's it... Do you think of us as animals that don't speak but obey the wild? This is excusable... But..."

After hearing Yun's honorific words and suggesting the situation that they were judged to be ‘animal’, the Beast’s attitude towards Yun has changed a little. After all, they have gradually become more verbal in this way. I know that animals are all low-level existences that seek instinct to live, but because of this, some have a little complaint about the cloud, because they equate them with the low-level creatures for a while!

"Oh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? The first criterion for judging is your appearance and clothes, that is, the things we wear that can cover our bodies to judge."

"Because this kind of thing is similar to language and is a product that only appeared later! It also means a high-level embodiment, and your situation is important to rely on the original fur to cover your body, so it is judged by our side. The misunderstanding of the benchmark resulted in a situation where we did not need to fight with each other just now. Please allow me to apologize first!"

Yun introduced an explanation of why he misunderstood that they were low-level animals, and bowed politely, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the meaning of surrender here, giving the beast a little bit of pride.

(Did you come all the way to join my clan? It's quite interesting!)

"No courtesy! You little human being is so polite!"

Obviously it misunderstood Yun's apology and became something else.


"Ah~ah! It's nothing! But can we teach our friends?"

Although he didn't know what the other party understood, Yun still smiled and asked the Beast.

(Will you get close to me after surrendering? Hmm~ Hmm! As a leader and family member, it should be! I want to show the demeanor of the master or the elders!)

"Huh~huh! Yes!"

The beast also looked like a stinky fart, and nodded at it like arms folded.

"Oh oh~ oh oh! xN"

After a word from the leader of the beasts, all the beasts looked up to the sky and roared as if celebrating again.

(It seems like I really like to be friends with me! That's good! But why do you always feel that their doting eyes feel weird! But there shouldn't be any big problems, right?)

"Ha~Haha! Thank you everyone! We are all good friends!"

Obviously Yun would beckon to him in a wrong way, and then he seemed quite happy.

"Huh~huh! You are kind to my people! Come on! I will take you to your residence to celebrate your arrival!"

The Beast looked at the tribesmen warmly welcoming this new tribe, then smiled and turned around and beckoned to the cloud.

(Is the banquet? It’s really good! But it shouldn’t take much time! After all, there is still waiting for us! Just to see if this beast will allow me to take their tribes to go to the pig-headed kingdom to help our strong men. Furious! If you can... I would like to trouble them to help us pull the somewhat bulky wooden personnel carrier...)

"Um~Um! Okay! I like banquets the most! Oh~oh!"

And Yun was still thinking about how to request this beast that he had just met ~ could accept his invitation magnanimously to borrow its tribal issues, so he decided to deal with them first and then care about it, and act according to the opportunity to get it in one fell swoop. The aid will have a higher success rate!

With this little misunderstanding, they brought the clouds to a big mountain beside the forest, and the rocks here seem to have a very mysterious feeling. This is the cloud's influence on this continuous mountain range, which is all mountainous. At the first impression, I feel an exceptional sense of closeness and comfort!

(Brother Yun! Are you... okay over there!)

And while Yun was still feeling the feeling of this mountain, Silica's private chat full of nervous tone came to his mind.

(I’m fine! I may come back later! You collect some raw materials on the spot! If it doesn’t work, make dinner and eat it yourself! I have some things to investigate here!)

(It’s fine! Then... Brother Yun remember to come back soon! By the way, Brother Yun should have encountered'Natata', right? Remember to be careful! That kind of animal is very violent! Don't be as hard as before! Otherwise! We will worry about Brother Yun!)

(It’s okay, I’m fine! Let’s talk when there is a situation here!)

(Hmm~hmm! Take care!)

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