Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 186: This war was not as simple as imagined

And Klein and Hexiang, who were like outsiders, were also fortunate for the reconciliation of the family.

"In that case! This time our family will work together to win this war! Formally unify the entire second-tier'Urbas', and destroy this ** and the slanderous'Barrio' country! Put down this time! Disturbance on the second floor!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh oh! xN"

And hearing Kirito's declaration like this, all the staff responded to him with enthusiastic shouts, and even aroused joyful laughter...

"But before this~ Well! The cooking class! Get ready to cook some good dishes! We have to celebrate the reunion! Then tomorrow will officially start the siege meeting to conquer this town!"

"Yes~Yes! Your Highness Kirito! xN"

After receiving Kirito's order, the cooking staff who was called began to roll up their sleeves, intending to show off their skills at today's dinner...


"What the **** is going to pull me here personally! Isn't it possible that **** came to my fortress-level town with a large army and wanted to mess around? What's the matter? It's worth the fuss! As long as we let them die, will everything be fine?"

And just before Kirito and Shirayuki began to fight, the lord of the town who was driven by his watchtower scouts to move his mansion to the city wall under the wall was a little disdainful for an emergency reason. After a visit, he walked slowly over the city wall like nagging.

That huge and burly body, coupled with a heavy but hard armor suit, had always been so proud and arrogant because of this extremely strong town, he did not understand what these scouts were panicking.

"Master Moss! Please look! It's about a thousand meters or tens of thousands of meters away from us, where a lot of dazzling colored light appeared!"

"After all, no one has ever seen such a situation. Please let the adults tell us what is going on! So as to calm the uneasy emotions of the soldiers! Naturally, it is because the sergeants who have come from the run say that the other party will be demonized! That's why everyone will do it. So panic!"

After seeing the arrival of the lord called Moss, the soldiers here were all scared, pointing to a place that was still emitting colorful light, let it watch it and even they even gave it to He, a pair of simple binoculars as a watching tool.

(Ha~ha? It’s just such a weird colored light that scares you into this silly look! So why don’t you fear the same colorful rainbow? Unseen civilians are civilians! Let me be an aristocratic lord Let me show you what's going on!)

"Huh~huh! Let me see ha~ha! See you all making a fuss! What can I have!"

And some of this lord, who looked very contemptuous, carefully observed it with a telescope!

(Ah - ah! In addition to the colorful light ...... as if there is nothing ...... ah ~ ah ???)

"That is!!! Can this telescope still enlarge the viewing distance?"

But after he was still looking at the vision information provided to him by the telescope, he seemed to be a little surprised to find something, and then because he couldn't see it clearly, he took this simple telescope and asked the soldiers here.

"No... this is the maximum limit of this extremely flexible telescope, but if you use the guard telescope on the watchtower above! Maybe... hey~ yo~ hey..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier! It's a long time! I don't know if important information might be delayed by you cowards!"

And before the soldier finished speaking, he was slapped to the ground by the other Lord Moss, and then he rushed to the tall watchtower on the side like an annoyance, stunned all the soldiers around him. Forced!

(That’s weird? Didn’t Lord Moss look at ease just now? Has he become so aggressive this minute? xN)

"What's the situation?"

"I do not know……"

Seeing this Lord Moss disregarding the care of his armor, climbing along the straightest route crazily to the side of the lookout, so that all soldiers who know his nature have no way to understand why he suddenly became so active. He looked like he even scratched his head and shook his head.

(That light and those dangling black shadows! It is very possible to prove that there is a rumored army of **** hoarding there, and such an arrogant way of expression, she is not afraid of revealing her coordinate position at all, she is plotting What's more, the light and dark shadows that make people even more concerned! I always feel that something is wrong!)

(No~No! It's because of some terrible inference that I suddenly produced, plus the rumors that the soldiers have just been circulating that are suspected to be exaggerated. It is more likely that they are not all false, and it may be... )

"Anyway! After going up to the watchtower, using the warning binoculars there, you can understand what is the reason for the shake in my heart now? I always feel a little bad ~ Even things are about to happen! It’s clear that my town is so strong, but... this anxiety is indeed lingering!"

And this Lord Moss was already sweating profusely along the way. His confidence and a thought and question when he saw this light again caused him to lose the unhurriedness he should have. ... and all the verification methods that can prove or dispel his anxiety is the guard telescope at the top.


"Eh~ Eh? Lord Moss! Why are you...oh..."

"Get off! Don't be my way!"

After suddenly seeing Lord Moss appearing unstoppable, the soldiers here were about to greet him and were mercilessly pushed away, and then directly used the guard binoculars placed in the gap to look carefully at the place that was still glowing. , The soldiers who had been misled so carefully shook their heads like they didn't understand.

(This~this...this is! Impossible! How human beings! They can actually fight each other in the sky with unknown power like the sky and the earth! And...and they are still women! Is it possible~ Isn't it possible! Is this the demon girl who has been rumored?)

"Unbelievable...but I saw it with my own eyes! This time the battle is not as simple as the king and the careerist Aldo thought! I have to hurry! Hurry up and report to the king with information!"

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