Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1316: With each step, my heart beats faster and faster

Chapter 1316 With Each Step, My Heart Beats Faster

After Yan Su finished the song, the audience remembered thunderous applause.

Yan Su bowed, thanked him, and looked in the direction of Lausanne before going down.

Then the host came to the stage and let everyone vote. About ten minutes later, the vote was cast, and a singer from Hong Kong was eliminated.

Everyone hugged farewell on the stage and continued to welcome the more intense knockout of Xingqu.

After the show, the audience left one after another, and sat in front of Cao Haifeng to stand up and roll up his sleeves. "You kicked me on purpose just now, boy, I've never seen you so arrogant, The TV station is n’t yours. I do n’t care if you kneel down and apologize, otherwise I do n’t care what your identity is and I will ruin your reputation. ”

"You still mingle in this circle, I don't even know, but it doesn't matter, today I will let you remember," Moluci jumped forward with his arms directly, grasping each other's face and pressing on the stage .

"Hey, what are you doing, fighting?" People who knew Cao Haifeng stepped forward to stop.

Nian Junting hurried up to stop people, "My brother must have his reason for beating, he is not a neurosis."

"Yo, Mr. Nian," the director immediately recognized him, and got up to shake hands. "Jiu Wen Daiming, this ... will it not be Molucimmo who just won the Golden Lion Award recently."

"What's the guide, isn't it just following someone else's guide to win a prize in Venice?"

Seeing that Cao Haifeng had been asking for help, the director was embarrassed. "Guide, look ... Mr. Cao is also a very famous musician."

"Rest assured, he has a sense of proportion," the average annual Ting comforted.

Lausanne looked particularly speechless from the side, wondering when the two men were so tacit.

Twenty minutes later, a group of people walked out of the TV station, and Lausanne turned to think of Molucy, but he suddenly said, "I won't go back with you. I have a friend from Hangzhou tonight and went to her overnight."

Mo Jin squinted. "When did you have friends in Hangzhou?"

"My friends are gone, I do n’t know if I told you, I'll go first," Molucy waved his hands and walked away.

Nian Junting snorted in heart, and he would not go home at all. The boy would not stay overnight so soon.


Yan Su refused the director's invitation to have supper, and went directly to the hotel by nanny car.

Jiao Jiao and her gossip on the road, "You do n’t know that just after the show ended, Mo Lu Xi just stabbed Cao Haifeng directly, making him swollen and swollen. Fortunately, he was not allowed to bring a mobile phone to watch the show today. What the audience sees is troublesome. "

"What's the trouble, he is not afraid of heaven," Yan Su sighed. "Besides, there is a film company and so many backers behind him."

"Also," Jiaojiao laughed. "But it's pretty cool to think about it. Cao Haifeng always makes excuses to take advantage of you. It's a disgusting demon to shoot at you with a hand.

Yan Su froze for a while, thinking that Moliuxi would hit someone to know something.

After arriving at the hotel, as soon as I reached the 22nd floor, I saw Molouxi Station waiting, and Jiaojiao's eyes lit up instantly. "You are ..."

"We have something to talk about, you go back to rest first," Yan Su patted her shoulder.

Jiao Jiao hid her mouth and left.

Yan Su walked step by step towards Moluci, and every step he took, his heart beat faster and faster.


I'm not feeling well today, only four more. . Sorry

Many people tell the truth. I remember Yan Su said long ago that the truth will be after the game. Now I do n’t say that I am afraid it will affect the current game. The game I am talking about is not just this one. There are many periods of the game. Hurry, now I ca n’t wait to speed up the writing all at once, but can you say now, can you say that Yan Su can still play in a quiet game, Moliuxi will just pull her back to her hometown to admit her, so you say Let Yan Su say this time is impossible. I can only say that the truth is not too far away.

(End of this chapter)

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