Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1203: you liar

Chapter 1203 You Liar

Feng Jichuan froze for a few seconds, and the bitterness on his face could hardly be described by words.

Before, he also felt that Jiang Yan Ning Mune seemed to be himself.

"If she is really happy, I can only bless her," Feng Jichuan murmured. After all, the strong twisted melon is not sweet. He also understands that if he loses, he loses.


Nian Xifeng returned home, Jiang Yongning was standing at the door with a white robot.

"Xi Xi ..." I haven't seen her for a few days, and Jiang Yanning saw her hurrying up and quickly opened her arms.

"It's so cute," Nian Xi ran past him excitedly, hugging the robot directly.

Jiang Yanning's arm froze for a while in the mid air, silently retracted, watching Xixi like a robot, a little bit sour and a little sweet in his heart.

From now on, in addition to Jiang Jiang, Nian Xi likes another robot.

"This robot is so delicate and cute," Nian Xi couldn't help it, "I've never seen a robot with such a beautiful appearance. Does it really cook?"

"Try it," Jiang Mining smiled slightly, and after pressing a key on the screen of his chest, he followed Nian Xi into it automatically.

Jiang Jiang rushed over and saw the robot want to step forward but did not dare to step forward.

"You will be called Dajiangjiang in the future," Nian Xi smiled, "Shou Ning, what do you think?"

"Then what Jiangjiang am I," Jiang Yanning asked quietly.

"You are my Ningning," Nian Xi held up his face and kissed him fiercely. "You are awesome."

Jiang Yanning smiled with a pout on his mouth and taught Nian Xi how to use the robot. As long as he downloaded a software, he could directly operate it on his mobile phone.

Nian Xi took a look at the function and was stunned. "This can also bring me water and make Western desserts. Various dishes are available. As long as I buy good ingredients, is it really so powerful?"

Jiang Yanning froze, "I haven't heard that I can do so much before. It looks like she has improved again. It's amazing."

"I've all wanted to meet your friend," Nian Xi suddenly remembered Fang Qiqiu's introduction, and asked, "is your friend male or female?"

"Women," Jiang Yongning replied.

This result really surprised Nian Xi. She originally thought she must be a man. I didn't expect Jiang Yongning to have a female friend. I do n’t know why. My heart was a little somber. You have other female friends, you liar. "

Jiang Yanning was baffled. I wondered why she was upset. "I didn't lie to you. She is my companion in scientific research. She said that her friends often talk about the above things, and others won't talk. You Before I was the only female friend who didn't talk about scientific research, not to mention that now, I'm already my girlfriend, and maybe ... I actually didn't want to be friends with you. "

"I know, you want to be my boyfriend, aren't you," Nian Xi poked at his chest, "you're a sultry badass."

"I'm not bad," Jiang Yanning shook his head.

Nian Xi hooked his lips, "Say, how old are you female scientist, are you married, do you have a boyfriend, what do you look like, what is your personality, and what is your figure?"

Jiang Yanning wondered, "Why do you ask so many?"

Nian Xi said: "Fang Qi didn't find his girlfriend and said he wanted me to introduce him."

Third in the afternoon. It will be late

(End of this chapter)

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