Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1181: Aren't you jealous with Jiang Jiang?

Chapter 1181: You Are Not Jealous With Jiang Jiang

Nian Xi hum, "I'm so sweet now, I haven't seen you say that before, I just know that it's behind my butt. What do you like about me for the first time, I cry so clearly in front of you."

"The beauty of crying ..." Jiang Yanning whispered.

Nian Xi's mouth is slightly curved, and her heart is quite sweet. After all, are women, who doesn't like to be praised, although the truth is not clear.

"Later ... you touched me again," Jiang Mining said, very shy. "No one has touched ..."


In advance of that, Nian Xi could not wait to get into the burrow. "I was not careful. I know. It is because I touched you that I was so impressed. If others touch you What about? "

Jiang Yanning froze, thought for a while, frowned and spit out two words: "Disgusting."

Nian Xi was quite satisfied with this answer. After getting in the car, she thought about it, and stared at him with a domineering side. "Remember, no one will be allowed to touch it in the future, neither man nor woman."

"I know, my mother told me when I was young," Jiang Mining nodded honestly, "what about you, can you touch it?"

Nian Xi coughed gently, was this pig intentional, "I, of course, I'm an exception."

"Oh, I see, meaning that only you in the world can touch," Jiang Yanning smiled at her sweetly.


This topic is getting more and more crooked. Nian Xi said that she was embarrassed. "I tell you not to tell Uncle Han about this."

"Uh-huh, I understand."

You know the fart.

Nian Xi muttered in his heart.


To the parking lot of Nianxi District, Jiang Yining helped her to take a pile of dolls to the elevator.

Opening the door, a small short leg ran towards the direction of Nian Xi quickly, and fluttered on her lap, yelling, not to mention how pathetic it was.

"Guaiguai, I'm late, I know you're lonely and cold," Nian Xi quickly held Jiangjiang in her arms and stroked.

Jiang Jiang was very comfortable to touch, and his head was stubbornly hard in the past, and a dog stared at Jiang Yongning, staring at him badly, and seemed to welcome the stranger.

Jiang Yanning was very envious. Why is he the same name as Jiang but the treatment is so different? He also wanted to be touched by Nian Xi's neck.

Nian Xi frowned. "No, I take it to the pet store to take a bath every week, and I get the vaccine on time. It's clean."

"I don't think it's clean," Jiang Yanning said dullly. "This kind of dog should often lose hair, often living in this environment, easy to cause respiratory diseases, plus you are a very unclean person. . "

"Don't you like dogs?" Nian Xi has a headache, if it is, it's troublesome. "Don't you say that you like me, isn't it that you like to accept my pets together? Jiang Jiang is my family, From the day I decide to raise it, I will not give it up. "

Seeing Nian Xi's tone was serious and serious, Jiang Yanning panicked and quickly explained, "I didn't mean this, I just thought ... you should be more intimate with me, not with a dog."

"... So you won't be jealous with Jiang Jiang after a long time in trouble," Nian Xi's brows moved slightly, with a smile.


Jiang Yanning bowed his head in embarrassment and scratched his face, then headed down to the kitchen, "I'm thirsty, I want to drink water."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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