Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1162: If he offends, won't he let me marry you later?

Chapter 1162: Offended Will He Never Let Me Marry You

When he finished speaking, Jiang Yanning slipped his eyes and saw that he just looked down at the card seriously.

The annual average Ting took a deep breath, calm down and calm down.

Isn't it just a scientist? In addition to being more powerful than him in science, a scientist is better than him.

Nian Xi made a noise and patted Jiang Yongning's back, "I don't need you to promise me, as long as you can win the money in my brother's hand."

Jiang Yanning froze, showing distress, "But he is your brother. If he offends, will he not let me marry you in the future."

He didn't say much, but everyone at the table heard it.

Nian Xi's face was slightly warm.

Xiao Xi laughed and said, "Oh, you think long-term, but you can rest assured that we have always been broad-minded and full of hearts."

"Cheat," Jiang Yongning lost two words.

Nian Xi also blew Xiao Xiaoyan's eyes blankly, and then said to Jiang Yongning, "Never mind my brother, if I decide to marry you, no one can stop me."

Upon hearing Jiang Jiangning's eyes, his eyes suddenly lightened, "Okay, with your words, I'm relieved, I promise you."

After finishing his speech, he sneaked up to Nian Xi and said, "What a fancy, your brother's skills are terrible."


Nian Xi secretly looked at the proud face of Nian Junting, and wondered if he would be furious if he heard this sentence.

Jun Ting looked very good, he had been completely angered by this kid.

It ’s just that when he lost one by one to Jiang Yongning, the color on his face was a little bit unsustainable. He really did n’t know what was installed in his mind. Ten of them could even touch seven of them. No one touched his guns, he didn't have any money.

Molucy and Xiaoxu didn't go well, either.

It only took an hour to play. Not only did he win the money from Nian Xi, he lost a lot.

"Ah, suddenly I feel sore after sitting for a long time, hey, Jun Lei, you are just here, come and pick me up," Xiao stretched his arms and thought of getting up.

"Aching arm?" Nian Xi walked over with a smile, pinching her fist, "or I'll give you a few punches to make sure it doesn't hurt."

"Xi Xi ..." Xiao Xi wanted to cry.

"Brother, you invited us to play mahjong. You can't run if you lose. I didn't run even if I lost. Brands. I'm still sitting here with warmth. Would you be so persuaded in front of her?"

Ji Nuanyi patted Xiao Zhan's back, "Hit, I have no money and I will do it for you."

"Don't, how can I get you a woman to pay me," Xiao Zhan immediately straightened his back, and couldn't escape life or death.

Only Moluci said indifferently: "Want to win my money, just casually, anyway, I have no girlfriend and no one spends my money."

"From a bachelor's sadness," Nian Xiguai said distressed to Jiang Yongning, "Yun Ning, wait for you to win him less."

"Okay," he never heard Nian Xi talk to himself so tenderly, Jiang Yanning was just like fighting chicken blood.

It turns out that winning can make Nian Xi happy, so he must win.

So at 5:30 in the afternoon, the entire poker field has been mourned again, the average annual Ting's face is ashes, and the excuse of going to the toilet for a third time and asking for money.

Lausanne was speechless to him. "You have lost more than 100,000 today. I don't want to talk about you anymore. The card skills are bad. I have to play cards."

Jun Ting was annoyed, "Why am I bad at the card?"

Lausanne hesitated, "From the first time I draw cards to you in the family, you have lost a lot."

Third more. . Fourth night

(End of this chapter)

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