Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1157: Brother, you have to be careful, this thing is really amazing

Chapter 1157 Brother, Beware, This Thing Is Really Awesome

"This is a new invention of Suining," Nian Xi said, "I tried it. It's amazing."

After Nian Xi introduced the function again, everyone listened.

"It's so powerful," Jun Ting is a little unconvinced. "I try ..."

Nian Xizhengzhenzhen, "Brother, you have to be careful, this thing is really amazing, even impotence and kidney deficiency can be measured."

Nian Junting Jun's face was dark. "What do you mean, do you think I will have impotence and kidney deficiency. If I had these little apples, why would your sister-in-law marry ... 唔 ……"

Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by a piece of meat.

Full of fat, greasy he wanted to vomit.

He glared at Lausanne.

"Just a few words and we will never treat you dumb," Lausanne reminded coolly.

Annual average Ting can only sullenly stab the meat button.

"No, I just reminded you," Nian Xi smiled, "that is, those patients who are inconvenient to inform others should not try to avoid shame. This can be measured by even the aunt."

After she finished speaking, many people at the table were silent.

In the end, Qingyun Yun held out her hand unconvinced. "I don't believe it is so powerful. I'll try it. My body is tough anyway."

Niang Junting handed the watch to him. About ten seconds after Qing Qingyun put it on, the watch reported: "The secretion of digestive juice from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, the tension and peristalsis of the bowel are weakened, the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are weak, and the internal and external **** sphincter is weakened. "Stomach-colon reflex weakens, rectal sensitivity decreases, food stays in the intestine too long, and excessive absorption of water causes constipation."

At first everyone didn't understand, but everyone laughed behind them.

The young clouded face turned red and red, "This thing is not allowed at all."

Qingshan laughed, "Brother, I'm not sure, don't you always complain that you can't get out of the toilet these days."

Young Qingyun gave him a vicious look.

Lausanne hurriedly said, "Dad, it's nothing, constipation? Basically everyone has it, and I have it too."

Young Yun's face improved. At this time, the watch reported: "It is recommended that the elderly eat more foods containing crude fiber and vegetables, fruits, legumes and legumes, and drink plenty of water. Drink at least 1500ml daily, especially in the morning or before meals. Drinking a cup of warm water can effectively prevent constipation. "

"Who is old, I am not sixty years old, and I am on the battlefield, and I am old and strong," the young man stood up, took off his watch immediately, and returned it to the average young man. "It ’s totally inaccurate."

Jiang Yanning said: "It's not that you are sixty years old. After all, your watch can't detect your true age. It reflects that your gastrointestinal function is close to that of the elderly, which means that you need conditioning and pay attention to your diet."

The old man nodded his head rarely. "Qing Yun, you should pay attention to it. You usually have a greasy diet, and you often eat and drink outside. You can see that this watch is really good."

Young Qingyun's ashamed face stopped immediately.

I had known that even constipation could be detected, he would not wear it anymore.

Nian Xi raised his eyebrows. "Do you still have anything to try?"

Young Qingshan quickly waved his hand, "No need, no need."

Nian Xi smiled: "It seems that everyone has a lot of privacy problems, brother, do you want to try? Didn't you just say you want to try?"

Immediately stroking his forehead, "Your sister-in-law just fed me a piece of fat. I feel so tired of eating. I have to take it slowly, or I will vomit."

Author: every year, do you have any privacy. . .

There may be six thousand words updated today. . But the next time is more likely to be evening. .

(End of this chapter)

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