Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1013: Will it be like Tang Sanzang

Chapter 1013 Is It Like Tang Sanzang

Yan Su spit out the porridge directly.

Realizing she was too indecent, she quickly wiped the table with the paper. "Sorry, you are so funny."


Morius lowered his voice of dissatisfaction, "Do you think I'm kidding?"

"No, I just thought about how you shaved your head," Yan Su grinned hard. "Will it look like Tang Sanzang."

Morius's mouth twitched, was this the point?

"Listening to you means that you won't marry me, is it?" Molucy stood up, walked to her, pressed one hand on the table and one hand on the back of the chair, squinting his eyes slightly. Closer, "Who do you want to marry, then?"

His breath was approaching gradually. Although this dazzling face made my heart beat faster, but it was too dangerous at this moment, Yan Su still felt a breathlessness. Ten, twenty, you can't pull a marriage certificate. "

She repeated reminders.

"Don't you marry me first," Moluci knocked on the table in front of her. "Do you mind if I'm younger than you? It's okay, I can pull the card when I'm over the legal age, the next year is OK. I really ca n’t wait. I can accompany you abroad at any time to get a certificate. I can already settle abroad ... "

"Okay, I just ask casually, you sit," Yan Su pulled him to the chair next to him, and stuffed his mouth with bread.

She shouldn't have asked much more.

Or take the pregnancy test first and then talk about it.

But getting a female celebrity to buy a pregnancy test stick is really a hassle. Fortunately, many online deliveries are delivered to your door now, and they are all wrapped up and can't be seen.

On Thursday, when the pregnancy test came to her door, Yan Su immediately opened her hiding room and took a test. When she saw that there was only one line, she was finally relieved.

Did not come, fortunately did not come.

Delayed menstruation may be the reason for staying up too late.

Zheng cranky thinking, Xiang Wan suddenly called her, "You have to go to Xiacheng TV on Christmas day."

Yan Su nodded. "You and Chi Shengxu's agent passed?"

"After listening to me, but not with Ji Shengxu, but with Li Dao's crew," Xiang Wan said.

Yan Su was speechless. "Isn't they going to start on the 26th, and they came to the TV station, and they didn't finish the filming, and now there is no need to publicize it."

Xiang Wan also sighed, "No way, the crew told me in the morning, but I can't push it out. It is said that other actors have schedules. If there is no way, I have to call a few of you. Yes, I thought about it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's the same, it's the same as everyone else, but when you sing, you bring them a group of young and old, it is said that the singing is not good.

Yan Su: "..."

Don't tell her the one next door is going too, if it is, she can't take the song.


At 6:00 pm, it was difficult to wait until Morusi came back from the hospital after the line was dismantled, and Yan Su immediately went to him and asked, "Did you and Li Dao talk? Let him bring the crew to the TV station on the 25th."

Molucy was watering the flowers and plants on the balcony, and she raised her eyebrows lazily when she heard her say, "Yeah, Li and I said that it is necessary to propagate in advance."

"You're using backstage relationships," Yan Su gritted his teeth and stroked his forehead. He was really defeated by him. "Just your music cell, don't you have a little bit in your heart, who gave you the courage to perform on stage and harm the audience, Is it easy for someone to watch a Christmas show? "

Well written by me. . Turtle Writing Chapter 5

(End of this chapter)

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