Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1012: Lucy, when did you consider ... getting married?

Chapter 1012 Lucy, when did you consider ... getting married?

After he finished speaking, Yan Su was strongly moved for a moment.

Almost gave her another key from home.

But when she put it in her pocket, she was so excited that she was so easily moved by others.

The first day of this exchange.

"It's okay, anyway, I live so close to you, you fill up your refrigerator, and I can get it at any time. As for cleaning, the doctor said that you had better cure for one month, what's the matter?" The door was quickly closed in front of him.

Molucy blinked as she looked at the closed door, and she was so soft-hearted that he said so much.

This iron-hearted woman.

He immediately knocked on the door again.

"What are you doing?" Yan Su opened the door again and looked at him helplessly.

"There is no good night kiss," Molucy took a step forward, and kissed her lips gently and voluntarily, closing the door for her, "Good night."

After the door closed, Yan Su only touched her lips with her hands.

Really, it's all beef jerky.

But this night was quite sweet.


The next day, when Yan Suqi was washing, she found that the latest box of toothpaste had run out. She quickly opened the bathroom cabinet to find the new toothpaste that she had bought, and just opened it. She saw a thrill in her sanitary napkin.

She seems to have not had menstruation for a month and a half.

I rarely come so often after menstruation.

Could it be that you were pregnant last time?

Just thinking about this, Yan Su's body seemed to be splashed with cold water.

Although she and Molucy have been dating, she doesn't want to be pregnant so early, especially now that she has made an appointment for next year's work.

Furthermore, she had never thought about preparing for pregnancy, and she always felt that she was at least thirty years old.

The more she thought, the more she felt panicked, and she even felt a sense of despair.

She really didn't have the feeling of being a mother, and if she didn't finish reading the book, she took her child back to find her parents. Oh my god, her parents couldn't tear her up.

Yan Suguang thought that she couldn't explain the fear, and regretted that she shouldn't have thought about opening herself up because of breaking up with Shixu.

Fortunately, the object of the one-night stand is still Moluci. If other men ... may have killed a heart with a brick.

There was something in her heart, and her appetite for breakfast was not very good. Moluci told her for a long time that she saw her face was pale, her eyes were lost, she took a loaf of bread and choked again.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Moliuxi frowned and touched her forehead.

"No," Yan Su looked up at him.

If you are pregnant, you may only get married.

After all, she never thought about such things as pregnancy. She must be clean and self-loving when her parents are educated from childhood to childhood. Never do this before marriage.

Moreover, such things as miscarriage have not been done, it is terrible at first.

But marrying Molucy, she never really thought about it.

People are only twenty, although they like themselves now, but in the future. "Luxi, when did you consider ... getting married?" Yan Su asked vaguely.

Morius was coughed with a hoe.

Ask such a sudden question how to answer it.

Is she tempting herself?

Molucy quickly put down his spoon. "Where are you, when do you get married, and when do I end up, as long as the object remains the same, it is you, and not you, consider becoming a monk."

Third more. . . Fourth night. There are six more today

(End of this chapter)

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