Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1180: Want to hold her

Chapter 1180: I Want To Hug Her

I don't know how long it has been.

The more prone Jiang Yanning is, the more he likes it, the more hesitant to let go.

I ca n’t wait to kiss it until dawn, but it did n’t take long for Nian Xi to look away.

Jiang Mining was disappointed. "Xi Xi, aren't you close?"

Probably for too long, his voice was low and hoarse, and he could not speak in the dark, and Nian Xi's disordered heart suddenly missed a beat, and there seemed to be a small hand scratching in his heart Scratching itchy and numb.

"I've been kissing for a long time, I have to watch a movie," Nian Xi secretly fortunately, fortunately, in the box, I can't see how red her face is now.

I really didn't expect this guy to be very jerky at first, and he was getting more and more hard to get behind him. Sure enough, this is the instinct of every man.

"Oh," Jiang Mining felt regretful. After the close contact just now, he had no thought at all about watching movies.

The first time I have such a thing, I especially want the second time.

I was just afraid that Nian Xi was unhappy and could only bear it silently.

After all, the movie ended. It was already over ten o'clock in the night, and Nian Xi took her clothes to get up and suddenly held her by one hand.

She looked back, Jiang Yanning stared at him brightly, it looked like Jiang Jiang usually saw the meat.

"Why ... what's wrong?" She stared nervously at him.

"I still want to kiss," Jiang Yanning said immediately and sticked to her waist.

Nian Xi's breathing was slightly stagnant. This guy is now driving. He tasted sweet and was out of control, right?

She believed him, but it was in bed after all, and she didn't dare to take the risk.

But now that this person is obviously proud, she can only bow her head and kiss him, "Go away."

"I'm not talking about this ..." Jiang Yanning pursed his lips without thinking, "It was just like that."


Nian Xi's face has red ears and red ears. "You don't have to go in. You have kissed me for so long."

"... I'm sorry," Nian Xi seemed a little upset. Jiang Yanning immediately got up, annoyed, thinking that he might be too abrupt. After all, it was the first official date today, and the two were already in a bed and kissed again. For a long time, it should not always be remembered.

But this kind of thing is beyond his control for the first time in his life. With the first time, he wants the second time and the third time.

Even when leaving the box, holding hands didn't feel enough, I wanted to hug her and couldn't bear her.

Coming out of the cinema, Jiang Yining stuffed several dolls into the back seat and said, "Don't send me away, just go back. I will ask the driver to come downstairs to your house to pick me up. I will help you carry things up. You're not good at it. "

Nian Xi stared back at him, "You want to go to my house?"

"I don't have it. I'm just afraid you can't take it," Jiang Yanning blushed. "And I also want to let you send me all the time, and ... daisy is going to fertilize."

"It looks like you're well prepared," Nian Xi hummed and raised an eyebrow. "You won't leave if you don't enter my house."

"Of course not," Jiang Yanning's face flushed instantly. "What do you think of me?"

"It's as if you didn't rely on me," Nian Xi poked at his chest, "I don't know who used to follow me every time I got lost. My brother's family has slept, and my family has also slept."

"At that time ... I thought you were so kind," Jiang Yanning was said to be ashamed. I didn't think before, and now I know that men and women are really different. "Maybe when I first see you, I like it."

First more. . Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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