Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1202: She is so proud every day now

Chapter 1202

He Xin listened and sank in his heart, "So Suining has something to say with that girl?"

Shi Qingtong sighed, "Uncle Han said that now Ning Ning is willing to speak, all because of that girl. I talked with Ning Ning, and I can see that he cares for the other side and is very dependent on it. , I dare not say anything, let alone embarrass him ... "

"I see," He Xin heard, and Shi Qingtong followed his son, and didn't mean to help himself.

"Heart, I'm sorry," Shi Xintong smiled bitterly. "Actually, you are really wronged with Su Ning, Su Ning is too autistic."

"Auntie, don't tell me, I'm going to go first," He Xin quickly hung up.

Shi Qingtong was also very uncomfortable holding the mobile phone. After all, He Xin looked at her when she grew up, so she turned to her husband and said, "I feel a little sorry for my heart."

Jiang Fei nodded. "When will I go to Xiacheng? I'm going to see the girlfriend Su Ning is looking for, and take my flowers back by the way."

Shi Qingtong glared at him, "I think getting flowers is your main purpose."

"You don't know how much effort I have spent on this pot of flowers," Jiang Fei said sadly. "I can't see it now, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can only numb myself by studying the turtle shell, if she Ken returned the flowers to me, and I can accept her daughter-in-law. "


Shi Qingtong was too lazy to ignore him, walked away directly, walked to the door and reminded, "You better look at the lily of the valley in your field, don't look for me again in time to find death."

Jiang Fei froze. "He won't even dig out the ground."

"It's hard to say."

Jiang Fei was frightened and went to the backyard to transplant his flowers and plants.


Xia Cheng, when Nian Xi received the phone call, she jumped up from her chair happily, Fang Qi glared her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to get off work earlier today and leave the rest to you," Nian Xi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Dating?" Fang Qi raised an eyebrow.

"Neither, Su Ning sent me a cooking robot. I want to go home to receive it," Nian Xi said with a frown on his face.

Fang Qi opened his mouth wide and spit out a word of "reliance" after a long time, "Scientists are not the same. Gifts are so special. Xixi, you ask Professor Jiang if there are any other friends of scientists and introduce them to Me, it happens to be my bachelor. "

Nian Xi whitened his eyes, "He doesn't seem to have any friends, and he is surrounded by a group of men and no women."

Fang Qi quickly said: "It doesn't matter, I can come out."


Isn't it just a cooking robot?

"That ... I'll ask it the other day," Nian Xi hurried away after finishing speaking.

Not long after she left, Feng Jichuan came over again with a bunch of information. Fang Qi looked up and sighed, "Ji Chuan, she has a boyfriend. You still help her solve the case every day, don't waste so much. You have so much energy, you still have so many cases in hand, you see how many dark circles you have. "

Feng Jichuan smiled bitterly. "I didn't pay enough for her before. In addition, I really don't know what to do. If I do too much, I'm afraid she won't like it. I don't know how to chase girls."

"I think you really have no hope. Who makes your love rival a scientist?" Fang Qi said earnestly. "Professor Jiang chased a woman to send a cooking robot directly. How many people can be so cattle, and how many years have Nian Xi been doing this? The secret weapon on her case, she can flash blind, she is now proud every day. "

First more

(End of this chapter)

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