Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1163: The first time I saw her laughing so brightly because of herself

Chapter 1163: Seeing Her For The First Time Because She Smiles So Brightly

"That's bad luck," said Jun Ting, who felt very shameless. "Do you think I want to fight now? If I don't fight, it means that I'm running away. I have to fight for this tone. I can't even lose face. lost."

Lausanne sighed and said, "I really don't understand what you guys are thinking. Are you a physicist and an astronomer? When you were studying the problems of Orsay, they were already in Calculating the data of the universe, it's almost arguing in the back door. Who is the one who gives you self-confidence?

Annual average Ting: "..."

I remember myself as if I had claimed to be Xueba in front of her in the morning.

"Lolo, I'm gone. Don't worry, I will do my best to win back."

As soon as the money arrived, the average annual thunder quickly ran.


It wasn't until Sister Lan reminded everyone to start cooking that the card game was dissolved.

The three members, Jun Ting, Xiao Zhan, and Moluci, seemed to be relieved. Although Moluci lost money, it seemed that he lost too much today.

"Jun Ting, don't call me anyone who has this guy in the future, thank you." When Xiao Xi went away, everyone was shaking and felt that he had lost too badly.

The handsome face of Junting Nian is like the ice of thousands of years. He gave Jiang Yining a cold look and walked away.

Jiang Mining blinked and turned to Nian Xi and said, "Everyone doesn't seem to like me very much."

"It's okay, I like it," Nian Xi really sees how pleasing to him.

How could there be such a smart person in this world, she was so far away.

Jiang Yanning blushed, and quickly gave her the thick pile of money on the table. "This is what I won. There are still a lot in WeChat. I will transfer it to you at that time."

"Don't," Nian Xi quickly shook her head. "It's the money you won, you own it."

"But I won for you," Jiang Yongning was depressed. "Why do I want so much money? If you don't want me, I'll give it back to everyone."

After he said, he stood up, and Nian Xi quickly held him. "Why back? They never won my money before. Never mind, you don't want me to hold it, my God, I'm not dreaming, since my mother After cutting off my living expenses, I have n’t received so much money in a long time. I ’m going to buy and buy. ”

Jiang Yanning looked at her so happy, sweet in her heart.

The first time I saw her laughing so brightly, she finally found her use.

"Thank you," Nian Xi looked up and said to him after she was excited. "I have never won so much money. I have played ten or nine games each time, and my brother has bullied me."

"Why did he bully you," Jiang Mining said inexplicably. "Aren't you his sister?"

"There is a kind of brother who has fun bullying his sister," Nian Xi sighed.

"It doesn't matter, he bullies you and finds me later," Jiang Yanning said with a smile, "I don't allow others to bully you."

If it was someone else, Nian Xi might not believe it, but now he said such things, she didn't feel exaggerated at all, she was quite touched, there was a feeling of finding a backer, and his IQ completely crushed his brother.

See what qualifications he has in the future.


At the dinner table, Jiang Yongning was still with Nian Xi to count the money, but he didn't come.

But other guests have arrived one after another. Everyone already knows what happened in the afternoon, and expresses deep sympathy for the three members.

Mo Jin comforted, "It's all right, you three are rich anyway, don't care about that."

Fourth more. . .

(End of this chapter)

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