Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 184: Untie the knot and reunite with 1 family

"I used my wife and daughter as a tool to win this battle, and although I treated Yinxue and the others the same way I treated you, in the eyes of Yinxue and the others, I just mirrored them in Asuna and you. "

"Although what I get is the same love for my wife and daughter, but in the eyes of them who are extremely sensible and clear about my purpose, I am just a scumbag who treats them as substitutes! How about? For such inhumane me? Can you still say that you like and want me to be with you forever?"

Kirito’s tears flowed down like a "wow~wow", and the appearance of knowing that he had made a mistake a long time ago made everyone who saw it feel uncomfortable. This is from his own self-report, or it may be himself. I always thought that I had given Yinxue and the others happiness, but in fact it was nothing more than a hypocritical pity.

He is now a hypocrite and a scumbag. He is not as wise and martial as in the original town and the army...or belongs to a decent character, but a self-centered person who is like living in his own dream. The despicable...


"It's okay... All of this can be undone! Mother Kirito! I don't think that Yinxue's mother and Xiaochu's sister are just being pityed by you. Baixue can see that although her mother is saying that she is shameless and that they are As a substitute, in fact, my mother has long known in her heart that you really love them!"

"Yeah! If it is such a deformed love! Yinxue mothers will not show the face of sadness and worry about the person they love most, they want to share the burden and grief on your shoulders for your mother! It is impossible that you still want to escape Same, don’t you dare to face the true feelings of Yinxue’s mother? It’s just that my mother is a little bit arrogant and feels too guilty!"

Yui goddess and Shirayuki gently embraced this overly inferior beauty, and then used very sweet voices and words to try to make Kirito understand that he loves all his family members, and the families on both sides love him. It's not simply repaying gratitude, nor is it controlled by the power of original sin, it's simply being obsessed with Kirito like an open heart.

"His Royal Highness Kirito is really stupid sometimes! I always want to carry all the burdens on my thin shoulders, and don't want us wives and daughters to share and hurt you, but it often makes some misunderstandings deeper and deeper. , And if you don’t want to hurt, you must hurt. This is where His Highness Kirito is still emotionally immature!"

And Yinxue also stroked Kirito's little head with tears, explaining his indecisive character in a very tolerant manner.

"Mom! No one of us blames you! Please don't blame yourself!"

"Hmm~Hmm! Actually, we are really happy! We are contented with mother! x4"

Even Xiaochu and the others also wanted to untie Kirito's complicated heart knot, after all, they didn't want Kirito to suffer so much for the family of both parties.

"But I...I..."

‘Papa~Papa! ’

And just when Kirito wanted to argue something, a loud slap suddenly slapped Kirito's face, making him a little shocked.

"Mom! Don't be defeated by yourself! Be careful that love did not make you cut off like this! Even for the promise of careful love! I don't want to see the painful appearance of my mother now! Although I am very unwilling! I don't want to be with Yui. Sister carves up your love, but it is you and all of our family that are saddened by your mother! Isn't it?"

Can't help it! The beloved goddess really can’t stand the appearance of Kirito torturing herself, because there are too many promises and agreements, but Kirito in the middle always does not know how to honor it, and the atmosphere is too heavy, so The beloved goddess first abandons the jealousy, and wants to wake up Kirito who is still like a child.

The falling tears proved that the beloved goddess was heartbroken and cared for him, so that Kirito and others couldn't help but look up at the goddess.

(Sure enough, even the beloved one who wants to have a child the most has grown up? Obviously she was the first goddess to become a woman, but like the latest one, I don’t know how to evaluate her!)

"Yeah! Just as my beloved said! It's time to get out of that unnecessary haze! We are all the wives and daughters of Kirito's mother, and there is no order from the beginning. Is it possible that my mother is still not satisfied?"

Seeing that the beloved goddess can focus on the overall situation, the goddess Yui, who is also a goddess, also took the initiative to stand up and unite with her. Now is not the time for them to compete, but to help Kirito solve all these unpleasant priorities.

(Ah~Ah... So... Am I the happiest person? Beautiful and gentle wives, obedient and well-behaved at the same time thinking of me, and children who are struggling for a complete family... Even if you want to live in a different place in the future , There is no need to break this rare bond! Isn’t it?)

(Why am I so stupid? The one on the left is good for Asuna and the others, and the one on the right is for the sake of Ginxuki and the others. They did these things that were unnecessary by themselves, which not only hurt the hearts of my family, but also my own! Kiriya And people... When will you become like a child to choose one of them!)

Kirito gradually figured out his face and smiled slightly.

"Yeah... I'm really stupid! I thought I could resolve these family disputes with ease, but in the end I didn't do anything well and caused so much pain for everyone to bear! It really shouldn't be!"

"His Majesty Kirito! xN"

"Then I'll be headstrong! No matter who it is my wife and daughter! I want it all! No one can do what about me! Aha~hahaha! Only children will make a choice!"

And Kirito suddenly hugged these wives and confided in his heart and and laughed very sweetly.

(Mom! Mom smiles like that to Xiao Ai! You are happy to be loving!)

The first time I saw Kirito smile to herself like Asuna and the others, the beloved goddess also burst into tears again, not only her! Just connecting the goddess of clothing and Yinxue, they are exactly the same, and the whole family cried and vented loudly with each other in their arms.

"Ha~Haha! Sure enough, the best thing for a family to get along with each other~ Well! Are you right! Hexiang?"

"Yeah! The family is not happy together... Then when can we be truly happy! Just like everyone said, it is a very difficult scene of happiness! Lord Klein!"

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