Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1450: So are you

Chapter 1450 So You Are Again

"Jiang Ningning sent a text message to my phone last night to remind you to eat. I was drunk and was seen by your brother. He bought it for you in person," Lausanne guessed her doubts and explained with a smile. Come out."

Nian Xi bowed her head and drank a large mouthful of porridge, half a minute later, her face was not so hot, she simply raised her head without saying a word, "Who knows if he will not carry me for the past three years? Being hooked up by other women, anyway, I am his first woman, and he will always impress him. This is also a fetter. "

"So you're right again," Lausanne said politely. Early in the morning, she heard that Junting Ning was holding Jiang Yongning, but she didn't believe it.

"Yes, I drunk him," Nian Xi said lazily.

Lausanne really admired her.

However, she is also envious, as a woman living as good as Nian Xi, at least there will be no regrets.

"But you belong like this," Lausanne shamed.

Lausanne: "..."

Suddenly I felt that I used to be so emotional.

"Anyway," Lausanne sighed. "It's for your own good and responsible for the children. It's not so easy to have children, and ..."

She stopped talking.

"And he may not be able to come back, right," Nian Xi took the conversation.

"I'm sorry, Nian Xi," Lausanne was full of apologies. She also hoped that Jiang Yanning would come back alive, but it was very dangerous to be undercover.

"I understand, rest assured, I didn't plan to get pregnant. When he worked hard at Longtan Tiger Point, I also had to cheer. I hope that by then I can wipe out the TOX organization and pick him up instead of taking the child to the airport by myself. Picking him up is too tacky, "Nian Xi took the contraceptive pill and ate it.

Lausanne breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately Nian Xi was unusual.


After breakfast, Nian Xi left. Lausanne stayed with her for a while. She refused and said she was going to work tomorrow.

News of Jiang Yining's disappearance in Italy came after the fourth day.

It's just that this is a secret case, and the above request was not made public, but the news was still circulating inside the police station.

After Nian Xi knew it and hid at home for another week, the director called her to the office and saw her cheeks look thin and sympathetic, "Nian Xi, I suggest you look like this on your annual leave Anyway, you were approved for three months of injury leave in the previous round. "

"I'm fine," Nian Xi clenched her fists, her eyes flushed. In order for others to believe, she had to be sorrowful enough. "I need to cheer up early, and I must bring the people behind me to justice."

"That's the matter of Interpol," the director frowned, and said helplessly. "It's enough for you to do your job properly. If you forcibly go to investigate the TOX organization, I can only suspend your position. That's not your current job. Jiang Yanning's safety is enough to get involved. He is a Chinese citizen and a scientist in China. The police will find him even in ten or twenty years. "

"Thank you ..." Nian Xiyin shed tears.

The director sighed deeply. "Wipe your face with paper. Jiang Yongning's parents have already gone to Italy. Someone will pack his things for you. You still have to look forward."

(End of this chapter)

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