Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 185: The cloud that changed his mind

"Then we have to work hard! If we can win! We can propose to the beautiful and powerful princess Lisa!"

"You males! You know the princess! You don’t know our beauty and strength at all! In this case~ of course we won to show our love to the mighty and handsome Yun-sama! That kind of powerful male charm is simply that you can’t compare Oh! Huh~huh!"

But before Yun's refutation, the surrounding'Nattata' warriors and beast ladies started to pinch each other and talked, and it seemed that there was no need to listen to Yun's opinions and original intentions.

(Forget it...I'll listen to Sister Aisha obediently! After all, she laughed so happy and beautifully, and I was too embarrassed to put out the kindness and interest of her and other'Natata' people, but the'test' Is there such an interesting trial place, we are not in a hurry!)

(It can take just a week to strengthen the strength of Silica and I! And for this kind of "Natta" clan, there are not only behemoth male fighters, but also the same size as humans, but they are not lost to males. The beast ladies of the warriors are all honed to Silica and their great combat experience, and the best catalyst for progress!)

"I know! But can you help me pick up all my companions! I will send them a message!"

In a sense, some Yun, who was compromised by the people he loved, proposed to his righteous sister Aisha.

"No problem! It seems that my brother Yun also wants his companions to participate in our celebration and the ‘big contest’! Of course we’re welcome! Come~ come! You two beast ladies! Come here!"

"Yes~Yes! Aisha-sama!"

After seeing Yun agreeing, Asia put him back on the ground and beckoned to the two strong beast girls.

(It seems that Sister Aisha understands very well! After all, if the male of'Natata' is allowed to go, I don't know if Silica and the others will be scared to death! In turn, let the beast mother who fits the most human image go, then Will get closer!)

"Come on! Come on! Beast ladies! Please bring this scroll and go to this place to meet them! I just sent them a message!"

"Yes~Yes! Lord Yun! x2"

After the two beast girls took the scroll, they turned around and greeted Silica and the others according to the map coordinates shared by the cloud...

"Ah~Ah! Mom! Why are you here! That~ that! It's this human! He seems to know me! What should Lisa do! After all, although there is a sense of familiarity, I still don't remember such a person. There are acquaintances!"

It was possible that he heard the voice of his biological mother Aisha during his deep thoughts, and this little fool came back to his senses and asked Aisha on the side.

(This silly girl is starting to forget again! It's so big! The melon seeds still don't work well... I'm worried about her future! Eh~ Eh! It's just going to be a'big contest' and Yundi and his companions You have to participate, or choose a good son-in-law to take care of this silly girl, of course I want Brother Yun to take care of it the most! But the competition is impermanent and I have to pray!)

"Stupid girl! This is your Uncle Yun! How quickly you forget him! You crawled to his heart to sleep before! You forgot that people played so happy with you!"

And the thoughtful Aisha looked at the silly daughter and Yun in front of her, and suddenly smirked Lisa's head with a knife to remind her.

(It hurts~ hurts~ hurts... Uncle Yun? Oh~ oh! It's the human without hair! Would you like to check?)

"In that case! Uncle Yun! Untie your coat! Lisa wants to make sure you are genuine!"

But this little guy not only escaped Aisha's hand knife after being knocked a few times, but also came to the front of Yun with a stride, and without hesitation tore off Yun's coat, making the person involved Yun a little stunned in the eyes of everyone. Below, it reveals the strong muscles that have grown and become stronger again without losing the beauty.

‘Puff~Puff, hiss, hiss, hiss’

"Ah~Ah! Great body and muscles! It's totally another male beauty! I can't stand it anymore! xN"

And many beast girls around were instantly fascinated by their ideal figure, and they all had cute little peach-hearted eyes, which in a sense caused them to fall into a state of being unable to extricate themselves from xx!

(Wow~Ah! What a great muscle! Woo~Why...Why would I marry someone in advance~ Well! The current brother Yun is completely appetite for me! She is definitely better than her dad in this side of the child. ah~ oh~why...why did I marry someone in advance~ well! The current brother Yun is totally appetizing for me! Compared to the kid, her dad is definitely better on this one side. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Damn it! No matter what! I'm going to put the silly girl in the hands of Brother Yun! To make up for what I didn't get! Forcibly become a real family!)

"Hey~Hey! Silly girl! What are you doing rudely again! You..."


After seeing the cloud that fascinated her so much, Aisha even more regretted that she had married early, otherwise she was still single! He will definitely occupy such a good man! After regaining her senses, she secretly made up her grabbing her only baby girl Lisa who can let the cloud into the eyes of the law, and began to preach to her.

(Well~Well... I am a man showing a muscle or something, but I won’t lose anything, and there is no need to teach this little guy so seriously? But I also know the aesthetics of this'Natata' tribe ! If it wasn't for Sister Aisha to marry! I want to be confident again to take the first place in this'big competition' to woo her!)

(What a pity! Forget it! Just use it as a training technique and strength, and see if you can exchange some information and prizes that you don’t have after you win! After all, another cute beast girl is already in my bag, and it can be considered from the'acceptance' in advance. Let’s treat the Tata'clan contest' as a prepaid prize!)

And Yun looked at the big beauty Aisha who had belonged in front of him, and even sighed. After all, the beast girl like Aisha was the best match for him.

If you insist on saying that what Yun still wants, it is probably Lisa of this little niece! But after all, it can be said that it is a relative relationship, so he cut off the idea of ​​marrying his little niece and focused on becoming stronger and collecting intelligence!

"Okay~ Okay! Let's go back and talk about it! Let's go, everyone and Brother Yun! Let's go home first and talk about it! That's all for hunting today!"

"Yes~Yes! Master Aisha! It's finished~ It's finished! xN"

After playing around like this for a while, Aisha clapped her hands and gathered the surrounding clansmen and beast ladies seriously...

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