Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1445: I love you. I wait for you.

Chapter 1445 I Love You. I wait for you.

Simple three words, but let Nian Xi froze.

She turned back and met his affectionate eyes, she stared hard. Remember him like this, don't let time obliterate the feelings of two people, "I wait for you."

I love you.

I wait for you.

Jiang Mining thought to himself that the words "I am waiting for you" are even better than I love you.


The water burst out from the bathroom. When Jiang Yanning went to the ground to find clothes, he suddenly found a handcuff falling off the clothes.

He picked it up, wondering why there would be a handcuff here. She didn't always put such a thing in the drawer.

He looked for a while, and suddenly found that there were red marks around his wrist, not very regular. I remember once at his house, Nian Xi tied him like this with handcuffs, and left similar marks.

Why did it happen again last night ...?

Just after Nian Xi finished washing, he walked over with handcuffs, his eyes doubted, "Xi Xi, frankly, did you tie me with handcuffs last night, I have traces on my hands."

He stretched out his wrist, looking like a complaint.

Nian Xi glanced, raising his eyebrows without blushing and heartbeat, "You say this, you're embarrassed to ask."

"Really ..." Jiang Mining was a little unbelievable.

"Why do you think I'm lying," Nian Xi exhaled with her hands on her hips, "I tell you, don't deny it, you have the ability to swear to heaven ..."

The moment Jiang Yanning was said was dumb, his white face flushed with embarrassment. He no longer had the suspicion just now, lowered his head, looked at his toes, and wanted to drill into the seam.

Nian Xi smiled smugly at once, "Do you know what this is called? You want to push the blame on others if you get a bargain."

"I was wrong, Xixi, I shouldn't doubt you," Jiang Yongning immediately apologized honestly. "It's me, it's my integrity."

"Uh ... I do n’t know how to look. After all, there is a little beast in my heart," Nian Xi waved, "I wo n’t care, but do n’t doubt me next time, I ’ve always been straight . "

"I see," Jiang Mining said with more complacency.

So did he release his little beast last night.

So ashamed.

At ten o'clock, when Jiang Yining and Nian Xi took the elevator down the stairs, he suddenly trembled violently, "It's bad."

"What's wrong," Nian Xi was startled by him, and hurriedly subconsciously leaned against the elevator wall. "Nothing will happen to the elevator ..."

"No, I ..." Jiang Yanning said with a pale face,

"I wonder why," Nian Xi whitened his eyes. "It's not that easy."

"That's not necessarily," Jiang Yanning said with a grim expression. "You're strong, I usually don't smoke and drink, and I don't have any problems. Maybe it's easiest."

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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