Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 188: Disdain Bais

"We all thought too simple! This is not a big event that can be solved with too much force! It is not a rebellious situation that we can easily solve in a state of pinching each other! It is even more terrifying or even unbelievable!"

After seeing the real information returned by the telescope, Lord Moss, who realized that they were all wrong, turned around and pushed the soldiers away again, and ran under the watchtower like mad. .


(Damn this equipment is too heavy! It affects my speed!)

"Get in the way! Throw it all away!"

At the same time, lord Moss was aware of the tens of thousands of hurricanes, and when he got down the stone ladder, he desperately unarmed his body. Almost when he reached the bottom of the watchtower, he was already close to his whole body showing his strong muscles. So many soldiers who saw this desperate appearance were shocked and dumbfounded.

(No? Is this the same Lord Moss who used battle armor to strengthen his battle durability? I feel that the whole person has changed after seeing the brilliance over there! What's the strange thing that shocked him? It looks like this...xN)

And Lord Moss is indeed like a man like the wind, under the eyelids of many people. Running quickly down the city wall, he didn’t care about the surprise color of the people around him, and galloping in the streets and lanes, he rushed to his mansion desperately just to spread this incredible news to all the friends and the king. ...

"Papa~Papa, pa~Da~Da"

"How is it! Are all the troops arranged? Xiaochu, Klein?"

"All arrangements have been made, and there are also shift secret guards around and shift patrols in the bright area! Please mother not to worry!"

"Although I am a little ashamed...but Xiaochu is indeed better than me in this aspect, almost all of them are handled by her personally, but I also learned a lot of things next to me!"

It was night, a lot of braziers were lit near the tent, and Kirito, who was in a tent, asked how Klein and Xiaochu were, but Klein, who was a little ashamed, praised Xiaochu, and also told Tong People said that they are also working hard to grow up.

(It seems that Klein still has a lot to learn! Sure enough, he hasn't commanded soldiers in a real sense during this period, but it's okay this time he should be able to learn a lot on the battlefield!)

"It's okay! Everything is difficult at the beginning! When I trained Xiaochu before, it was not like this! I was not satisfied with her first battle. I directly gave her about two army troops and asked her to complete the task for me. Once it was demanded to win more with less, and then grind it out a little bit! So Klein doesn't need to be too anxious, or else the more anxious and the more the problem will arise!"

Kirito shook his head. He was very aware of the difficulty of commanding soldiers and horses at the beginning. He also spent a long time around He Yun and the training of those few battles before he could gradually fight on his own!

(Really or not! Isn't even such a powerful Xiaochu okay at the beginning?)

"Isn't it~ Oh! Xiaochu, did you have such loopholes in the beginning?"

I heard Kirito say this! Even Klein was a little surprised, after all, he still knew that Xiaochu was Kirito's biological daughter! Unexpectedly, Kirito's Spartan training method would not even let his daughter go.

"Ha~ Ha ha... Just get used to it... Indeed, a few times I almost thought that I was dead... After all, my mother's request was sometimes too much! At the worst, I had to take a veteran with me A corps! Go to challenge an army of about 500 people! That battle was really terrible..."

Hearing Klein's question, Xiao Chu had already hidden his face and wanted to cry as if he was thinking of some unbearable memory.

"Still complaining like this! Although you still lost a few people, you haven't wiped out the opponent's 500-man army. Isn't this the result of the force?"

Seeing Xiaochu looking mad, Kirito smiled and patted her on the back to encourage him.

(Fortunately, I didn't follow Kirito-chan during this period. Otherwise, although I am stronger, I am afraid I will only have half my life left!)

Seeing Kirito's indifferent appearance made Klein on the side sweat for Xiaochu and himself.

"Have you all finished your official duties? Asuna and Shen Xue have recovered a lot, everyone gathered in another big tent, gathered in front of the big wooden table and waited for you to have a banquet over there!"

And while Kirito and the others were still chatting, Shirayuki with a smile came to find them to eat!

"No problem! Let's go!"

"Understood! x3"

After learning that his little cuties had recovered, Kirito gave Shirayuki a drink and asked Shirayuki to rush to the banquet tent with the three of them...


(Why do you want your lord to personally chat with me? Moss? My side is very concerned about the battle there!)

With a faint noise, Moss returned to the mansion room panting and hurriedly dialed the private chat of King Bais.

(Your Majesty Bais! The other party! That is, that **** is not as simple as imagined I want to say that the strength and ability of the other party far exceeds that of the army we hold. There are now many infighting and then reducing each other's strength It's time, if we don't work together to fight together! It is very likely that they will not have a trace of suspense about destroying the country!)

When he heard that the opponent was Bais himself, the Lord Moss calmly responded to him.

(What? Is this Moss brain flooded? Why is the opponent's strength not so simple, and even if we add our full strength, it may be a little weak? What kind of messy things are these!)

The reception of Moss sounded inexplicable, but in essence it was a very crucial word, which made the King Bais frown a little, and even wondered if Lord Moss was stimulated by something. It made him feel like a neurotic now.

(Don't give me any such nonsense, are you frightened by some smoky rumors again, telling you that those things are all lies made up by deserters who are talking nonsense, adding fuel and vinegar, and the intention is to shirk your timid responsibility! )

(Deliberately connect the other party with the things that the gods talk about, let us scare ourselves! Don't think too much! Give me a good defense! Nothing else, I will hang up!)

It's a pity because this King Bais doesn't believe at all, what monsters and ghosts are too superstitious...

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