Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1444: As if the end of the world is coming

Chapter 1444 As if the end of the world is coming

Jiang Mining looked up at the alarm clock on her nightstand. "It's half past seven."

He left the plane at 1 pm at 10 o'clock at the latest, and he and her had only so many hours left.

When can I see you later? Can I see you again?

Suddenly, his heart was aching, and the power of holding her in his hand involuntarily increased.

Nian Xi's mood is also similar to him, very heavy, I wish I could stay longer at this moment.

"Come on again ..." she whispered, "Anyway, it happened last night. There is no difference between once and twice or three times."

Jiang Yanning's eyes were dark, and he said dryly, "But ... I'm afraid of your pain, I can't stand it, you just said that you are tired ..."

"I think ... you can just tap," Nian Xi hooked his neck, and Shui Yingying's eyes couldn't say anything.

Jiang Yanning's mind was buzzing, he couldn't help it any longer, and buried her head and kissed her lips deeply.

Nian Xi hugged him hard.

It was about to be separated, and each other seemed very anxious.

Although Jiang Mining didn't remember the specific details of last night, but this kind of thing happened two times, and the man's instinct could let him know how to do it quickly.

It was only that the senses were vaguely recalled last night, but now they are extremely clear.

Turbulent emotions flowed continuously, as if every blood cell in the blood was boiling, making him another person, wild, passionate, and rushed.

"Xi Xi ... Xi Xi ..." He said her name over and over again, no matter what he did, he didn't think it was enough.

Just like the end of the world, they vented each other and hugged each other until they were exhausted until they seemed to belong to each other.


The phone on the ground rang several times.

I don't know when.

Jiang Yanning shook his legs and picked up the phone to answer.

"Sir, you finally answered the phone, do you know what time it is," Xu Gang's voice came out, "It's 9:40. If you don't answer the phone again, I will think you are about to escape."

"I didn't ..." Jiang Yanning was deep in his heart, it turned out to be so late, the time passed so fast, obviously he seemed to have only a moment.

"Then you hurry down, I'm downstairs, and your luggage is in the box," Xu Gang urged.

"……it is good."

Jiang Yanning put down his cell phone in despair, and when he looked back, he found that Nian Xi was wearing clothes silently, "Xi Xi, you ... rest."

He knew how reckless he was just now, once and for all the results.

Last night was her first night.

He is guilty.

"I'll take you to the airport ..." Nian Xi's eyes were quiet.

"No, you are too tired," although Jiang Yanning wanted to spend more time with him, he still felt bad for him.

"Please, I'm a policeman. I've experienced all the tiredness, and now I'm tired. I can take a good rest in the next few years. Anyway, you can't come back," Nian Xi said, but walking towards the bathroom himself Her legs were really trembling and painful, but she also had to hold back. What she said just now can't beat her face so quickly.

This guy doesn't look so gentle as usual, just now he really has a lot of energy.

It may have been useless to the right place before.

Jiang Yanning looked at her back with nostalgia.

I didn't cherish such an early morning, and I don't know how long I will see it in the future.

He couldn't help walking quickly and hug her from behind.

With her face buried in her neck, "Xi Xi, I love you."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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