Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1014: Give me face, I am your boyfriend after all

Chapter 1014: Give Face, I'm Your Boyfriend After All

Molucchi watered his hands slightly.

Why is this so familiar? I thought for a moment, didn't I just tell Chi Shengxu a few days ago?

"You paid me what I said to Chi Shengxu intact," said Mo Lu Xi, putting down the kettle, with a cool face, "you have a good memory."

Yan Su felt a bit of danger and his unhappiness, and felt that it might hurt him a bit. After all, it was not his fault that he did not sing well, and sometimes he was born.

"I didn't sing very well, did Chi Shengxu sing well?" Moliuxi said coldly.

"He sings OK," Yan Su couldn't help nodding.

Molucy: "..."

How did he let this continue?

He tugged at her angrily, biting a bit on her lips, "I'll go to better sing against you."


Such a domineering cheeky face also convinced him.

Yan Su looked up at him as if he could only be a ninja, inexplicably funny, "Thank you, I don't need you to set me off."

"Yan Su." Moliuxi's tone suddenly became sharp.

Even when Yan Su thought he was going to be angry, he picked up her little face again, his face was cold but his voice was soft. "Give me a face, I am your boyfriend after all, would you please praise another man?"

Yan Su couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Luxi, there is no need to do this. You are doing such a hard job."

"No embarrassment. It happened that he felt that I was injured in his crew and owed it to me, and readily agreed," Morius said slightly, "Of course, I didn't make him call Shixu."

Yan Su was relieved to hear him say this. To be honest, he didn't want to touch Shi Xu too much. "Speaking of it, do you really want to sing so badly?"

"Why not? Isn't there a saying often that this is a face-seeing world," Molucy said indifferently, "I'm so talented, the audience won't care, and to be honest, everyone else is out on Christmas and dating, yes Several people will watch TV at home, all of them are elderly people. "

Yan Su was completely speechless by him, and it took him a long time to get rid of his hand. "Just whatever you want, I'm going to cook ..."

"Don't go, go out and eat," Moluci grabbed her hand. "Every day at home, I'm not married just like my husband and wife, you will lose freshness after a long time."

"I don't. I like the house ..."

"You don't like the house, you're afraid to go out and be photographed by me and you," Molucy pierced her directly.

Yan Su opened her mouth and felt a little helpless for a moment.

Perhaps this is the sadness of public figures, especially when looking for the other half.

"Stupid," Molucy pinched her nose. "Every time these stars are photographed, they say they spend a few days and nights in any hotel. Do n’t you think they did n’t go out on a date, just not being photographed? Even if I take a picture, I will find someone to delete it immediately. I can also do this. You do n’t need to worry about it. Let ’s go. I have already bought two tickets for the drama, which is based on the suspense drama adapted by Higashino Keigo. You do n’t like watching it. His book. "

"How do you know that I like to watch Higashino Keigo," Yan Su said, a little hesitant.

Moliuxi petted her little head pettingly, "When you are idle, you always like to stay in the library. I can't be near you, I can only stand at a distance and look at you. Every time you read a book, When I put it back, I glanced over, knowing your preferences can be seen in your book. "

Fifth more. . Sixth more later

(End of this chapter)

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