Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 168: Asuna and Kirito

Familiar long orange hair that flutters in the wind, her big eyes with beautiful gemstones that reveal a trace of seriousness, she can see that she is full of words and wants to tell her, this same familiar, black woman, plus That waist can't make him forget the evil rapier that came from the hand of Yun, but he hasn't been willing to change it.

How could Kirito not recognize who it is? It was the first wife in his life who was obsessed with him, and the mother of two children, but Kirito did not reveal his inner excitement and guilt, but still remained as his nickname "Black-haired God of War" The name is the same, maintaining the expressionless appearance of an iceberg beauty, and stopped his footsteps.

(Tongren-chan...Sure enough, she has become more feminine! She is already a girl in her behavior! That glamorous and beautiful coldness! Is it still the same as before? No~No! He has a lot of the Kirito sauce from before! But he has an instinct that may be driven by magic!)

(But... the pink-haired girl next to her looks like Yui Yui! It seems to interfere with Kirito-chan's choice, that is Yui's beloved Yui goddess)

(But... who is the girl with long silver hair that is full of mature charm on the side, and who are the five girls carved out of a mold like Kirito-chan? It looks a little intimate, which makes me a little unpredictable...)

"Kirito-chan! It's been a long time! We haven't been like this for a long time? Have you... been doing well?"

Although there were countless questions in her heart, Asuna couldn't help but ask her thoughts about the person in front of her, asking what she had always wanted to ask.

(Is it a simple hush to ask Nuan? I thought Asuna would first ask Jinai and Yinxue around me!)

"Um~hmm! Although I was a little bit painful, uneasy or even anxious at first, I am fine now! How about you? Asuna! Are you, Yui, and Komakiyuki and Shirayuki who are surrounded by Kazuki having a good time ?"

Even if these two little guys, one black and one white, have grown up to look like a 12-year-old girl in the past few days, they are like their own appearance with long snow-white hair, which is as beautiful as obsidian and gradual black. How could Kirito not recognize the peculiar characteristics of his own daughter who knows best about it!

(It's really too long! I didn't expect to grow so tall in such a short time! It even makes me a little regretful that I missed the growth of both of them...)

But that slim, even shy and elegant, and a bit of a strong aura, are all big beauties who have inherited the characteristics of himself and Asuna, letting Kirito know that he is like the girls of the medical team, as he said at the time of birth. The same.

He missed the most important childhood stage of the two daughters. Now they look like they have grown up like this. Kirito can't help but sigh in her heart.

(She... is calling our names, plus the photos that Yui sister and Asuna's mother showed us. There is nothing wrong with her! She just abandoned our mother and daughter 4 people and stayed on the second floor'Urba Si' Kirito's mother fooling around! x2)


Seeing Kirito who stared at him all at once, Shenxue and Shirayuki were a little excited, but there were some hateful things that kept staring at this like a bearer, Kirito was silent.

(Sure enough... Kirito-chan didn't forget us, even the children recognized us at a glance!)

"No... Our mothers and daughters are not good at all! Because of you... Since the last time I gave birth to my daughters, you have never visited us! Nor have you come to accompany Shenxue and Baixue! They are lacking I grew up with your love! Do you know how heartbreaking this is? Kirito-chan..."

Having said that, tears were already in the corner of Asuna's eyes, and then she screamed desperately to her with a little sobbing. It seemed that she didn't care about the issue of losing face, but as a wife and mother. , It's just a cry to Kirito...

(I know pain... but I don't know what kind of pain it will be, I also have my own difficulties...)

"Ah~ah! I don't know...but I really owe you and the children!"

Kirito shook his head, just as he said, he didn't understand what kind of mood and environment Asuna and Shinyuki and Shirayuki were living in, and what kind of mood are they now embarking on this time? The opportunity of the journey, came to touch myself specially and vented in front of so many people.

" just go back to me and the children first? Kirito-chan!"

Seeing the appearance of Kirito knowing that she owed herself and the children, she knew that the current Kirito was still the same Kirito in the past, so she stretched out her hand to beg her as if struggling while the iron was hot.

(Mother Asuna and Mother Kirito! x3)

Seeing Asuna's appearance, the Yui goddess turned their eyes full of expectation to Kirito's direction. They hoped that he could agree and come back to them, so that they can be reunited as a family! Then it becomes a happy little family again!

(But... Asuna-chan! The situation is different for us! My promise is longer than you alone! I also have my wife and children in need! I can't leave them yet! Even if I owe you and the children to me Don't leave Be careful and love them for a half step!)

"Asuna sauce...I can't come back! Because as you can see this is the beloved goddess of my righteous and she is my current wife Yinxue, and these me and Yinxue My children! I’m sorry! I can’t respond to your request! Can you forgive such a scumbag, and then forget such a carefree and irresponsible me?"

Kirito's expression became a little heavier, then he shook his head, and even walked behind the beloved goddess and Yinxue, hugged them together in a hug, and then used this pair of family reunion as intimacy. Scenes.

Showdown with Asuna and told her, ‘let me go! I’m just a half-hearted scumbag, full of shock and explosive power.

For a while, Asuna, Yui goddess, and even Fukayuki and Shirayuki, their heads went blank all of a sudden. They understood what Kirito meant to do!

(It's a lie! Kirito sauce! You alone cannot betray my feelings! Because you are the only person I love in my life!)


(Although I can't promise you anything! But this love that belongs to you is my true heart!)

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