Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 52: The residence of "Natta" and the Philosopher's Stone Tree

After finishing the conversation with Silica, Yun learned that the beasts he made friends with were called ‘Natta’s. They sounded weird names, but they did not affect Yun’s views and attitudes towards them.

I don’t know how long it took, and Yun followed these ‘Natta’s to their place of residence in the cave. As soon as Yun looked in a direction pointed by the leader of ‘Natta’, he was stunned.

(Is this... a tribe? It's the one built on the hillside!)

Yun opened his mouth slightly, and then looked up at this huge fortress-like place in the mountain.

The majestic and huge continuous mountains and rivers are their best bases, and the countless traces of excavation and polishing with tools are the best proof of the entry into the Stone Age here, and there are majestic and tall'Nata Towers' around them. They were patrolling like this, and when they saw the leader'Nattata', they all stopped and surrendered to him with the gesture of apologizing to him just now. Then after looking at the new cloud, they turned and continued patrolling.

(The gesture just now... Could it be that this is not an apology but a friendly greeting? It seems that I also got the proper etiquette by mistake!)

Still misunderstanding and rejoicing, Yun nodded proudly.

"Go! What are you doing standing stupidly!"

The leader of'Nattata' came over and slapped Yun's back with a slap. It felt... so painful that Yun couldn't laugh or cry.


Looking at the majestic but unable to understand the residential area embodied in the early stage of the carving art, Yun admires the wisdom of these mountain tribes. This is the first beast group he has encountered outside of the demihumans with its own civilization and wisdom.

"Hmm~hmm? What is this?"

Just as Yun looked around, a sudden and somewhat shining light slightly irritated his eyes, and he couldn't open his eyes. He was a little curious and covered the front of the light source with his hand, and then he was a little proud of Natta. The leader of the tower asked.

(Sure enough, did you ask? I knew this little guy would ask me about this!)

"Ha~Haha! Want to know? This thing has a great relationship with the origin of our tribal culture! Come! I will open your eyes!"

Seeing the cloud finally asked itself what the treasure of this town tribe was, it walked forward with a smile and then took some clouds that didn't understand it to the place where it could shine.

(Could it be... this is not the Stone Age... but an advanced civilization with energy source development? Or is it a very powerful main research, not limited to the image of a technological tribe?)

When I saw the light cloud, I started to dream about it. After all, except for fire and natural light, it is difficult to visualize this tribal backward scene. Why is there a light source that glows like a flashlight or a light bulb? He is especially looking forward to it. .


As one person and one beast approached, Yun finally saw clearly what this luminous thing was. He didn't expect it to be stones with colorful lights. This opened Yun's eyes, and it was not just that! These ‘Natta’s also ground the powder from these stones and spread it into a conductive medium like an electric circuit.

(This is! What magical thing? It can also be used like physics circuits and energy providers! This stone is like a battery! And these powders are conductive circuits like copper wires! What a powerful feeling!)

They sprinkled these powders into the excavated stone grooves, and then they can make some distant stones glow. The cloud he looked at was full of curiosity, forcing him to walk quickly to one of the ‘Natta’s and watch it beat and grind the luminous stones with stone tools.

"How is it? This is our cultural heritage discovered and researched by our'Natata' tribe!'Sorcerer's Stone Civilization' now knows how advanced we are! Look at every cave here, this is all This kind of magical stone that can shine is used to illuminate the same material but not the light of the stone. This kind of thing is what we call a "light pavilion"! It is a kind of lighting tool! Amazing!

Seeing Yun's eyes full of worship and novelty, this'Natta' leader proudly raised his hand and asked Yun to look up at the lamp-like'lighting pavilion' in the surrounding caves, so Yun found him and wanted to improve. The power source for your own wooden personnel carrier! This minute, he was a blessing in disguise in a sense, and he had obtained a more efficient supply of energy than manpower!

"Then~then! How can this magic stone be generated?"

After hearing such a powerful energy body, Yun came to the leader of'Nattata' with some excitement and asked.

"Oh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Look at your anxious look! It just so happens that other people are still preparing a welcome ceremony for you! I will show you how to get this magical magic stone! Come with me!"

Seeing Yun so interested, the leader of "Nattata" looked at the kinsman who made an action outside, and then took Yun to the inner direction of the processing room of the magic stone...

(Such a good thing can replace the generator! With it, it is equipped with my carpentry, forging, and smelting skills! Ku~ku! It is amazing! I have the idea of ​​preparing to enter a developed city!)

After seeing how magical and what is needed, the cloud shining with stars, and there are more ideas for what I want to make in my mind.

"Boom~Da, boom~Da"

After hearing the interesting percussion, Yun immediately returned to his senses and turned his head to look at the front of the noise.

"Come on with a companion! This magic stone tree is too hard! Come and knock it down with a tool with me!"

"Okay! Come right away!"

And in front of me is a huge magic stone tree full of light and no light. The whole body is full of stone feeling. If it weren’t for this kind of magic stone still growing, the cloud would not dare to imagine it was. Live! And there are a lot of "Natata" planting branches and sorcerer's stones around it seems to be very busy...

"It's so beautiful! Is this alive? I didn't expect the stone to have vitality and even grow!"

This is not a joke but Yun's sigh for the powerful vitality of this other world. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"Ha~Haha! You are rare and weird! By the way! I have to give you a good gift! You can wait here and I'll be back soon!"

Seeing Yun's respect for life force, the leader of'Nattata' thought of something, and told Yun to wait for him here.

Then it swiftly climbed the magic stone tree and broke down a stone branch. Although the tree seemed to be painful, it didn't take long for the leader of'Nattata' to break it, and a new tree grew again. If it sprouts, if it takes a while, it can naturally grow a lot of branches.

(It turns out that it will not decrease? And it has increased? But why did the leader of "Nattata" break the branches?)

Seeing the fascinating operation of the'Nattata' leader, Yun narrowed his eyes not quite clearly.

And the "Natta" who got the branch first took the lead to a stone table next to the magic stone tree, and then after talking to a "Natta" there, the "Natta" went from the stone table. I picked up a stone sorcerer ring and handed it to the leader of'Nattata'. Seeing it quickly came back, Yun still couldn't guess what it wanted to do...

"In case you little fellow goes out and can't find us here! Give you this ring and the magic stone branch as the best gift!"


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