Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1024: Brother1027

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1027 Luo Luo, speak well, although I have recently spoiled you

Lausanne couldn't help but talk about the school thing with Nian Junting. "At that time, looking at a very sweet and sweet person, I really didn't expect it to happen. If things spread to the media and magnify, how would others think of a simple character. "

After listening to silence for a year, he averaged out, "Why did the school spread such rumors, your brother and Yan Su are dating?"

"How is it possible?" Lausanne Yaguchi denied. "Susu hasn't come out of her previous relationship. It's impossible to open her heart easily, and Lucy won't be her favorite. I think what she likes is that. A man who speaks sweet words ... a little more romantic. "

"Isn't this the type you're talking about," Nian Junting's mouth twitched deeply.


Lausanne blinked and glanced at him.

"There aren't many men like me," Ning Junting cheekily pulled her into her arms, letting her small face rest comfortably on her chest, "let Yan Su not be too picky, or she will be single for a lifetime , Even my assistant refused. The vision is not so good. "

Lausanne's mouth twitched. In short, in his eyes, no one else's eyes were very good except for himself. "Susu is younger than me, what's the anxiety, and now is the time to start the business, Lucy, although handsome is handsome , But too cold and not too tender and romantic. "

"That's not necessarily," Nian Junting couldn't help but said, "Don't you also say that I have a low EQ, and after I found you, I didn't become EQ first. This kind of thing is not an EQ problem, but whether you like it enough , When you meet the person you like, you will naturally come up with EQ, although your brother is indeed less mature and handsome than me. "

Lausanne gritted his teeth. "Don't you always take the topic over and praise yourself, by the way, step on someone else's foot."

"I don't. I'm telling the truth."

Nian Junting suddenly glanced at, "What do you mean, don't you think I'm mature and handsome without your brother, Luo Luo, talk well. Although I have been spoiling you recently, there are some principle issues that you can't destroy."

"Yes, yes, you look the most handsome in my eyes," Lausanne hurriedly nodded to a small head.

Men? Sometimes, they have to coax a little, boast a little.

Especially Mr. Diannian, when she became so fat and ugly during pregnancy, she could still keep her tirelessly every day, which made her a little happy.

"Have a vision," Ning Junting held her small face, and a kiss fell off in front of him, loosing Lausanne's tongue and slackening, "Say back, what if your brother is really with Yan Su?"

Lausanne stayed, "It's very good, so even after graduation, I can still see Susu often, and I can also celebrate New Year together ..."

"That's all right," Ning Junting clenched her, "by then she will marry Lucy, and you won't stick to me if you stick to her in the future."

Lausanne couldn't help but be funny.

This vinegar is all boring.


In Singapore, Yan Sulai mainly participated in an award ceremony. The company won an award for her. At the ceremony, she needed to sing and dance, and she also needed to award a singer in Taiwan.

On Friday, the organizer sent her to the Convention and Exhibition Center to rehearse, because this time it was a music festival, and many familiar faces had met before. After the rehearsal, everyone met to sing and sing K.

It was eleven o'clock when I returned to the hotel.

Fifth more later

(End of this chapter)

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