Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1359: The bee wave butterfly beside President Xiao ...

Chapter 1359: The Crazy Bee Wave Butterfly Around President Xiao ...

Yan Su is silent. Indeed, a singer like her can be jealous, let alone a larger performing arts circle.

"But Brother Cheng ..., to be honest, how do I think he seems to like warmth, I suddenly saw it last night."

"I don't know. I don't pay attention to other women's affairs."

Moliuxi found a comfortable position to lie down. "It is not surprising that you wo n’t see a woman without a girlfriend and get married. Besides, in the entertainment industry, many celebrities are contacted by filming, just to say that it is explosive It ’s not good for Ji Nuan to come out. After all, everyone knows that she and Xiao want to associate with each other. Now she said that she went into the room with other men, and people outside would think she was cheating. Now in this society, male stars cheating. Women shouted and yelled, but after that they got used to it. Once a female star splits, it is scolded by men and women, and few of them end well. "

"You're right, I'm going to ask warmth, what's going on," Yan Su couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly got up and redressed.

Molucy didn't stop her, after all, Ji Nuanyi should help herself in Venice, and she should be concerned.

When Yan Su went out, he suddenly said: "You said to Ji Nuanyi, even if there is no movie to shoot in the future, I promise she will do it."

"what's up?"

"Don't say," Molucy went to bed under the covers.


Ji Nuanyi lives downstairs, Yan Su directly knocks on the door, and assistant Shen Yue came to open the door for a long time. "Miss Yan, why are you here?"

"Wake up with warmth, I am because of this morning's scandal ..." Yan Su told the truth.

"Come in," Shen Yue turned over.

Yan Su walked in and saw Ji Nuanyi sitting on the bed phoning, seeing her come in, but nodded, and continued to talk on the phone, "I said what happened if I didn't talk to Cheng Sheng. ...... If you don't believe it, you can ask my assistant, I usually have no ambiguity with Cheng Sheng ... Why would you rather believe those reports than me, so many people were yesterday ... "

Yan Su waited for three minutes before she saw Ji Nuanyi hung up on the phone and walked towards her tiredly. "Did you have breakfast, I didn't expect such a big thing to happen when I woke up."

"Did someone want to hurt you," Yan Su asked worriedly.

"There are more people who want to hurt me," Ji Nuan sneered, sitting on a chair, "I was recently competing with others for an important role in a movie. Once my reputation is ruined, the director will not consider me, and This movie, and now it is the second day of the movie's first release, if the male and female protagonists spread negative news, it will also have an impact on the box office of the movie. In addition, there are always so many crazy bee butterflies that like Xiao wanton, It's not that simple. "

Yan Su stumbled, "The crazy bee wave butterfly beside President Xiao ..."

"Susu, Xiao is handsome, and he is also a high-level in the entertainment industry. He usually likes to play outside and is funny and humorous. Would such a man not like a woman," Ji Nuanyi asked with a smile.

Yan Su stopped talking. Suddenly, she thought that Mo Lu Xi's mean boyfriend who didn't like to hang out was also good.

"Are you here to care about me, thank you," Ji Nuanyi said suddenly, "In fact, I already knew that there were reporters staring at me, but I usually greeted money on weekdays. This time I was carrying me suddenly There was a premeditated plan to rectify me like this, but it doesn't matter. I haven't seen any strong winds and waves for so many years, as long as I can sit upright. "

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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