Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 189: Stupid, cute and naughty bear kid


(But if that's the case? How did the sisters distinguish their direction and return to their place of residence?)

"Sister Aisha! Let me take the liberty to ask! How did you find your way home without being disturbed by this technology?"

When Qi mumbled for a while and was puzzled, Yun asked Aisha again.

(Ah~Ah! That! I thought Brother Yun was going to act like a baby to my sister... It turned out to be this side... My sister was so disappointed...)

"Actually nothing! It's such a small widget that keeps us from being confused by its effects!"

After hearing Yun who had not talked for a long time and suddenly talked with herself, Aisha was slightly depressed and took out a small leather bag from her waist and handed it in front of Yun.

"Eh~ Eh! Can I open it and have a look?"

"Ah~ah! Not yet! After all, if this thing is opened this minute, it will temporarily lose its function! That way we can't go back! And this time we only have a few people in important positions, so we wear such a thing. , Once you lose my one! It is very likely that most of the people of the tribe will lose the ability to judge when going back!"

"That's it! Then wait until you go back and then slowly open it and study it!"

After hearing such a magical little belt again, I was about to open the cloud, and therefore did not notice Aisha’s faint sense of loss, but focused too much on the gadget in her hand, and then sighed slightly as if she was disappointed. The little thing was put back into Aisha's hands. After all, this kind of thing is not a joke...

(Sure enough, Brother Yun is still sane, otherwise some of us will get lost in this place like Brother Yun before!)

"That's good! Let's speed up!"

"Understood! xN"

After getting the little things back, Aisha clapped her hands again to the people behind her, and then quickly marched towards her place of residence...

"Da~Da~Da, Hu~Hu"

(It looks right! What a magical new technology!)

"This is! I didn't expect to be back so soon!"

As a gust of wind blew, the familiar route of the cloud appeared before his eyes as if the cloud was seeing the sun. It was exactly the same as what Aisha said, and it was not bad in his own memory. It seems that this is enough to prove that Aisha and her The new technology that confuses people's perception mentioned above has an extraordinary effect on concealing and confuse the enemy.

"Yes! The area near the innermost part of the residence is not affected! How amazing! This is our latest technology!"

Seeing Yun's somewhat over-excited gaze, Asia showed off her self-confidence as if she had developed it herself.

"Yes! It's really good! I'm more and more looking forward to these researchers to visit and explain this new technology to me!"

Yun also nodded to her as if she yelled, and didn't care about the specific details of what Aisha did!

(I always feel that since I met this Uncle Yun, my mother stopped talking about Lisa! Is it possible that Lisa is not as close and important as Uncle Yun? Obviously Lisa is my mother’s own flesh and blood! How can I treat me like this? Put it aside and the two of them talked and laughed, ignoring my existence... I feel so angry!)


Seeing the intimate appearance of Aisha and Yun, Lisa, who was slightly angry, ran to Yun’s side like an annoyance, and stepped on his toes against him, making the latter a little confused. stand up.

(What are you going to do again? x2)

"Lisa! What are you silly girl doing! Why step on your Uncle Yun! Does Yun hurt?"

"It's okay! Little Lisa doesn't hurt me if you step on it!"

"But~but! Mom never took care of them when Uncle Yun came here! I've always been in love~love with Uncle Yun..."

And seeing her stupid daughter running over to step on Ren Jia Yun's foot, she still gritted her teeth in hatred, making Aisha hold Yun's arm a little worried and care about her.

(Even more...oooooooo! I'm so angry!!!)

After seeing that not only did the siblings get closer, they didn't separate them, but Lisa stomped straight on the spot...

(This silly girl is always doing things for children! It's really not worrying when she grows up so big!)

"How come! And mother and Uncle Yun are sisters and brothers! Love~love or something! It's still normal~ Well! You little vinegar jar! You know all these useless knowledge! Be careful mother beats you! "


It is possible that Yun suddenly appeared at this minute, which made Lisa feel that Aisha, who was turning around her, among Yun and her options, Yun would be preferred to Aisha, and she cried again. It shrank again and rolled around.

(It's over~It's over...The worst has begun! It's going to be a loss...xN)


"Please, my Royal Highness Princess Lisa... Don't be like this... Ears~ Ears are going to be useless..."

"His Royal Highness Aisha, Master Yun...Save us...xN"

Okay, now Lisa's bear child attribute is fully The noisy and even unreasonable harsh sound made the heads of all the people around him blow up!

(It seems that everyone is afraid of this little villain! By the way! I still have the previous pastry! Since it is a bear kid! So it should be the most useful!)

"Lisa sauce! Do you know the delicious and delicious sweet flower honey cake in the legend? You see it is! But for the bad boy and the wayward girl Uncle Yun will not give it to her!"

Seeing the appearance of all the'Natata' people suffering and interceding, Yun rolled his eyes and suddenly embodied a bamboo basket in his hand, and then opened the mouth in front of him and shook it lightly. , This little thing stopped crying all at once, even erected triangular ears, and shook the big furry tail.

(So ​​fragrant! It feels like sweet and sweet oil! It is delicious!!! (★ω★))

And Lisa used her big blinking eyes to sparkle with lovely star eyes, and then suddenly rushed to the cloud to express herself with a twist.

(Have the bait! Now let's watch her follow my pace like this!)

"Look! This is covered with a thick layer of honey! And this kind of honey is still a good wild honey Oh~ Oh! Just smell it and you will feel sweetened~ Oh! It should be beautiful, cute and well-behaved. Does Little Lisa really want to eat!"

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