Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1161: I won't lose

Chapter 1161: I Will Not Lose

Nian Xi was crying in depression, "I'm sorry, I'm not as driven as you think."

Jiang Yanning frowned, his lips moved slightly, and finally said nothing, pulled out his phone and started playing.

Nian Xi was furious. Although he said he could not play cards and couldn't blame him, when he lost completely, he also played on his cell phone to think about global warming, and he could be furious.

Nian Xi lost a few more, in the end she decided to give up, anyway, money is not her own, people do not care, why do they so anxious to death.

It's just uncomfortable to lose so much.

An Lan came over and said, "It's not good for you guys to bully a woman."

"Don't you bully her, haven't you all lost, and if it had to be a last resort, I wouldn't have taken her guns," Moluci said faintly, sometimes there was nothing I could do about it myself. If you do n’t lose, you wo n’t win, but Nian Xi has n’t touched her.

An Lan sighed, "Nian Xi, or I'll help you fight, I'm better than you."

When Nian Xi was hesitant to run away, Jiang Yanning suddenly said, "I'll come."

"You can't," Nian Xi felt helpless now when he saw him, "I know you have money, don't care, but I'm a girl, they will give me some face, you play, they are not at all affectionate Will stay. "

"It's okay. I just watched two of them and checked the specific gameplay on the Internet. Basically, I have already met," Jiang Mining said lowly. "It's very simple."


simple? Keep it simple.

"Uh ... it actually looks simple, but it's hard to meet a master," Nian Xi said euphemistically.

"But it's really simple," Jiang Mining said. "There are 136 cards in total. There are only a few cards to play. Just use math to reason."

Nian Junting looked at his arrogant tone, dissatisfied and said: "I don't know the sky is thick, Nian Xi, let him play."

Seeing this, Nian Xi had to give up his seat, and silently blessed Jiang Yining to ask for more blessings, not to be too ugly.

After the start of Mahjong, Jiang Yanning was clumsy.

Xiao Xi shook his head with a look, "It's okay, you don't have to lose face if you lose, novice, everyone can understand, but everyone is young, keep a low profile, don't be too public."

"I won't lose," Jiang Yanning said softly.

Annual average Ting and Moluci shook their heads helplessly at the same time.

Just five minutes later, Jiang Yining pushed down the card in his hand and "feeled himself."

Xiao squinted and said, "Well, this kind of brand can be touched by itself."

"Well, because when you played a card just now, you noticed that you didn't like to keep the card," Jiang Yanning answered.

"Shou Ning, you are too good. I just thought you had been playing with mobile phones and being dazed," Nian Xi said excitedly.

Jiang Yanning smiled, "Don't you like to win? I can't guarantee that I can win without putting it in, but I can guarantee that I will never lose."

"Boy, don't be too crazy," sneered sneer and looked at these words, he did not take them into account at all, after all, with his ingenuity and wisdom would not dare to say such words, "Today I Let you know what it means to be humble. "

Xiao Zhan stunned, "Ting Ting, I can understand that others teach modesty, but do you have these two words in your life?"

"I don't have one, but others can't live without me," Jun Ting said coldly.

Second more. .

(End of this chapter)

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