Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 181: Some familiar beast girls

In the cloud that slightly recalled the situation at that time, he scratched his head in surprise, thinking that his memory was indeed correct, and he became suspicious as if these roads or the environment were changing.

   "Forget it! Try the territorial teleportation mentioned earlier! First try if you can find your way! There is still no way!"

  , the helpless Yun had to call up his own menu, click to use the mentioned teleport function, but an unexpected situation happened again!


"I am sorry! You are already within about 10 kilometers in diameter in this area, which is not the most basic condition for long-distance teleportation! Please also arrive at the place yourself! by: Yui goddess! 》

   But the system prompted an error, and then a text warning popped up in his vision plus the language prompt of the goddess Yui, making him a little more speechless in an instant...

   "wtf! What should I do then? Even this place on the map is once again in a foggy state, how do you want me to return to the territory of the ‘Natta’!"

   And seeing such a situation, the cloud has a tendency to be slightly petrified.


   (Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Is there anything else lurking around? I did not expect that I would be so careless to let the other party take advantage of it!)

   Just when the cloud was in a state of loss and a headache, there was a small commotion in the surrounding grass, and the cloud that had reacted immediately disappeared in place with a'Shadless Step'.

   (Ah~嘞? Σ(っ°Д°)っHow come that human being disappeared all of a sudden! He was still there just now!)

And just the next second after the cloud suddenly disappeared, the pair of people lurking in the grass stayed in place as if they were slightly shocked, as if they were still looking for the inside, trying to find the cloud and ran there, making the grass sway. .

   (Is this... really the enemy? How do you feel a bit stupid? Doesn't it make sense to have already started to shift your position? Why are you still there to attract my attention? Or... Is there a fraud?)

   Yun, who has changed into a bow and arrow suit, once again used the most tried ‘Clairvoyance’ and ‘Mind Eye’ to explore the position of the grass, but it turned out to be a bit difficult.

   (Nothing? Could it be... I painted a camouflage mimicry on my body with the juice of the masking orchid? This tribal hunting method! Could it be a hunter hunting around?)

   (What should I do? It may be the ‘Natata’ or other races...or else? Hide it first to see the situation?)

When he could not sense the existence of the other party, Yun remembered the information that Silica and Keita had compiled together before, and it seemed that as soon as he came up, he touched the things that have defeated his reconnaissance ability. Some dare not act rashly!

"It's weird! That human went there! He was still going to catch him secretly as a war prize to find his mother and father to show off! After all, this place is rarely encountered~ Well! It's just that there was one last time. Very similar humans have come to us... oo~ oo... I don’t remember it! Maybe it’s just that human being!"

And when the cloud weighed on the left and right, a very beautiful phantom stood up from the grass. The slim figure, the familiar small triangular ears, and the big furry tail that seemed to be acquainted with each other, it seemed to be ' The beast mother of the Natata family is right.

(If this is the case, it would be better for me to automatically appear and say hello! After all, it is the ally’s "Natta" beastmaid, but this figure always feels as if I have seen it there, well~ well... the beautiful beastmaid at the time was still very beautiful. It’s seldom accessible, maybe it’s a certain glamorous beast lady who once glanced at it from a distance, right?)


   "Hello! The beast girl of'Nattata'! I was!!!"


   And just when Yun took the initiative to show up to say hello to the opponent, he suddenly kicked him, causing him to subconsciously retreat backwards, and Yun could feel the strong hostility from this beast girl!

   (What's the matter? Why did you attack me suddenly? Could it be... I scared her?)

   "That I am..."

But when Yun was about to apologize to her after moving away from her, the beautiful beast girl suddenly grabbed two axes from her waist, and a dash and a dash of'charge' came into his arms. In the middle of the game, he even swung a double axe homeopathically and began to blast towards Yun Lengyan with a halo of scarlet sword skills!


   (So fast, and the power seems to be very powerful! She is a good natural warrior! Cut to death everywhere! Didn't this beast girl just say to catch me alive? So this minute is starting to kill again?)

Although Yun didn't have any thoughts of fighting, this beast girl didn't care what he thought. Like a murderous berserker, her sharp eyes suddenly flashed scarlet and fierce. , Did not use sword skills at first.


  ‘Hu~hu, 咣~咣~咣’

Just relying on his own fighting instincts, after a soft wielded the axe and slashed at him without interruption. Although Yun has been dodging around sweating profusely, but the other party He continued to accelerate his body speed as if he was not convinced, and kept pushing back the cloud that didn't know whether to fight or not.

  ‘Brush~brush~brush, click~嚓,哐~啷啷’

   "Stop this princess! Don't run if you have the ability! Haha~ahah!!!"

Every time   yun dodges the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, they are affected and turned into shattered pieces, making him feel that this beast mother's attack is like a meat grinder, and wherever it goes, it is ruthlessly destroyed by it!

(Can’t go on like this! Now this lovely beast girl has completely lost her mind, she seems to swear she will never give up unless I chop me down! What should I do? Is it true that she must be subdued by her hands? )

   "There is no way! Take her weapon first, let her calm down and talk about it! will really be hacked to death by a messy axe!"

   After Yun really couldn't stand the opponent's rude attack, he suddenly embodied the changeable weapon from his inventory, turning it into two gray one-handed swords, and then greeted him autonomously!

  ’Ding ding~dangdang, bang~哐, 嘡嘡~Da’

   After Yun's autonomous attack began, the two suddenly changed their offensive methods in this forest. In this way, they subconsciously fought back and forth about hundreds of attacks and defenses.

  ‘叽~叽~叽, patter~patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

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