Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1023: I like your bad look

Chapter 1023: I Like Your Bad Look


At night, as soon as the plane landed, Yan Su received a call from Moluci, "Su Su, An Ning is looking for you trouble, why didn't you tell me earlier, I only heard it from my classmate's mouth later . "

"It seems to have spread," Yan Su sighed lowly. "I was in a hurry to catch the plane at that time, and had Jiao Jiao stay to deal with it. You just believe that I didn't push her?"

"Do I still need to believe between you and me? I don't know who you are, let alone push it," Molucy said indifferently. "I like you but I don't like your kindness, you are bad. I like it too. "

Yan Su smiled, "I'm not bad at all, it's you admirer, how old you are, so ambitious. If you want to enter the entertainment industry later, it will be too scary. I just want to pull her away. She fell down on her own, and now I have stinked my reputation at school. "

"Susu, I'm sorry ..." Moluci was also full of irritability. "I don't know what resentment she has against her. She took it seriously. You can rest assured that when you come back, this thing will definitely be reversed. of."

"Take care of it properly," Yan Su helpless, "I won't tell you anymore, the person who picked me up is here."


It didn't take long for Morius to hang up, and then he received a call from Lausanne, "I heard in the school group ... Are you in love with Yan Su?"

Molucy frowned, and before speaking, Lausanne said again, "It's really ridiculous. Now these people don't need to be responsible for spreading rumors."

Molucy: "..."

Does he and Yan Su look so out of place?

"I can understand it," Lausanne continued. "Before I was in school, as long as I was closer to which boy, and said a few words, others would say that I had a relationship with who, it is annoying, not to mention you and Yan The relationship between school flowers and grass has attracted more attention. "

"Well," Morius answered in a low voice, "It was An Ning who deliberately framed Yan Su."

"I know what kind of person Yan Su is. She never quarrels with others, and she is usually low-key in dealing with people," Lausanne said angrily. "An Lan is a good person. How can there be such a sister, thankfully You didn't associate with her. If you do, if you still have it, you will become a scarier person than your brother-in-law ... "

"Xu Luosang, who do you say?" There was a stern, cold voice from there.

Before Lausanne finished speaking, the phone was taken away by a man.

Nian Junting bent down and twisted her cheek gently. "How am I scared?"

"I'm talking about possessiveness," Lausanne smiled. "Before, I just exchanged homework with other boys in the library. You just started doing it, forgot?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I've always been a gentle and casual person," Ning Junting glanced at her lightly.

Lausanne: "..."

You don't seem to have anything to do with gentlemanship.

Forget it, turning over the old accounts with this kind of person is entirely self-assured.

"Speaking of which, haven't you known An An for a long time? Have you seen An Ning," Lausanne asked curiously.

"Not very clear, I and An Lan are just a cooperative relationship," Ning Junting sat proudly beside her, "except for you, once you get to life, women are all air."


This Lausanne does not doubt that he is talking sweet words, it may be true.

(End of this chapter)

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