Chapter 105 Demon Su Qingyin

When Fang Yu was still more than two hundred meters away from the uninhabited villa.

I saw my god-sister Qin Qingqing exchanging palms with a middle-aged man with a resolute face more than ten meters above the villa.


A sound like thunder sounded, and both of their bodies were shaken, and then they flew backwards.

They both flew upside down for almost ten meters before regaining their balance.

Obviously, in this exchange of blows, both sides were evenly matched, and no one took advantage.

When Fang Yu saw this, he touched the ground with his toes, and his body turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky, heading towards the middle-aged man quickly.

His speed was as fast as a ghost, causing a sharp sound to break through the air.

A cracking sound was heard.

Qin Qingqing and Qin Qing both looked at Fang Yu.

Qin Qingqing looked happy.

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly became very ugly.

Just when the middle-aged man's attention was focused on Fang Yu, Qin Qingqing, who was more than thirty meters away from him, appeared in front of him and slapped his chest with her right palm. The surface of her palm was glowing red. light.

In the dark night, it was like a blazing flame, extremely conspicuous.


The middle-aged man sensed the danger, turned back suddenly, and rushed forward with his right palm, making a loud noise, then opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards.

But Qin Qingqing just shook a little.

Flying towards the middle-aged man at high speed. When Fang Yu saw this, his body shook slightly, and he immediately changed direction and shot towards the middle-aged man who was flying upside down.

When he was still dozens of meters away from the middle-aged man.

His right hand suddenly reached out and pointed towards the middle-aged man.

The next moment, a bright purple light flew from his index finger, pierced the dark night sky, and shot towards the middle-aged man flying upside down like lightning.


The middle-aged man who was flying upside down looked at the purple light coming at a rapid speed, his face full of horror. Unable to dodge, he could only watch the purple light sink into his Dantian.

Then it came out from the back, and the clothes on his body exploded, revealing his copper-colored skin.

"Little beast, you are so cruel, you actually destroyed my Dantian!"

The middle-aged man looked at Fang Yu with a ferocious expression, his eyes were red, and his eyes were filled with overwhelming hatred.

As soon as he finished speaking, without the support of his spiritual power, his body was in free fall, and he suddenly fell vertically to the ground.


With a loud noise, the middle-aged man fell onto the soft soil in the garden below, and his lower body sank directly into the soil.

Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing also fell in front of the middle-aged man at this time.

"Pfft, cough cough~"

The middle-aged man with only his upper body exposed and his face as pale as paper opened his mouth and spat out several mouthfuls of blood. He was obviously seriously injured.

He looked up at Qin Qingqing next to Fang Yu and said coldly: "Qin Qingqing, the little beast standing in front of you killed my father last night. Killing the royal family is a serious treason!"

"I'm here to secretly investigate the truth. As the director of the Linjiang Grotto-Heaven Office, you are collaborating with him. Do you want to bend the law for personal gain and protect him?"

A trace of disdain flashed across the corner of Qin Qingqing's mouth, and she said coldly: "Haha, are you shielding me?"

"Wang Chao, it's a good thing that you are from the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital, but you would say such mindless words. Your father ran from the Imperial Capital to my brother's place last night. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was a weasel paying New Year's greetings to a rooster. He has no good intentions! "

"Today is an era where the strong are respected. The law cannot restrain the truly powerful, especially you so-called royal family, you don't take the law seriously at all."


"You couldn't deal with my brother with dirty methods, and now you want to think about the law?"

"Those who kill will always be killed. Your father wanted to kill my brother, but his skills were inferior to others. If he was killed, it was his own fault!"

"Oh, in your eyes, Wang Chao, my brother's life is not life. Only the lives of you so-called royals are life, right?"

"My brother is just acting in self-defense. If I don't tell him, he is not wrong at all. Even if he is wrong, I, Qin Qingqing, cover him up. What can you do to me?"

Hearing this, Fang Yu glanced sideways at Sister Qian, feeling warm in his heart.

It seems pretty good to have a sister who protects him so much!

Wang Chao was so angry that he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, "You, you, pfft!"

Qin Qingqing looked at Fang Yu and said softly: "Brother, kill him, remember to do it cleanly!"

She is the director of the Linjiang Grotto-Heaven Office, not the police chief.

Even if she is the police chief, she will stand by the people of Fang Yu.

Ordinary people may think that everyone is equal before the law.

But she knows that in today's world, there is no such thing as equality.

Those aristocratic families didn't take the law seriously at all. They secretly did countless murders and looted treasures, but they were just not caught.

She regards Fang Yu as her biological brother, so she will naturally not let him get hurt.

Since Fang Yu and the Wang family are already in a fight to the death, she will certainly not leave trouble for Fang Yu.

Fang Yu nodded, stretched out his hand directly to Wang Chao's head, and a purple light instantly penetrated Wang Chao's head.

Wang Chao was filled with overwhelming resentment and refused to rest in peace.

A large number of colorful items exploded on the spot.

Fang Yu reached out and grabbed Wang Chao's right hand. With a slight exertion, Wang Chao's body was pulled out of the soil like a big radish.

Then he put Wang Chao's body into the Grotto-Heaven, bent down and put all the items on the ground into the space ring.


After doing all this, Fang Yu stood in front of the pit made by Wang Chao and tapped his right foot lightly on the ground.

The pit in front of me was instantly filled up with the surrounding soil, and on the surface it looked no different from the surrounding area.

Seeing Fang Yu deal with all the traces, Qin Qingqing said with a smile: "Brother, let's go back to your villa now. I guess the battle over there is over."

Fang Yu nodded, and the two of them turned and rushed towards his villa.

After a while.

Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing returned to the living room on the first floor of his villa.

at this time.

Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi and the five others have returned and are sitting on the sofa chatting.

There were two unconscious people lying on the floor nearby.

One male and one female.

Su Qingyin glanced at Fang Yu and Qin Qingqing with her big eyes, and said with a smile: "Qingqing, brother Fang Yu, you two came back together and solved everything?"

Qin Qingqing nodded slightly, turned to look at Fang Yu beside her, and said with a smile: "Brother, please release that little Japanese devil."

Fang Yu waved his right hand, and the kid he knocked unconscious appeared on the floor in front of him.


"Sakura pattern, he is from the Yamaguchi-gumi?!"

Qin Qingqing frowned when she saw the cherry blossom pattern on the little devil's arm.

Fang Yu asked curiously: "Sister, is the Yamaguchi-gumi strong?"

Qin Qingqing nodded, "Yeah! Very strong!"

Speaking of this, Qin Qingqing looked at Wu Anguo and said, "Anguo, this old devil will be handed over to you for interrogation. You must let him explain clearly whether he has any accomplices and what the purpose of coming to Riverside City is!"

Wu Anguo saluted: "Yes, Bureau Qin!"

Su Qingyin, a big lolita on the side, suddenly said: "Qingqing, I will also participate in the interrogation. Don't worry, I will make him explain clearly what color diapers he likes to wear."

After hearing Su Qingyin's words, a few black lines appeared on Fang Yu's forehead. This big loli's words were too shocking.

Qin Qingqing's forehead was covered with black lines, and she said angrily to her best friend: "Okay, you and An Guo will interrogate him. Remember to destroy his cultivation before the interrogation, so as not to capsize in the gutter!"

Su Qingyin patted her chest and said, "Qingqing, don't worry and leave it to me!"

After saying that, Su Qingyin walked up to the little devil, bent down to pick him up, and said to Wu Anguo: "Little Anzi, open your Grotto-Heaven, let's go to your Grotto-Heaven and go deep with this old devil. Let’s talk.”

Wu Anguo, who was called 'Little Anzi', turned pale. He summoned the Grotto-Heaven gate helplessly, and stepped into the Grotto-Heaven together with Su Qingyin, who was carrying the old devil.

"This Miao girl doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards you, because when we found her just now, she didn't resist at all. We were worried that she was being deceived, so we knocked her unconscious."

Fang Yu looked at the Miao girl. She seemed to be about twenty-seven years old, with a slim figure and a height of about 1.7 meters.

She has an oval face, fair and tender skin, and delicate eyebrows. She is also a rare beauty.

Fang Yu frowned, he didn't know this Miao girl at all.

Perhaps because of his two lifetimes, Fang Yu has a good memory.

If he had seen this young girl, he would definitely remember her.

Qin Qingqing suddenly asked: "Brother, what are you going to do with these two people?"

Fang Yu shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked away from the Miao girl, looked at Qin Qingqing, and said with a smile: "Sister, the people from the Beixiong Dynasty have been killed, and we will share the explosive items equally. As for this Miao girl... wait for her Wake up and ask her what she wants to do?”

The other party is from the Great Xia Dynasty. If he really has no ill intentions towards him, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Qin Qingqing nodded, bent down, picked up the North Bear Dynasty member, and walked out of the villa.

After a while, Qin Qingqing left and came back.

Obviously, that person has been dealt with by her.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the living room.

It was Wu Anguo and Su Qingyin who entered Grotto-Heaven and had in-depth exchanges with the old devil.

Qin Qingqing looked at Su Qingyin and asked, "Yinyin, did you explain?"

Su Qingyin nodded, "Yes, everything has been explained!"

Qin Qingqing asked again: "Is it reliable?"

Su Qingyin rolled her eyes at Qin Qingqing and said, "Qingqing, don't you worry about me doing things? This old devil has made it clear how many women he has played with."

Seeing Wu Anguo quietly moving away from Su Qingyin as soon as he came out, Fang Yu asked curiously: "Sister Qingyin, how did you get the little devil to explain?"

Su Qingyin grinned at Fang Yu, revealing two shallow dimples, looking pretty and cute, "Brother Fang Yu, my sister just used a scalpel to perform a small operation on him, and he explained everything!"


Damn, this big loli who looks like a two-dimensional girl is a devil.

Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi twitched the corner of his mouth.

Master Jiujie trembled and quietly moved away from Su Qingyin.

The female benefactor is so fierce that the poor monk cannot control her!

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Thank you [Shushan Chongda] for your monthly vote.

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(End of chapter)

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