Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 98: Pink potion ability

"Furthermore, for the pink potion formula, I didn't expect that the most important part of the drug introduction would be my deep body fluids as raw materials. After adding the magic of careful love, you can make potions that control the mind and body of others, and match my body's abnormal changes. For the sake of this, let it also add a speeding regeneration effect similar to the resurrection!"

"It even changed the genetic arrangement of the human body, resulting in a complete remodeling of the body's appearance! It is true that the different world is really affected by magic and has undergone various changes! It is amazing!"

Kirito, who was lying on the floor slumped, drank the pink potion he produced, although it was a bit uncomfortable. After all, this potion had no special side effects on him, except that it catalyzed the formation of the magical power of the beloved goddess. Cause most of my time is controlled by instinct.

"There is no way! In order to achieve my goal quickly, and then restrain the urge to act on other people because of waiting for me for too long, I have to hold on it!"

But now, in order to make the final preparations for Yun and Yui goddess, he can only force himself to unscrew the cap of the potion, and then "Guru~Guru" poured it down to cheer himself up quickly, and become the second After solving the problem of the layer, they formally left everyone's side, and then on the other side, they tried to find a way to help Yun them reduce the trouble of a region and the goddess.

(Hmm~Hmm! I barely recovered my spirits, and then I have to make more potions. Although it is a bit shy, these things have to be done bitterly...)

After confirming the situation of the tent and himself, Kirito changed into loose clothes, took out the necessary raw materials from his body, and began to make new pink potions like red cheeks...

"This...what the **** is going on? Now that the army is actually divided into two paths?"

"Yes, Lord Lord! I don't know what kind of confidence they have. They split the army into two and attacked our fortress and the territory on the other side. Now the other side is still fighting the plains! And here The army on one side set up camp in the village we destroyed today. Do you want to attack them today?"

And not long after the construction of the camp of Kirito's army was completed, in this fortress at some distance, there was a big fat lord and his subordinates who looked at Kirito from the wall of the fortress with a simple telescope. The movement of the camp rose.

"Um~hmm...night attack...Although it is still a feasible plan! But the other party's alert level is quite sufficient! If they really want to attack, they don't know if they will be counter-surrounded?"

After listening to the suggestions of his subordinates, the lord Tufeiyuan kneaded his fat and oily chin with his hands, and began to hesitate to weigh it. After all, he had not many troops in his hand, but he fought a defensive battle. Still very dominant! It's just that he was still afraid of this weird army of fanatics, and didn't know what kind of weird tricks he would use to deal with them.

"My border guards have fought several encounters with them in the past few times, but the price is very serious. The kind of berserker-style enemies who regard death as a **** battlefield, I also heard a little mysterious, but with the battle report According to the descriptions of the soldiers who have fled back, we have to convince us a little bit of this bizarre situation. This is an enemy beyond common sense. It's better to think more about it over the long term!"

After looking at the airtight arrangement of Kirito, the patrol method of the copper and iron walls and the arrangement of the tents of the troops, it is difficult for him to suffer severe damage and chaos just by setting the fire, and it may be used for sneak attacks if it is not done well. His troops were compensated in it, which made him feel that some of the gains were not worth the loss...

"How about this! Let the two lightly armed infantry of the army go and scout around this camp! Then see if you can find a flaw, let's give them a roasted meat banquet!"

"Hmm~Hmm! The subordinates will do it!"

After the lord thought about it for a while, he asked his subordinates to try to find the weakness of the Kirito camp to risk a night attack. After the lord’s subordinates took the order, they ordered two corps of light infantry and used fast horses. To some distance to the Kirito camp...

As the sun went down, the entire Kirito camp had begun to have a brazier, and then the soldiers started to eat.

"His Royal Highness Kirito! I brought you hot soup and food! Is it convenient for me to go in now?"

Seeing such a good opportunity, a soldier smiled and questioned Kirito's inside.

"Wait a moment! Okay, I'll call you!"

"Subordinates obey!"

After hearing Kirito's response inside, the soldier stood in front of the tent very well, smilingly holding a large wooden tray and waiting for Kirito's order.

"Okay! You can bring it in!"

"The subordinate will go in!"

After getting Kirito's permission for a while, the soldier turned around and opened the tent door and walked in.

"Just bring it over and put it on the table! Then you go out!

As soon as he entered the tent, the soldier quickly looked around the inside of the tent. Almost rudimentary there was only a set of ordinary wooden tables and chairs, UU Reading and a floor shop plus a black lace nightdress on the inside. , Kirito, who had naturally drooping hair, combed the ends of his hair with a comb next to the floor, and he pointed his back to the soldier and pointed to the empty wooden table next to him.

"Obviously! Then I put it here! After eating, as long as His Highness Kirito orders me, I will come to clean up!"

After receiving Kirito's instructions, the soldier put the tableware with the food in the tray on the table, bowed slightly, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Um... do you think I'm... pretty?"

At this moment, Kirito suddenly turned around, and with those big ecstatic eyes full of little peach-hearted eyes, he looked at the soldier and asked with a smile.

"Diao...beautiful! More than beautiful! It's like a goddess descending to the earth!"

Seeing Kirito suddenly asked him this, he blushed slightly and praised him.

"Really? Thank you!"

After hearing this good answer, Kirito smiled very sweetly, looking charming and cute as if he had eaten his favorite thing.

(O~O... my heart hurts like Cupid’s arrow, but this feeling of happiness... deserves to be the spokesperson of the goddess! It's like being close to the goddess!)

"No~ nothing! Then I'll leave first!"

Seeing this beautiful and moving appearance of Kirito, the soldier couldn't hold back his feelings, so he quickly wanted to leave the vixen-like Kirito, or else he didn't know if he would lose his mind and forced him to press him. If you let him satisfy his instinct needs or something on the ground, he will definitely be killed by him...

"Ha~Haha! Goodbye big brother! Remember to send me food when you have time! I will wait!"

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