Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1315: I do n’t surname him if I do n’t hit him

Chapter 1315: I Don't Surname Him Without Me

At this time, a bald man sitting in front of the phone suddenly fell to the ground, he bent down and looked at Yan Su's skirt without looking.

Molucy's eyes ignited a flame, and he kicked him directly into the chair behind him.

The man had bent down and sat with a little buttock on it. After this kick, the bald man fell straight on the ground.

The people around him quickly helped him up. The bald man shook off the hands of others and stood back angrily and pointed at Molucy.

Anyway, I am also a well-known music producer in the music industry. I don't know where to come up with a hairy kid and dare to touch him. It's really boring.

Because Yan Su stood on the stage and danced, and the two were in the first and second rows, she soon noticed that the bald man was a well-known Cao Fenghai in the music circle, and he had his own music company. Participating, she had a few encounters with him when she participated in the show, but the other person seemed to be very lascivious, so she stayed away and did not know how he and Molucy had a conflict.

She didn't dare to think too much and was afraid she might be lost. She quickly waved her right hand to attract the fans' eyes to the other side of the stage.


Offstage, Moliuxion greeted Cao Haifeng with a contempt of indifference. If Yan Su wasn't performing on the stage, even if she replaced her singer, he would start directly.

"Boy, did you kick me just now," Cao Haifeng roared angrily.

His voice drew attention from everyone around him. Even Lausanne, Nian Junting, and others also paid attention to this. Everyone wondered why Molucy was arguing with people at this time.

"Shut up and watch quietly, don't disturb others watching the show," Molucy moved his lips indifferently.

Cao Haifeng's arrogant attitude caused Cao Haifeng to rush over. Fortunately, the people next to him quickly dragged him to persuade, "So many audiences, don't make too much noise, now it is the scene of the show, there is no way to re-record, there must be something to end Besides, this is the last song anyway. "

Cao Haifeng put up his eyes with endurance, but still made a downward gesture with his **** towards Moluci.

Molucy snorted.

After Cao Haifeng sat back, Nian Junting turned his head and asked Moluci, "How did you quarrel with him?"

"It looks ugly and shameless," Moluxi said with no expression. He really couldn't tell the other side of Yan Su's embarrassment. After all, he was always disgraceful to a woman.

Junting Ting looked at his arrogance and was extremely speechless.

Recently, he thinks this kid is crazy than he was when he was younger.

"It's not the TV station or the important guest who can sit in the first row. I don't think the other party will wait for a while," Nian Junting reminded him.

Molucy squeezed his knuckles. "It's a coincidence that I have a background in the entertainment industry. I won't be named Mo until I talk to him."

Annual average Ting: "..."

Lausanne worriedly pulled his arm to his ear and asked, "What's wrong with Lucy?"

"Hit away after a while, there may be a fight," Nian Junting reminded her.

Lausanne: "..."

She just wanted to support Yan Su and didn't want to fight.

How disgusting my younger brother really is, it's really worrying that she has to make trouble even when she comes to the competition.


After Yan Su finished the song, the audience remembered thunderous applause.

Yan Su bowed, thanked him, and looked in the direction of Lausanne before going down.

Then the host came to the stage and let everyone vote. About ten minutes later, the vote was cast, and a singer from Hong Kong was eliminated.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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