Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1158: Because we are all learners

Chapter 1158 Because We Are All Learners

Nian Xi almost smiled and sprayed, and it was rare to see his brother retreat.

Lausanne looked at him strangely, and then said to Jiang Yongning, "Mr. Jiang, thank you for sending such a precious gift to our little apple. This thing really suits us. I really don't know how to thank you. I will come with you in the afternoon. Let's play in the villa. "

"I see Nian Xi," Jiang Yanning turned and blinked at Nian Xi.

"Aren't you going to work in the afternoon, are you here?" Lausanne smiled. "Eat in our house at night, everyone will go."

"... Okay," Nian Xi actually decided to go to the Tianhu Villa for a long time, but he never expected to bring Jiang Xiaoning's little tail in the end.

After lunch, Jun Ting and Lausanne got up and started off.

He first sent the Feng family out. When he left, Feng Father smiled strangely, "Jun Ting, congratulations to you. I didn't expect you to be so blessed, and you can finally find a scientist. I have heard that. See your family happy. "

Nian Junting frowned without a trace, saying: "I'm not sure about Xi Xi's finding her boyfriend, but she and Ji Chuan broke up. It's impossible to stay alone and the family is pressed tight."

Feng mother still wanted to talk, Feng Jichuan glared at her, and said apologetically, "Jun Ting, I will go first, I will not go to play in the afternoon, I will go to the police station."

After seeing Feng's family members leave, Jun Ting said with emotion, "Uncle Feng and Aunt Feng must be uncomfortable."

Lausanne thought for a while and said, "If their son first finds his girlfriend, it will probably not be uncomfortable. It just means that he has no face, and always feels that his son is the best. As a result, his son has not yet found him, but Nian Xi Find it first. It ’s just unbalanced. Just like your dad, your dad urged Nian Xi a while ago. Did n’t he have the same idea? "

The average annual silence is the same.

"Jun Ting, congratulations on being a father, I should go," at this time, a young man came over, with a tall figure, a black suit, and every corner of the suit looked extremely elegant and elegant, with sharp features. He was rigorous and elegant, but when he looked at him, the dark pupils were as deep as abyss, which made people involuntarily surge into fear.

"Bao Han, thank you for coming," Nian Junting shook hands with him. "Too busy, I have no time to entertain you, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, I'll have time to gather," Xu Bohan nodded towards Lausanne and turned to leave.

It's been a long time since I met Ning Tingting. Lausanne was the first person to meet such a person. "Who is this Mr. Xu, why haven't I met?"

"I've seen so many friends in Xiacheng, haven't you all seen it," Ni Junting smiled.

"No, this Mr. Xu is special ..." Lausanne stared stiffly at the "seductive eyes" to be said in his gaze, "Special ... good."

"That's right?" Tian Junting smiled. "How do you know people are good, you haven't had contact with them."

"You're right," Lausanne nodded immediately. "It's pretty good. It's not the crooked jujube type. Are you new? We haven't seen him before when we got married."

"High school classmates, I occasionally played with him before I contacted you. It's the only classmate I still have contact with after studying abroad, because we are all learners and we have common languages, but he transferred to county-level work three years ago It ’s only this year, ”said Jun Ting, who was understatement.

Fifth more. . There is one more tonight. .

(End of this chapter)

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