Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1392: Nian Xi got gunshot wound

Chapter 1392 Nian Xi was wounded by a gun

Little Apple blinked, pouted, turned around and cried and hugged Lausanne's calf, "Mom, how bully ... baby."

Nian Junting sneered, "Why did I bully you? I didn't even say a dirty word to you, I didn't learn English, and you will be able to sue and coquettish. As a boy, you will be as strong as steel, no matter how hard you are. "

Lausanne picked up his son and sat on his lap, giving him an unbearable glance at the average young age, "How old is he, how old is he? How can he speak so much fluency, you have to speak English, you What's the performance name, do you know Chong Yangmei, or should I talk to your grandpa? "

The old man hated the foreigner the most.

After Lausanne had his speechless for a while, he began to renew his spirit. "Luo Luo, you make sense, but as a boy you must be strong. I decided to send him to learn martial arts when he was three years old, and tonight Swimming, sending him to the army at the age of eighteen, I wanted to contribute to the country in my life, but because of physical fitness, son, I do not require you to be the chief, but also a major general. "

Little Apple looked blank.

Lausanne sighed, and his son, who had high hopes from his father, was also very tired.

Seeing Lausanne's speechless appearance, his average thin lips closed for a while, and he said, "Well, even if it doesn't, then as a man, you always have to honor your parents. Your father doesn't matter, but your mother must be filial. In case if Dad gets old and is gone, you have to take care of Mom. "

"What nonsense," Lausanne said, covering his mouth directly, a little upset.

Nian Junting suddenly frowned and sighed, "I didn't talk nonsense, you see that I am many years older than you, when I go to the seventh, you are only six, this kind of thing may not be, just in case, so I have to Educate your son. "

"No," Lausanne said with a sour heart, and said calmly.

"Lolo, don't you want to bear me," Nian Junting held her sweetly.

Lausanne pursed his lips with a smile. "There is a saying, what a thousand years of evil ..."

Ning Junjun's face collapsed and he bit her into her mouth negatively.

Little Apple raised his innocently big eyes, and his father was bullying his mother again. It was too much, always eating his mother's mouth.

He tugged at his pajamas angrily.

When the family of three was struggling, the phone rang in bed.

Lausanne pushed him aside and glanced at his cell phone. "What is Feng Jichuan calling you at this time?"

"It wouldn't be Xiaoxian. The guy has been in a bad mood with Ji Nuanyi and lingered in the bar recently," Nian Junting picked up his cell phone.

"Jun Ting, come to the hospital, Nian Xi was injured by a gun," Feng Jichuan's dumb voice came.

The annual average Ting's face changed, and he suddenly stood up.

"Tonight Nian Xi's group surrounded a serial killer in Nanshan. The prisoner was extremely insidious and cunning. He did not expect to hide in the mountain pass, and there was a gun. Nian Xi was shot in the thigh. On the road, "Feng Jichuan said anxiously.

"I'll be right here," said Jun Ting, putting on his cell phone and putting on his coat.

"I'll go with you," Lausanne immediately got up, gave the child to Sister Lan, and took him out of the car.

On the way, Junting Ning called his parents. Lausanne thought about it and dialed Jiang Yongning's phone. No one answered.

"Who are you calling?" Asked Jun Junting.

"Jiang Ning, didn't answer," Lausanne frowned. "Maybe I'm asleep at this point."

Third more. Fourth Evening

(End of this chapter)

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