Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Space ring

   Yun accepted it very happily, but he still asked with a grin about the use of these things.

"Then let me tell you about this ring first! First of all, it is a magical product made by combining stone craftsmanship and magic stone! This is why we call this stone a magic stone! It contains more than just the inside. Energy has its own civilization in it! And it is because of this civilization that we learned the language and the technology related to these magic stones!"

   "Has its own independent civilization in it? So powerful?"

   When Yun watched the confident introduction of'Nattata', Yun couldn't believe it and held the products of these two magic civilizations with his hands.

   "It's not too late! Let you experience it yourself! Start!"

   As the leader of'Nattata' looked at Yun as the wisher was hooked, while he was still observing these two objects, he suddenly made the ring glow...

   (So dazzling...)

   After being unable to open his eyes by the strong light, Yun quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

   "Okay! It's okay now! You can open your eyes!"

   "Wow~ oh... I was scared to death... I thought I was going to fall..."

Hearing what the leader of'Nattata' said, Yun tried to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, there was a shocking feeling. It was a vast blue space, and the two felt as if they were walking on foot. As in the air, he made Yun subconsciously back up a few steps, but he soon realized that there was a feeling of landing like a transparent ground, and he was slightly relieved.

   "So...what is this place..."

  Yun looked at the blank space where there was nothing like nothing, and then asked "Nattata".

   "You are so anxious! It's time to change it! Then a small window will appear with a stroke like this!"

   Seeing Yun's eagerness as he rushed to reincarnation, the leader of'Nattata' pouted a little to demonstrate it, and there really was an operation interface similar to his own inventory appeared!

   (This is! Is it some kind of system?)

   Yun blinked his eyes to observe the options and introductions of this interface.

   "Welcome to the space ring of magic civilization! There is an independent small world here, and many unexpected and interesting operations can be performed! And there are also special soils where you can grow magic stone trees! 》

   It didn't take long for this space to sound almost the same as the goddess Yui, but it felt more pure and lovely like a ignorant girl.

   (That's it! So give me the ring and the sorcerer's stone branch for cultivation, right?)

   Hearing the prompt here, Yun lifted the sorcerer's stone branch he was holding tightly in his hand.

   (It seems that this little guy understands the operation here! Then I just watch him perform here!)

   Seeing this situation, the leader of'Nattata' lay down on the ground with all his feet on the ground, and was a little interested to see Yun himself act in accordance with the prompts here!

   "Now I first identify the owner of the space! Moon Qiyun! Three hundred officials will be! 》

   Suddenly, the sound of the prompt here revealed Yun's name and identity.

"Yes it is!"

   Although he didn't know what the prompt sound wanted to do, Yun still answered her question honestly.

   "Confirmation complete! Now Yuezaki Yun has obtained the ownership of the space and the corresponding space ring, please check it in your accessories column or item column at that time! You can use the space ring to freely enter and exit this small world! I detected that you have a magic stone branch! Do you start to use the substances you have here to convert the default world ability? How about planting Philosopher’s Stone branches? 》

   Hearing this reminder cloud was confused.

   (The default world...there is the matter here? But...I didn't see anything? What kind of world would it be?)

   "Hmm~hmm! Allowed!"

   Yun didn't understand, but still wanted to see what kind of small world the substance mentioned here could transform into, so he went all out and agreed to the request for the beep.

"To understanding! The whole process may take a long time, so please wait for a while! In production..."

   With the beep, the entire space began to sway after obtaining Yun's permission.

   "Wow~ ah~ oh..."

   was so scared that Yun subconsciously retreated to the edge of an invisible wall of air, hugged his head and crouched in the corner of the wall, then looked around at the surrounding scenes.

  ‘Boom~ rumbling, boom~ dangdang, chopping~in~pop~!咚咚~锵’

There were so many weird sounds here, and then it was like the beginning of Hunyuan in the myth. First, a lot of milky white gas floated on the top of the space for no reason, and began to gather into white clouds and azure blue. The sky, and the black mud-like matter gathered on the transparent floor that was invisible before the cloud's feet, and gradually became mud and rocky ground.

   (Wow! What kind of situation is it? It’s as interesting to look at the world as a newborn!)

With the formation of the ground, the cloud has fully felt the feeling that the soles of the feet are filled with soil and rocks. He also knocked the stones with his hands in disbelief, making a crisp sound of'dangdang' rocks, and the soil was also soft and delicate. a feeling of.

   (This is real stone and mud! It's as wonderful as entering the magical world!)

And in some cases, it’s not over yet, the sky has magically cracked a space gap, and the clear and transparent water flows to the ground to form waterfalls and rivers, and the excess direct current falls down along the hollow part of the edge. In order to determine whether there is a cliff in this small island-like place, the cloud came to the edge of the falling water and bounced its head.

   "It's deep! The bottom is actually dark! I don't know where I fell back!"

   And looking down the edge of this floating Except for the darkness and the falling water, the clouds are invisible!

   "You're so amazing, little guy! It's not time for us to get to this point before! No one can get through like you!"

  Because of the ground formation, the leader of'Nattata' was lying in the water and playing comfortably, and admired the clouds as if he was very happy with the pool.

   "Really? It seems okay?"

   Cloud came over from the cliff and saw the leader of'Nattata' lazily soaking in the water, it beckoned to the cloud like a deflated balloon.

   "The question you just asked will be answered right away! 》

   And just when Yun was still a little concerned about the generation of other things, the prompt sound suddenly answered Yun.

   (The question I asked? Could it be the one that leads there from under the cliff?)

When the cloud was still a little doubtful, suddenly a big hole burst from the sky on the other side, and another blue water leaked from the sky, and once again formed a new river and fell down along the edge of the cliff on the other side of the cloud. At this time, Yun suddenly realized that he hammered the palm of his hand with his fist, and suddenly realized what this place was inside.

"'Space'! As the name suggests! This place is composed of space and space, which means that the space here is connected together! So the water left from the sky enters the abyss below, and from below the abyss The space returns to the sky, forms a new one or circulates along the previous space!"

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