Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1059: I'm calm down

Chapter 1059: I'm Finished

Morius couldn't listen anymore.

Why did you get into Lu Kang again?

Where did Lu Kang match Yan Su?

After eating, Sister Lan had slept while holding her head, and she sat on the side and peeled grapefruit from Lausanne.

Looking at this picture, Mo Lu Xi suddenly felt that although he was very good to Yan Su, compared with the average annual Ting, it may not be enough.

After thinking about it, asking, "You look like this, what if my sister betrays you in the future?"

Junting Tiao narrowed his eyes, and asked Lausanne coldly, "Are you going to betray me?"

Lausanne was so frightened that he was choked by Yuzu and gave Molucy an unhappy look. "Can this score be played casually?"

Morius shrugged. "I just ask."

Junting Ting smiled, "Of course it broke her legs."

Molucy: "..."

After eating fast, he left directly. Although he didn't stay long, maybe through the things Lausanne said, he should be calm and calm. Yan Su may have special reasons.

And listening to Lausanne's tone, Yan Su may not have had a relationship with Shi Xu.

If it hasn't happened for so many years before, how can it still happen after the break up.

"I think Lucy is weird," Lausanne said with emotion after he left.

"I said that he must be in love and you don't believe it. You can see that he asked me a question, it must be cuckolded," Ning Junting looked at her proudly. He is an adult and will be fine. It is certainly not what he will do to die and live for affection. "

Lausanne nodded, Molucy was indeed an independent and mature person, and he was relieved.


Molucy slept at home for one night, and got up at six in the morning the next day, and drove to the apartment.

Yan Su didn't rest well for the first two days. She returned to bed yesterday and fell asleep. She was awakened by a deafening knock outside.

She got up to open the door, and when she saw Molucy standing at the door, she stunned, "You ... didn't you come back last night."

"You have slept so well before I came back. It's seven-thirty, and you haven't got up yet," Molucy lifted up his legs and walked in, changing his shoes. "Don't you ever lose sleep with me? , I basically didn't sleep much last night. "

Yan Su scratched his hair. Yesterday he still ignored him. He talked to himself early in the morning, and said so much in one go. What does it mean?

She pondered, and asked with a bitter smile: "Did you come to me and argue without sleeping well?"


Molucy was a little speechless. Was he such a boring person?

He told himself all night last night, to forget what happened that day, to believe her, and to wash his mind almost, but it wasn't that a moment's heartbreak could be regarded as never happening, "You said yesterday not to let us Are you calm down with each other, I am calm down. "

When he finished speaking, he threw himself directly into her sofa, and Jun's face was cold and cold.

Yan Su was a little shy and didn't know how to react for a moment.

It only took one night to calm down. Isn't it generally necessary to calm down for a while.

"I'm hungry."

Quiet for a while, Molucy threw three words at her.

Yan Su was silent for a while, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook lean meat porridge, cooked two more eggs, and then washed and changed clothes by herself.

Half an hour later, the two sat at the table with hot porridge in front of them.

Third more. . Fourth night.

(End of this chapter)

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