Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1201: Son's low EQ is genetic, there is no way

Chapter 1201: Son's Low EQ Is Hereditary, No Way

Shi Qingtong didn't expect that his son, who didn't spend too much time to care, suddenly became so attached to a woman.

This does not tell the son of autism whether it is good or bad.

The good thing is that he finally opens himself, and the bad thing is that he is too dependent on the other party to get hurt.

"Buying a car is a trivial matter. You support me, but do n’t be too happy for your girlfriend. After all, we are not businessmen. It ’s better to be low-key," reminded Shi Qingtong. Tell her it's also for her good. The better you know about this, the safer it will be. "

"I know," Jiang Yanning was silent.

"And thank you very much," Shi Qingtong sighed. "She stays up all night to work for you to make this robot."

"Well, I have a good heart," Jiang Mining said. "I'll make her a watch as soon as possible."

"You ... forget it," Shi Qingtong is helpless, his son's low EQ is hereditary, there is no way, it is better to know less.

After hanging up, Jiang Yining thought about it and sent a message to He Xin: Thank you.

He Xin replied: Don't say thank you, we have no friendship, but we grew up in a laboratory, when will you return to Beijing.

Jiang Yanning: There is no time.

He Xin: I understand. I heard that Professor Han of Xiacheng University is studying related research on new types of magnetocaloric materials.

Jiang Yanning: Not all, I have to accompany my girlfriend.

After he sent the message, there was no movement for a while, so he put down the phone and continued the experiment until the phone rang, and a voice of congratulation came down: "Are you looking for a girlfriend?"

"Well," Jiang Yanning nodded.

He Xin stayed for a while, and his voice gradually became bitter. "Why haven't you heard of it?"

Jiang Mining wondered, "Why do we talk about such things, and you know I don't like talking."

He smiled wryly, yeah, they only talk about science, except he is not interested in these at all, so she can only talk to him. He thought that in his world, science would never be able to integrate into other people, just not When he came to Xiacheng, it all changed, "What kind of girl?"

"A police officer," Jiang Yanning said sweetly.

"Maybe you asked me for a robot this time for her too?" He Xinxin turned around and quickly understood.


He Xin's throat was blocked for so long that he couldn't speak.

After seeing her stop talking, Jiang Yanning thought that she didn't want to talk anymore, so she said, "I'll hang up first if I'm fine. I still have to experiment."

"it is good."

He Xin put down his phone and burst into tears.

She has liked him since she was a child. Why did he suddenly fall in love with others, and why she had never heard anyone say it.

By the way, Jiang Yongning likes it, but the people in the Jiang family may not agree.

He Xin quickly called Shi Qingtong: "Auntie, I heard that it was true that Su Ning found a girlfriend?"

Shi Qingtong was a bit ashamed. She was afraid that her son would not be able to marry his wife. He also talked to the He family about dating. He likes his son. She sees it. She thinks that He Xin can also tolerate her son. ,did not expect…….

"Heart, I have only recently heard his dad talk."

He Xin stayed for a while, "Auntie, haven't you mentioned our marriage to my dad before?"

Shi Qingtong smiled bitterly. "I mentioned it to Su Ning before, but you know that the boy was so autistic before. I talked to him. He completely ignored my voice. Even if he listened, it was good to listen to two words in ten words. Now. "

Fifth more. . Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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