Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 59: The responsibility

"I always feel that Kirito-chan is about to become a war madman who is addicted to warfare! I don't know if it is an illusion by others!"

"Don't even say I think so too!"

Seeing Kirito's enthusiastic look, Aisha and the others couldn't help but feel a little headache.

(What's the matter? Acting for Aisha?)

(I have a message here that I want to send to you and Columb! There is something very urgent, I hope I can get your help!)

(That’s good! Let’s see the situation first!)

Just when Kirito was about to explain, Aisha contacted Gus, the lord of the ‘Mercenary Kingdom’’s private chat, and Aisha also gave Kirito a wait gesture and started talking with him.

(It seems to be connected! I hope I can get more assistance! By the way! At this time, I will try to discuss with Lena and the others! See if I can get some people from the garrison in the starting town to use it! )

Seeing Aisha's situation, Kirito also made up his mind to call Lena's private chat.

(What's the matter? Sir Kirito?)

Lena, who was working with Fokker in her lord's residence, accepted the call somewhat unexpectedly.

(Actually I want to borrow some soldiers from you...)

After thinking about it, Kirito did not intend to tell them about the situation of the second layer of Kuro. He simply came to borrow a small number of soldiers to delay until Argo’s increase in recruits and the reinforcements of the'Mercenary Nation' troops, even if it is. A wu will let him fight the war of attrition and there will be a little bit of surplus.

"Want to borrow soldiers?"

Hearing this, Lena subconsciously told what she knew, which attracted Fokker's attention. Then he walked to Lena's side with some care.

(For what? Our first floor is very peaceful now?)

Some feel suspicious Lena knows Kirito's nature well. Generally, he won't come to him unless he is a last resort. After all, they are all commanders brought out by the cloud. Although they don't know the basics, they can still guess two or three points.

"What's wrong? Who borrowed people from you?"

Seeing Lena's frowning eyebrows, Fokker on the side asked her.

"Master Kirito! I haven’t said what I’m going to do for the time being! But I’ve stayed with her and belonged to Yunsan Hundred General for so long. Naturally, I know something must have happened! But she doesn’t seem to want us to interfere. Said to borrow some people! See how much we can pay!"

Seeing that Fokker was so concerned about Lena, he replied to him.

( wonder Lena is so surprised that she shouted out!)

"You talk to her and I'll take stock and count how many people are available!"

"Thanks! Let me try if I can get some details!"

Seeing how Fogg took the initiative, Lena nodded slightly and continued to chat with Kirito in private.

(Nothing! I want to bring a large exploratory team to the second floor to participate in the Raiders group! After all, the current situation of adventurers is still not optimistic, we also have to take the initiative to attack, this is not where you are idle with us. , Why don’t I take them to do something meaningful, so as not to waste food~ Well! As the saying goes, it’s good to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use soldiers for a while!)

Kirito thought for a while and used a most suitable excuse to ask Lena to borrow troops.

(That's it! Let me see how many people are left!)

(Thanks! There may be casualties, you still remember to add! After all, adventure exploration is also a dangerous way to survive!)


After hearing Kirito's explanation, Lena also agreed first, and then came to discuss with Fokker who had already counted them.

"We can probably provide 1,000 people for Kirito-sama here! But what are they going to do? They actually need soldiers!"

After passing the list to Lena, Falk asked about it in detail.

"Although she said she was going to the second floor of Kullo to accept the task of exploring and collecting intelligence, it sounds natural and reasonable, but she mentioned that it might destroy the people we lent out. When we remember to add it at any time... it feels like It doesn’t seem to be that simple anymore! It’s possible... something happened to Kuro on the second floor! Maybe Aisha and Kirito-sama have already explained the facts like the "Mercenary Kingdom" next to them at the same time... Ask for support on the other side!"

After all, Lina was also the commander that Yun brought out the high-profile, and she had already guessed the truth.

"The worst situation may be the town of Kullo. It may be the level of encirclement and attack of the previous'Mercenary Nation'! After all, according to your inference, it may be linked to war. The most uncomfortable thing may also come from The crusade by the national army... If Lord Kuro came here before and is considered collaborating with the enemy..."

Thinking of these two possibilities, Fokker is still most afraid of the last one, because he knows that once something like the country is heard slander, it may be misled by someone who has the intention. Diss has done this before. With a superficial and upright image, not only deceived everyone in the starting town, but even the top country of Milan was also deceived by it because of its underdeveloped communications. If it hadn’t been for the emergence of the three-hundred generals, this dark dominance would not be known. How long will it last...

"Is it so serious? Then we should help them even more!"

"Naturally! We have also received a lot of care from them! It's time to repay! The 1,000 people who are free will be dispatched to them!"

"Thanks... you are the only one who is righteous, but you still need to be my deputy!"

"Let's come! Who are you and me? Your business is mine! Go and answer Mr. Kirito!"


Seeing how Fokker helped herself, Lena nodded slightly with a sense of bosom.

(Master Kirito! I can give you 1,000 people here! This is already the maximum limit!)

(Hmm~hmm! Thank you!)

(Then I immediately issue a dispatch order and expect to be able to assemble in front of your office this afternoon!)

(I have work!)

Hearing that Lena and Fokker were willing to transfer so many people to them, Kirito was very moved and thanked them, and then ended the private chat and looked at the equally excited Aisha, knowing that there should be a lot of them there too. People and horses are right.

"Tongren sauce! It's saved! Gus and the others have agreed to join us in conquering the second-tier country "Barrio"! Gus personally led about 200,000 mercenaries! This is a huge force! "

"Really? It's just that I don't know how many people the opponent has in a country, but it shouldn't be a problem if the demihumans' combat power is one to fifty!"

Hearing that the ‘Mercenary Kingdom’ was not only willing to participate in the war, but also led by Gus with 200,000 I couldn’t help but relieved Kirito a lot. This is a big army! I also have to admire Yaren’s generosity, belligerence, and loyalty!

"Okay! I will start dispatching my Wuhe to select our 300-man team! Then Aisha will ask Gus and Lena to gather near the teleportation stone and directly teleport to the second floor. , I will check the situation first!"

"That's good! But... don't take it lightly! Remember Yun's teaching! "The arrogant soldier will be defeated"! Too confident is not good! And be careful! Asuna and Xiao Baixue, Xiao Shenxue are waiting for you to come back. !"

Seeing Kirito who was about to set off, Asia still stood up very worried and held his shoulder to remind her.

"Ah~Ah! I understand! Thanks! Aishachan! My wife and children will leave it to you!"

After accepting Aisha's reminder, Kirito patted the back of Aisha's hand on his fragrant shoulder, then turned around and left the office to dispatch troops. This time because of Asuna and Kathy They had just given birth to their children, and there was no way to go on the expedition, and all the tasks fell on other people. No one had time to help Kirito.

He sent a man and Gus to the second floor to support Kuro. Although the generals are too small, it will test Kirito's military command ability... but the arrow is on the line! This is the responsibility that Yun no longer should shoulder! For the future and everyone! He must go to this battlefield where there may be no return...

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