Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1391: Mom, well ... well done

Chapter 1391 Mom, oh ... well done

In the end, there was no way, under the wife's Yu Wei, he had to smell his face and hold a small apple to go to the bathroom.

Then, he kept screaming, "Ahhhh ... a lot of **** ... the bottom of my **** ... the pants are dirty ... I want to vomit ... get sick."

Lausanne was also nauseated by his nagging, and was about to get up to help, and the opposite Molucy stood up faster than her.

He walked directly into the bathroom, cold Qingjun face and said to Junting Ting, "Give him to me."

Junting Nian was a little embarrassed. He did not look back. Moluci had already taken the little apple and took off his pants.

After rubbing his eyebrows, he said to Nian Junting, "Don't pour water and get him clean pants. Don't catch a cold in this weather."

Jun Ting was stunned. What the boy was doing was ordering himself.

Dissatisfied, but had to arrange for his son's obedience.

In the end, putting on the pants and changing the diapers for the little apple made Lausanne and Sister Lan who were watching on the side dumbfounded.

Sister Lan came to Lausanne and whispered, "What did Lucie experience these days? Did she go to her girlfriend's house and bring her baby?"

Lausanne froze. "Sister Lan, don't scare me."

Little Apple came down from Molucy's knee, and hurriedly ran to Lausanne. "Mom, well ... well done, well ... uncomfortable."

Lausanne: "..."

Nian Junting rubbed his eyebrows, this stinky boy, making a small report in front of himself and saying bad things.

"Luxey, when were you so proficient with children," Lausanne asked.

"... Well, because my girlfriend has a younger brother who is a little bigger than Little Apple, I helped take care of it for the New Year," Moluci strode into the restaurant.

The average annual tinger snorted, why don't you say that he took his daughter at his girlfriend's house in the New Year.

Seeing his disapproved expression, Lausanne couldn't help walking over the cool road: "If you look at Lucy, the younger brother who took his girlfriend in the New Year is so skilled, and you don't dislike seeing so many people, look at you, then But you kiss your son. "

"I'm not disapproving," Nian Junting said unconvinced. "I just told the truth. I can't say my son's concubine is fragrant."

Lausanne shook his head, too lazy to argue with him.

After supper, Molucy went home after playing with Little Apple for a while. Lausanne said with emotion, "It used to be unlucky for my brother, but now I understand that a good man wants a woman to control it. , Will definitely be a good husband and a good dad in the future. "

"That's right," Nian Junting nodded, "Like me, I'm completely driven by you, and now I'm a Miyoshi husband."

Lausanne: "... Which is better?"

"Good looks, good body, and good life."


At night, Lausanne came out of the bath and saw Ning Junting sitting on the carpet teaching his son to learn English.

She thought the scene in front of her was very loving and interesting, so she sat down and watched.

"Come, son, let's start reviewing. Good morning how to read in English," Nian Junting looks like a loving father.

Little Apple looked up, "A."

Junting Nian: "... Okay, I won't say it in the morning, then good evening."

Little Apple: B.

Jun Ting was furious, "Did I just teach you many times just now, why haven't you inherited the excellent genes from me and your mother, not even the simplest English?"

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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