Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1060: I'm wrong too, I shouldn't deceive you

Chapter 1060 I'm Wrong, I Shouldn't Deceive You

Molucy took two bites. The taste was still the same, but his heart was still irritable. Finally he put down his spoon and said, "Yan Su, if one day you find that you don't like me, or you like someone else, you can tell me directly Do n’t carry it secretly behind me, and do n’t end it in the most unbearable way. I still understand the difference between chasing a person you like and letting the other person accept their differences.

Frankly, this is my first love, it may not be the case for you anymore, I hope the first love is beautiful, of course, I think the best result is that two people love each other, like my sister and they, then Walk into the palace of marriage together. "

Go back yesterday, although I didn't stay long.

However, the way Lausanne and the average youngster got along still made Molucy feel deeply.

"It's like ... marrying you for a year or ten or thirty years, you still feel like every day is like the first day of your wedding."

This is the life and love he wants.

Yan Su shook her hand with chopsticks.

Why didn't she want to have such a love.

"Luxi, if you believe in me, I can tell you that you will not betray me, you will not hurt me, and I will not leave you," Yan Su thought for a while, and said in a complex mood, "We may not have Too calm, I hope ... you also do n’t check and verify in that way, it makes me feel scared and disrespected. I ’m personal. Of course, maybe at that moment, you do n’t think of me, or think of me. It's a woman with a watery poppy flower. You don't think that kind of inspection is a big deal to me, but I think ... it's an insult because I think I'm innocent. "


Moluci felt a cramp in his heart, and bowed his head to apologize.

In fact, he didn't know what was going on at that time, as if he was jealous and dazzled, and suddenly couldn't control himself.

He also remembered clearly that she had said that she hated him.

But why didn't he hate her then.

"The reason I asked you to check this time was because I felt that I had lied to you and couldn't explain it clearly, so I apologize," Yan Su said honestly, "but it doesn't mean I can take it off casually in my eyes Clothes, like a cargo, let you check whether the cargo has been used. "

"Stop talking," Molucy's temple beating, a little inaudible. "I never thought of you as a cargo."

Yan Su is not a savoury look. "I have something wrong. I shouldn't deceive you. In the future, it may not be possible to meet in person except in the workplace. I will be honest even if I encounter it occasionally in the workplace. Tell you. "

"Well," Morius answered in a low voice. "Eat breakfast."

The restaurant was quiet again.

Both had breakfast and felt cramped and unnatural.

Until 8.40, Yan Su first went to school with a bag on her back.

Molucy followed her, and the two were separated by more than ten meters.


After lunch, Molucy sits listlessly on the rest table next to the playground and watches a group of boys playing basketball below.

Zhang Hongchuan came over with mineral water, "It hasn't been reconciled."

Molucy looked at him silently before whispering, "The reconciliation is reconciled, but I always feel weird. It seems that there is a gap between the two people. I don't know how to get back to like That was the beginning. "

Fourth more. . Tomorrow continues.

(End of this chapter)

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