Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Solipsist! Don't listen to advice at all

At the end of a banquet, Yun not only signed an alliance contract with the leader of the'Natata' tribe, but also had a great time getting along with the members of the'Natata'. There is no permanent banquet in the world without staying overnight. Yun watched Seeing the night outside the cave, he slowly stood up and bid farewell to the leader.

"'s getting late! I should go back on my way too! After all, I still have important things to do, so I can only come back to see you and everyone after I finish it!"

Yun bowed to him with a smile, ready to say goodbye.

(What? I'm going to leave soon after I came here? That's not okay! I have arranged a place to live for you! If you say anything, you have to stay overnight before leaving!)

"No! It's all so late! It's easy to get lost in the outside world! Or... stay here for one night before leaving!"

Seeing that Yun was about to leave, his drunk leader immediately came to his senses. The effect was comparable to a bowl of sober soup, which made him stand up refreshed and refreshed, pulling Yun's arm to life and death. Refusing to let the cloud go!

(This...Although I am not sure whether I can pass through those places, but... Silica sauce and others are still waiting for me to go back...)

"Not so good? I am a stranger who lives here again..."

Although hesitated, Yun still declined.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't promise me, I will withdraw from the Allies immediately!"

Hearing that Yun still wanted to decline, the leader's eyes turned and the most important thing threatened him to submit.

(This... is too solemn to me, right? I still have to agree...)

"Well then! How enthusiastic the leaders are! It's not good for me to decline!"

I have to say that tearing up the alliance agreement is something that Yun is really afraid of. After all, besides coming to obtain the "Sorcerer's Stone Civilization" today, I have abolished the power of the two tigers in order to make this alliance. If it is not like this After that, he was busy working in vain, and he nodded to it with a wry smile.

(Huh~huh! That's right~ Well! You have to be strong to be obedient! You are really too naughty brother!)

"This is my good buddy~ Well! Come! I have prepared a good place for you!"

Seeing Yun so obedient, the leader nodded, then let go of his arm and started to lead the way.

(Really a powerful leader! But since the previous banquet... I have never seen that cute beast mother again... I feel so sorry...)

After he was settled, Yun looked at the surroundings and the beginning of the scene. After all, he did not see the cute beast mother before. He sighed slightly. After all, she still wanted to touch the cute triangular ears. She didn't know about being with cats or dogs. What's the difference, and then followed the leader with a low mood and walked into the inner grotto...

(It's so far... how long is it going to go?)

Following the winding stone path, Yun has come to a well-carved stone room. What is interesting is that there is also a small balcony, plus nice wooden furniture and a soft big bed. It is obviously It is for high-end personnel, and Yun walked to this small balcony with some interest, and was immediately attracted by the outside landscape.

(This is a great river and mountain in the true sense! So beautiful!)

The sky full of stars, accompanied by the bright moonlight, gives you a panoramic view of the mountains, rivers, and forests that can be seen from the balcony. It can be said that it feels like a small villa built on a lone ridge. The wind at night is obviously divided. There was a lot of noise outside, so that Yun was blown away from opening his eyes. If it weren't for being pulled in by the leader behind him, it would be possible to almost be blown away.

"You! I don't know if you are most afraid of encountering strong winds at night here? It is empty and lonely here again! What should I do if you fall? I don't know if your small body falls and you can survive!"

Seeing Yun go to the most dangerous place without common sense, the leader frowned and warned him.

"Sorry... I am a little fascinated by the scenery outside. Our starting town doesn't have such a pure natural scenery!"

Seeing how the leader worried about him, Yun smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Really! Just take a good rest! If you can't sleep, you can go out and stroll along the road we just came here. If you don't know the road, just ask the guards patrolling here! Then I'll go to sleep first! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! remember not to go to the balcony

After giving Yun a few warnings, the leader bid farewell to Yun a little tiredly. After Yun watched it leave, he glanced at the balcony just now, and then dropped his head on the soft big bed to Silica and Lizbe. After sending a message, I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

In the morning, a ray of sunlight shone from the balcony onto the big cloud bed. The slightly dazzling sensation made the cloud wake up from deep sleep, but the heavy feeling on the body made him a little puzzled.

(Why...a bit heavy...)


Some sleepy clouds slowly opened their eyes, and then looked at the heavy feeling in their chest, and saw a pair of small furry ears moving near their chest, and they also heard a cute purr, that big Yun's nose bubble has blocked Yun's sight of lowering his head.

( it possible that someone is in my arms?)

With a dumbfounded cloud, he slowly raised his hand to start to confirm what kind of life body he was.


Just when Yun felt a furry feeling, the unknown creature on his body suddenly made a cute little girl's voice, which completely fainted Yun. Then he couldn't help but burst into curiosity with his hands. The big nasal bubble in front of him, with a crisp sound of'bang~bang', the unknown creature on his body actually moved.

"Morning, are you on? Dad?"

As the unknown creature slowly stood up, the little Yun with a bewildered face rubbing his eyes could see clearly what this creature was.

The small triangular ears, coupled with the small and cute childish face, still have a bit of fleshy slender limbs and the cute little fur dress, coupled with the cute furry tail, make it alive Tuo is a little beast mother, but when she heard that she called her father, most of it was sleepwalking in the middle of the night and climbed to Yun's big chest, thinking it was the chest of her'Natata' father?

(This little guy is really cute! But I'm different from the male of "Natta"! I don't have such thick hair! Is it possible that this little guy doesn't know?)

"Little guy? Did you find the wrong person? I'm not your father! Can you come down?"

Seeing this little guy with squinted eyes, Yun touched her cute little head with his hand and said softly to him.

"That's not right! This is Dad's room? You are Dad! But why does Dad shrink so much without hair?"

The little guy was obviously still in a state of confusion. She sat on Yun's chest with her small eyebrows, stroking Yun's tight muscles with a serious face and asked about it.

(It's over! This is a little idiot! I completely keep my own opinions and don't listen to people! But this self-conscious feeling always feels like I have seen it there? So familiar...)

Seeing this cute little guy slapping his chest suspiciously, Yun felt that he was entangled by a troublesome and opinionated little guy, until he heard the voices of many people calling out. It feels weird to look at the little guy who may be related to him...

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