Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1358: Warmth and Cheng Sheng made headlines

Chapter 1358: Warmth and Cheng Sheng Make Headlines

The two quarreled in the quilt for a while. Moluci was preparing to enter the subject, and Yan Su's phone rang.

She was going to pick it up, and Molucy was annoyed, pressing her to let go. "What to pick up, let it ring."

"No, maybe there's something important," Yan Su pushed his wolf's head hard, and it took him a lot of milk to push him away. He got up and looked for his cell phone, and took a look at the number from Lausanne.

As he was about to answer, Molucy got up again and stubbornly hugged her to bed. "Yan Su, I'm all like this. You still have the mood to answer the phone. Now the priority is to put out the fire."

"Stop your head, your sister's phone," Yan Su stared at him warningly, "shut up."

When she connected, put her ears up. "Sang Sang, is it all right?"

"I need to ask you something urgent," Lausanne said hastily. "Have you read the news this morning?"

"New ... smell?" Yan Su subconsciously shed a cold sweat behind her, and reporters didn't take a picture of her and Molucy last night, "Why ... what news?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Molucy came over and took a naughty bite in her ear, which was her most sensitive place, and she almost lost her cell phone.

"Warmness," Lausanne said, "Warmness and Cheng Sheng made headlines."

Yan Suteng sat up, "What's going on?"

"Don't you know, watching the news that you had supper together last night," Lausanne said worriedly, "Anyway, after the photo was taken last night after supper, Cheng Sheng greeted the picture of entering the room with warmth, alas, wanton Brother now sees that he is dying, and no one answers the warm call, so I want to ask you about it. "

"This ... I don't know. I drink a bit too much myself, but I saw a lot of warm drinks when I left. Cheng Sheng and her assistant helped her get in the car. I don't know much about it later. Now, I think it should be catching the media by the media, because other assistants are following along, "Yan Su frowned." I didn't find the warmth interesting to Cheng Sheng. "

"Well, anyway, I'm in trouble now, I want to care," Lausanne said. "I hope they can do well."

"I'll look for her later. She probably hasn't checked out yet, and may have slept late like me," Yan Sugang said, and Molucic's wolf's head was lying on her own. She almost hummed and quickly "I ... I have something to do, let's hang up ..."

After she hung up, she kicked him directly on his chest, "Morius, did you just hear me talking on the phone, something went wrong, and you still have a mood."

"It's not me and you," Molucy rubbed his chest. "Isn't it a little gossip and gossip, which star won't be shot, and besides, in this circle, the more beautiful you go, the better The more I will stare at you and the more I want to drag you into the water, if Ji Nuanyi doesn't have the quality in this snack, don't mix in this circle. "

Yan Su Yiyi, "What do you mean?"

"Someone wants to tidy her," Molucy got up lazily and leaned on the pillow. "You're all jealous, not to mention that she just got a lot of offers like snowflakes when she returned from Venice, plus the box office. It was a big hit after it was released. This year, the heroine who swept the major awards with this movie is completely fine. Now the media is staring at her, but she did n’t dare to put it casually, and she did n’t have no backstage. Reporter You have to take care of it, but let it go silent last night, indicating that someone was instructing you later. If you think about it, she now has a boyfriend like Xiao want to **** her, and her career is smooth, can anyone be jealous. "

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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