Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 167: Some small surprises

(As we know! The "Mind Eye" of the bow and arrow system is a special sword skill that generates a certain perspective environment in the brain and the scene is online!)

(And its auxiliary content is to rely on the "clairvoyance" or other tracking skills in the bow and arrow system to accurately reshape the correct environmental scene content!)

"Hmm~hmm! It is true! The use of my two sword skills is accomplished by these two characteristics! Then the answer I want is below?"

Seeing the part that Yun was concerned about, he continued to look at his analysis and conclusions in a fascinating manner, but he did not notice a small figure that was sneaking close to his back. It is possible that the other party was watching. Yun was too serious, so he didn't disturb him, and stood behind him with a smile and watched together...

(Then the next step is simple! If the reconnaissance information obtained at the beginning is wrong, then the composition of the scene will naturally appear to be a certain degree of error! Therefore, we cooperated with Silica, who finally conquered these two sword skills. Jiang, we finally found the deception methods of these two sword skills in actual practice!)

"What? Since it is... Has Silica-chan completed the training of these two sword skills?"

After seeing Silica's name suddenly appeared, and she had indeed practiced the records of "Mind Eye" and "Clairvoyance", Yun had no way to imagine so far! Silica, who was sometimes stupid, actually broke through two sword skills with unusual difficulty coefficients in this bow and arrow system.

(Is my ability so unbearable? I was still questioned by Brother Yun like this! I feel so sad!)

"Why Brother Yun can't believe I will learn the same! Could it be that I am just a mascot in a daze and cuteness in Brother Yun's eyes? I didn't expect Brother Yun to look at me like this! Huh~huh! Really sorry!"

At the same time, Silica behind her was a little bit angry, slapped the lunch box she had brought, and slapped it directly on the wooden table in front of Yun's eyes, then turned her head and became a little angry.

(Silica sauce? How could she be here! Didn't everything I just said...)

"How come? I just couldn't accept the cute and hardworking Silica sauce for a while. The fact that these two sword skills I am most proud of was taken away from me at once. After all, there are these two sword skills. It’s a unique feeling like privilege, and it suddenly made me feel depressed like being hollowed out this minute..."

Realizing that Silica had heard his somewhat rude words just now, he reacted swiftly and turned around and explained, and secretly complimented Silica together, with a sleek appearance that seemed to be slick and horrible.

(Brother Yun! Are you actually complimenting me? This is the first time! So happy!)

"Really? Could it be that I was shocked by Brother Yun, and it also proved that I was not defeated by Brother Yun in the bow and arrow system?"

However, Silica, who was not as happy as she was secretly happy but maintained a serious and guilty attitude, teased Yun with a little confidence.

(Although I don’t know if Silica’s mood improves, it’s better to coax me first?)

"Yeah! I didn't expect Silica sauce to learn in a short time after I left. Of course I have some recognition and admiration for Silica sauce's ability! Is it not good to learn?"

Now Yun was playing tricks again and began to trick Silica. Although he was telling the truth, he seemed to admire Silica.

(Hee~Hee hee! Brother Yun admitted! That pretentious Brother Yun actually admitted that I also have the bow and arrow talents that I can't lose to him! I am so happy this minute! But this kind of child's mood, can't Expose it to Brother Yun, or else he will treat me like a little girl again! It's hard to get him to change his attitude towards me, it won't be in vain!)

"Hmm~hmm! Just admit it! Then I humbly accept it!"

And Silica did not easily persuade herself again, and nodded in agreement with her.

(Compared to this... if Silica is the key to the development of the mimic cloak, then she who participated in this project will naturally understand and explain the shortcomings of these two sword skills to me in more detail! That's it! I can refer to this note plus Silica’s information to provide a clearer picture of the problem!)

"Silica sauce! Since the mimicry cloak that surprised me during this training of Keita and Tetsuo, it was because of your participation that the problem was confirmed and the corresponding method was completed. Can you give me a systematic explanation? What? After all, I may not be able to see it more clearly just by looking at the notes!"

Seeing Silica who was a participant in front of him, Yun smiled and raised the note and asked her shamelessly.

(Oh~oooo! I was thinking just now! Will Brother Yun ask me about the contents of this note, but I didn’t expect it to come! But I won’t be in vain, Brother Yun! Or I will be the one who loses. That’s a shameful behavior for the empty glove white wolf! By the way! It’s better to take advantage of it now or like girl type information!)

(Wait! Why do I have to ask what kind of girl Yun likes! Brother Yun clearly...has already belonged to his own wife! What am I thinking about!!!)


And although Silica on the outside looks a little, but in her heart she has already paid something to make Yun, and then she exposed a little bit of admiration. In the end, she was a group of panic in her heart, not knowing how to choose the conditions to get better...

(O~O! Look at this look... Is there anything wrong with it? No~ No! Although it looks a bit annoying, I can't feel the point of unwillingness or inability to say it!)

(Or if I didn’t give any conditions or rewards to exchange information, is she hesitating to lose money? Ha~ Ha! It seems that Silica-chan and Argo’s sister have stayed too much, and all of them have changed. Don’t want to suffer!)

"How about this? What conditions, requirements, or things do you want me to use as tuition fees? As long as some circumstances are not violated! If I can do it, I can still discuss and consider!"

Seeing Silica's hesitation, Yun smiled and directly proposed these things to her, hoping that she could accept them, and finally answering a little bit of specific questions that he didn't know was the real main purpose!

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