Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 99: The ‘Ghost Bear’ Clan Coming

Even though Yun made the encrypted version, the "Pighead Overlord" looked at these scrolls in confusion, and doubted the magic scroll that was exactly the same as in Yun's hand.

"It's very simple! Give it to the white wolf and you will know it!"

Seeing the unassuming appearance of these "Pighead Overlord", Yun pointed to the white wolf next to them and reminded them.

(Yeah! Isn't there still a foreigner here? Why did we forget this one!)

The ‘Pighead Overlord’ who just remembered patted his head with his hands, and when he just woke up, he smiled and pushed the scroll aside for the white wolf to observe.

"Eh~ Eh? Show it to me? Okay! Show me...Uh...Are you sure this is exactly the same as the one in Yunsanbairenjiang? How come I look at it as a blank piece of paper! At least in the original version, I can see the small spot in front..."

The named White Wolf watched these three magic scrolls very seriously, and then responded to them with some wonder.

(Effective! Is it really encrypted? Great! Even if it is stolen without a pig head human translation, it is just a wordless book! x2)

Seeing that the white wolf did not lie, the pigheads nodded happily, and after the pighead handed a copy to the pighead general, they gave the original and encrypted copy carefully. Like put it away.

"White Wolf! The'Pighead Overlord' has already dealt with the old man! Isn't it your turn next?"

After getting the information from the "Pighead Overlord" and the future goddess, Hao turned his head and asked the white wolf grinningly.

"That's natural! Please tell me that three hundred people will believe me!"

The White Wolf knew exactly what the cloud meant, but just as they were about to learn about the White Wolf's side, a pighead warrior slapped the door outside in a hurry.


"What's so flustered? Don't you know I'm meeting guests?"

After hearing such an impolite situation, the "Pighead Overlord" on the side scolded the outside.

"Subordinates know! But those guys! Those guys are starting to attack our border guards! Please make sure the Overlord!"

Although the pig-headed fighters outside knew that the "Pig-headed Overlord" was meeting guests, the urgent situation could not tolerate his politeness and neglect!

(So ​​fast? Didn’t it take 2 days before the attack was met? Damn...I'm still ready to let the people work overtime to produce more mass-produced fighters. Now this situation is no way!)

"Okay! I see! General!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Go and gather the available men and horses first! I'll be out soon!"


Hearing this terrible situation, the ‘Pighead Overlord’ couldn’t help but stunned his tongue. After all, the surprise attack this time seemed to be much earlier, making it a little bit beyond its estimated range! Then it decisively asked the ‘General Pighead’ on the side to rectify its troops and horses...

(Is it finally here? The things I speculated before should be inseparable!)

"It seems that the Overlord’s trouble is not small? Is it possible that it is your old enemy "Ghost Bear"?"

Realizing the urgency of 100,000 people, Yun immediately asked him for details.

(So ​​that's the case, Yunsanbai still knew some of our situation before coming here!)

"Ha~Haha! Yes, this time it was indeed an invasion of the ‘Ghost Bear’ clan, and although I had predicted it, I didn’t expect it would be nearly two days in advance, which really caught me off guard..."

Knowing that Yun knew the situation on his side, the'Pighead Overlord' couldn't help but shook his head.

"Do you want me to help? Actually, I brought some people here! But it may be a drop in the bucket..."

Seeing'Pighead Overlord' with a frowning face, Yun made a serious suggestion to it.

"Ha~haha! Yunsan Hundred Generals might be good to say alone, but your villain tribe may not be able to participate in the battle of a behemoth like ours, and the individual combat capabilities of the'Ghost Bear' tribe are different. Normally, the size of the lowest-ranking warrior differs a lot from mine! In addition, in the prediction, their leader seems to be a person whom the goddess loves too!"

"But it's not clear which goddess it will be. After all, the arrival of the Three Hundred Generals of the Cloud and the results of the White Wolf's magic training, it is very likely that we are not necessarily the protectors of a goddess! Only the leader of the other party owns The possibility of magic is already tricky!"

I understand that Yun wants to help himself, but the "Pighead Overlord" thinks that Yun and White Wolf are enough to support, and ordinary people like Silica should not participate.

(Is it also favored by the goddess? It seems that this game is getting more and more troublesome! But after all, it has something to do with the Yui goddess. I have to intervene in this matter to find out how many goddesses participated in this event. A chaotic war! It is a group of irresponsible goddesses who will disturb the peace in this Asian region!)

"I see! This time I will participate in the do you do about White Wolf? After all, your friendship with the pigheads is not so deep, this time you don't need to take risks anymore!"

After confirming that Yun had indicated that he was going to participate in the war, he turned his head to look at the white wolf who was aside and questioned him.

"My life will be given by the Yun300 people! Since the Yun300 people are going to participate, I can't shrink back! And now my body is much better! There is no problem doing some exercise!"

After seeing the cloud about to participate, White Wolf took the initiative to ask for a fight without saying a word. This surprised the "Pighead Overlord" a little bit, but it was relieved to think of the cloud in front of him!

"That's good! Please also Yun Three Hundred Generals and White Wolf come with me!"

After hearing the answer, the ‘Pighead Overlord’ nodded to it, and then walked out of the inner palace with the cloud riding on the white wolf, and came to the square where a large number of pighead soldiers gathered in the village.

"How many troops are available now?"

Although Yun knew the previous approximate value, he still wanted to confirm with "Pighead Overlord" how much it actually was.

"It is estimated that there are about 300,000, but 200,000 of them are quick recruits who have not been born long. Generally speaking, the combat power is still relatively lacking..."

After hearing Yun's question, the "Pighead Overlord" gave Yun a closer look at the actual situation!

(Recruits? If there is the pig head human instinct, it's good to say! It depends on whether this instinct and the growth on the battlefield can greatly improve them!)

"I understand! Then we will gather our forces and rush to the attacked battlefield! How many people came from the other side?"

"300 Asians!"

"So that's it! 300 subhumans are indeed too many...wait...that...can you repeat the report on how many people there were just now?"

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