Chapter 104 The Weird Five

When Qin Qingqing heard this, a bright smile appeared on her pretty face: "That's pretty much it!"

After a pause, he said again: "Brother, shall we take action now?"

It is worth mentioning that Qin Qingqing smuggled herself to Fang Yu just now so as not to alert others.

She asked one of her men to disguise herself as a courier and send herself to Fang Yu as a courier.

She's hiding in that henchman's Grotto-Heaven.

The subordinate gave her to Fang Yu and left.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and said softly: "Sister, there are four people watching me now. If we touch one of them, we will definitely alert the snake. I'm afraid the other three parties will take the opportunity to escape!"

When Qin Qingqing heard that there were forces from all directions monitoring Fang Yu, her face darkened and she asked, "Can you feel their cultivation?"

Fang Yu nodded: "That Japanese kid is Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer, and the other three parties are Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer, one is Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer, and the other is Qi Condensation Realm Sixth Layer!"

Qin Qingqing thought for a while and said: "I brought five people this time. They are all experts from my Linjiang Grotto-Heaven office, two Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer and three Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer."

"Let's do this. You take action to capture that little Japanese devil, and leave the Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer to me. As for the remaining two people, leave them to the people I brought!"

Qin Qingqing knew from the Queen that he had killed the Seventh Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer of the Royal Family in the Imperial Capital, so he was not worried that Fang Yu could not deal with the little devil.

Fang Yu nodded and agreed with Qin Qingqing's action plan, "Okay, you can release them now!"

Qin Qingqing stood up, walked to an open place, waved and released the five people.

Fang Yu looked at the five people.

This five-person group looks a bit nondescript.

This strange group of five people, three men and two women.

One is an old Taoist priest wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, with white beard and hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, who looks like an immortal.

One is a fat monk wearing a bright red cassock, with a shiny face, a string of golden Buddha beads hanging on his chest, and a fat head and big ears.

One is a soldier wearing a military uniform, with a resolute face and an iron-blooded temperament.

One is a big lolita wearing a black miniskirt with twin ponytails, delicate facial features, fair face, very big and bright eyes, petite figure, childlike face and big breasts.

The last one is a beautiful Taoist nun wearing a blue Taoist robe, holding a fly whisk, with a cold temperament and still charming charm.

Fang Yu recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man in military uniform was Wu Anguo whom he had met just after leaving the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

The five people had just been released, and their eyes lit up when they saw Fang Yu.

After the Skynet video incident, Fang Yu has become a well-known and popular "star" in Great Xia Dynasty.

They saw Fang Yu's photos and information at the Grotto-Heaven Office and recognized Fang Yu at a glance.

Qin Qingqing immediately introduced five people to Fang Yu.

The Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes is named Xuan Qingzi. He is a member of the Taoist sect. He is a guest elder at Linjiang Grotto-Heaven Office and is a Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer practitioner.

The fat-headed and big-eared monk is named Zhu Wuneng, whose Buddhist name is ‘Nine Rings’. He is a monk from Songshan Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. He is also a guest elder at the Grotto-Heaven Office in Linjiang and cultivates Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer.

I have already met Wu Anguo Fang Yu. He is the elder of the Grotto-Heaven Office and has Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer cultivation level.

The big lolita wearing a black maxi skirt with a childlike face and big breasts is called Su Qingyin. She is the deputy director of the Riverside City Grotto-Heaven Office and is a Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer practitioner.

The last beautiful middle-aged Taoist nun is called Li Jingxuan. She is from the Emei sect. She is also a guest elder at Linjiang Grotto-Heaven Office and has the cultivation level of Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer.

Fang Yu smiled and greeted them.

Everyone responded with smiles, even the stern Master Jingxuan also smiled in response to Fang Yu.

"As expected of Grotto-Heaven, it has networked all the talents in the world!"

Fang Yu sighed secretly in his heart.

In the past few days, Tang Xiyue helped him get information about the great forces of Great Xia Dynasty.

He knew that although the strength of the Emei Sect, Songshan Shaolin Temple, and Taoist Sect were not among the top ten in the Great Xia Dynasty, they should not be underestimated. Each force had Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters in charge.

The Grotto-Heaven Office can recruit them as guest elders, which can be said to have networked the world's elites.

From their willingness to serve the country, Fang Yu knew that these forces also had national justice in their hearts.

The Buddhist Gate of Great Xia Dynasty is not like what was written in the novels of previous lives.

"Buddhist gates are flourishing in the world in prosperous times, while Taoism is hidden alone in the mountains."

"The Bodhisattva does not care about things in troubled times, but the old man carries his sword to save the vicissitudes of life."

Fang Yu still has a good impression of these external forces with righteous intentions.

Qin Qingqing immediately assigned tasks to the weird five-person group.

Taoist Master Xuan Qingzi and Master Li Jingxuan teamed up to deal with the person from Qi Condensation Realm Sixth Layer.

Su Qingyin, Wu Anguo and Master Jiujie teamed up to deal with the man from Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Layer.

"Brother, please tell me their hiding location and facial features. We will split up now and catch them all!"

After Qin Qingqing arranged the task, she turned to look at Fang Yu and said with a smile.

The order given to her was that as long as Fang Yu did not treason, she could kill any force that wanted to deal with Fang Yu first and then report it!

This was one of the reasons why she received a call from Fang Yu during the day and knew that there was a force monitoring Fang Yu, so she brought over all the Apex Level masters from the Riverside City Grotto-Heaven.

Of course, even if there was no order from above, she would bring people over to help Fang Yu in her own name.

Because she regards Fang Yu as her biological brother and will not let anyone hurt him!

Fang Yu nodded and immediately told the hiding place and appearance of the four people.

After finishing speaking, he told his god-sister Qin Qingqing: "Sister, please pay attention to your own safety, and I will help you after I capture that little Japanese devil!"

Qin Qingqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, my sister has now broken through to the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. It is more than enough to deal with a Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer."

Immediately afterwards, she also warned Fang Yu softly: "Brother, you must also pay attention to your own safety. The little devil is good at escaping, so you must pay attention!"

After taking the life spirit liquid given by Fang Yu just now, her cultivation has broken through to the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Qin Qingqing's beautiful eyes glanced at the others and said, "Everyone, let's start taking action!"

Everyone nodded and sneaked out of Fang Yu's villa.

It's ten o'clock in the evening, there are no stars and moon tonight, it's dark outside.

After Fang Yu left the villa, he quickly swooped toward the northeast of Houshan Mountain, where the little Japanese devil was hiding.

Although he does not have the Imperial Sky Riding Art, his speed is extremely fast, approaching 100 meters in one step, as fast as lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yu came to the big tree where the Japanese kid was hiding.

As soon as he arrived under the tree, Fang Yu saw a khaki sword light shooting towards him.


Fang Yu touched the ground with his toes and moved his body ten meters to the right in an instant.

As soon as he left, the sword light struck the place where he was standing just now.

A narrow ravine several meters long was instantly carved out of the hard ground, and dust flew into the air.

"What about?"

An exclamation sounded from the tree.

Fang Yu looked up at the old devil standing on the canopy of the tree, holding a Japanese sword in both hands, and said lightly: "Old devil, are you going to come down by yourself, or will grandpa go up and ask you to come down?"

The old devil cursed angrily: "Baga! You Chinese pig dare to insult me. I want you to die!"


After saying that, the old devil's body trembled and he suddenly disappeared from Fang Yu's sight.

A hint of sarcasm flashed across the corner of Fang Yu's mouth, and he was playing escape in front of me. Don't you know that I am mentally strong?

Of course, Fang Yu did not dare to neglect, and immediately released his spiritual power to cover the surroundings.

Suddenly, Fang Yu suddenly turned sideways.


As soon as he turned sideways, a black man suddenly appeared above his head. He held a long gleaming knife in both hands and slashed it from the top of his head. The silver long knife cut through the air and made a sharp sound.

The long knife almost hit Fang Yu's face hard.


Fang Yu didn't give the old devil a chance to react. Taking advantage of his remaining strength, he punched him in the waist.

With a crunching sound, the old devil flew out like a broken sack, vomiting blood.


Fang Yu touched the ground with his toes, and his body turned into a stream of light and shot towards the old Japanese who flew out. He caught up with him in the blink of an eye and slapped him on the back of the head.

The old devil's eyes turned white and he fainted.

Fang Yu reached out and grabbed the little devil's collar to prevent him from falling to the ground.

"So weak!"

Looking at the fainted old devil, Fang Yu shook his head, casually took him into the Grotto-Heaven, ducked and shot in the direction of his god-sister Qin Qingqing.

If he hadn't held back just now, this old devil's head would have been blown up by his palm like a watermelon!

Fourth update!

Thanks to [I Love Mi Meng] for the 100-coin reward!

(End of chapter)

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