Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1413: Professor Jiang's girlfriend is a bitch

Chapter 1413 Professor Jiang Gets His Girlfriend A Sister

Jiang Yanning frowned. "So they are resurrected?"

"I don't know," Han Shu helpless, "but this kind of criminal group is not completely destroyed like Xiaoqiang. Your father said before that their group of biologists gathered in Vietnam to get the resurrection of Cuvier elephant. It is planned that once they resurrect this century-old animal, they will bring them endless profits. "

Jiang Yanning took a breath, "Whether they want to warn me about Nian Xi or ... just by accident."

"Don't think about it first," said Uncle Han, "I'll contact the Interpol, maybe it's just because of the gun."

"Well," Jiang Mining was upset, "Nian Xi proposed to me today, and I want to be good with her ..."

"That's not quite ..." Uncle Han said halfway and suddenly hesitated. "She proposed to you, didn't you propose it?"

"Well, she asked first."


Uncle Han coughed for a long time, "Ms. Nian is really not an ordinary woman, she is a heroine in the middle of the world, and she is a perfect match for you."

"I think so," Jiang Yanning laughed, but fell down again within three seconds. "She is so special, so I don't want to hurt her because of my own affairs."

"No, and Ms. Nin is not an ordinary person," consoled Han, and his husband finally encountered a woman whom he liked. If something goes wrong, can he bear it in his heart in the future.


The next morning, Jiang Yongning had a class at Xia Da University. He originally wanted to get rid of it, but Nian Xi said it was not necessary. She accompanied him. After all, it was boring to be bored at home every day, and sometimes I had to go out to breath Breathe in fresh air.

Jiang Yanning naturally agreed, and he always believed that Nian Xi was too scarce as a police officer, and he should learn more. Of course, he would never say to Nian Xi, for fear that she would not be happy.

School time is still there. After Jiang Yongning parked his car, he pushed Nian Xi to take a leisurely walk on campus.

Many students in the school know Jiang Yongning, but they are not very familiar with Nian Xi. After all, apart from that investigation, she has come to school less often, and usually dates with Jiang Yongning outside.

However, Nian Xi soon noticed that some little girls walking on the road would keep looking back and peek at Jiang Yongning.

"Who then, does your school have grass, it's so handsome," a female companion amazed.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's a visiting professor in the Department of Physics. Oh my god, why did Professor Jiang find a sister-in-law to be a girlfriend during the Chinese New Year? I knew he had such a low demand for a girlfriend.

"You pull it down. You see, your girlfriend looks pretty, although her legs are cramped."

"Ouch, it's been a whole year. Who doesn't look good? By the way, Professor Jiang must come to school today to give a lecture. I won't accompany you to play. I'm going to occupy a place."

"Well, you go to a physics class to listen to physics lessons. Are you kidding me? Do you understand me?"

"I can't understand I can lick the screen."


Nian Xi had pointed ears, and wanted to be angry in front of her, but she calmed down and squinted at the clean and elegant man behind her, thinking that everyone else was jealous of red fruit.

"Xi Xi, what's wrong," Jiang Yanning saw her look back at herself and immediately bent over.

"Look at how handsome you look," Nian Xi grinned, "Jiang Ningning, why do you look so good?"

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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