Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1414: His girlfriend is jealous and overbearing

Chapter 1414: His Girlfriend Loves The Wind, Is Jealous And Domineering

A sudden wave of praise, Jiang Yanning took a few seconds, his face flushed instantly, "This ... may have something to do with genetic inheritance, the two of our ... children must also look good."

Nian Xi was stunned, and she should have been teased.

She politely reached out and rubbed his arm. "Sorry, whoever is with your children."

Jiang Yanning grumbled, "Don't forget that you proposed to me yesterday."

Nian Xi stopped talking all of a sudden, this guy will talk back now.

Jiang Yining said, "Xi Xi, how about going to a French revolving restaurant for dinner at noon?"

Nian Xi laughed, "Why, now you know you want to take me to Western food. There is progress, Professor Jiang."

"Aren't you fond of western food," Jiang Yanning answered innocently.

"No, I'm going to eat in the school cafeteria today," Nian Xidao said, "I haven't eaten in your school for a long time, and suddenly I miss it."

By the way, her sister-in-law is going to tell the students who have thoughts about their man in the school and let them know that he has a master.

Especially in this youthful school, there are fresh flowers everywhere, more honey.


After arriving in the classroom, there were already full inside. Nian Xi was not a girlfriend when she came last time, so I didn't care much. I took a closer look this time and found that female students accounted for two thirds.

Jiang Yanning pushed her in. A small brown sofa was deliberately placed in front of the lecture. Jiang Yanning hugged her to the top, and then she heard the classmates' gas.

Jiang Yanning didn't hear anything, and bowed his head to Nian Xi and said, "Xi Xi, I hope you won't fall asleep while you are in class."

"... Of course not. I slept well last night," Nian Xi struck up. Indeed, sleeping in other people's classrooms would hurt others' self-esteem.

Jiang Mining hesitated and said, "Listen to my lessons, you will benefit a lot."

Nian Xi: "..."

After Jiang Yanning came to power, a male teaching assistant patted her on the back. "Police officer, are you finally with Professor Jiang?"

Nian Xi glanced back at him, and the assistant teacher was at the last lecture.

The assistant teacher glanced at her leg and said in a complicated mood, "It seems that you and Professor Jiang have experienced a lot of ups and downs."


What kind of ups and downs she went through, she didn't know anything.

Ten minutes after class, Nian Xi found herself unable to persevere. She wanted to play with her mobile phone.

Twenty minutes after class, she wanted to sleep, this class is definitely the most boring she has ever heard.

She looked back at the students. The boys listened very carefully, the girls licked the screen seriously, and then took pictures.

So she went back to sleep.

Upon waking up, noisy in the classroom, Jiang Yanning frowned and stood in front of her unhappyly, "You are asleep again."

"Yeah, I'm asleep again, do you have a comment?" Nian Xi's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and raising her brows.

Jiang Yanning: "... No ... I dare not have an opinion."

Nian Xi fluttered a smile, "Classmates are waiting for you to ask questions, hurry up."

After turning around, she turned to the students and said, "If you really want to understand physics or astronomy issues, I especially welcome you, but if there are those who want to approach him under the guise of asking questions, I It is advisable to urge you to give up. One is not to delay those who really want to learn. The other is that he has a girlfriend. His girlfriend loves to be jealous and overbearing.

Third more. Fourth night

Nian Xi: Hum, I've never looked back on the road of a domineering female CEO.

(End of this chapter)

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