Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1451: Her boyfriend is missing and she feels a lot ugly

Chapter 1451: Her Boyfriend Is Missing, It Feels She Is Ugly

When he came out of the police station office, Nian Xi looked ashamed.

Colleagues passing by were looking at her with sympathy.

Many people have seen the proposal message that she sent in the circle of friends before. Everyone thought she was going to get married this year. Who knows that this happened again.

After walking for a while, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. Feng Jichuan was standing in front of him, and there was a hint of concern in the thick black eyebrows, "Xiao Xi, are you okay."

Nian Xi glanced up at him, grinning bitterly, "who can do this kind of thing."

Feng Jichuan raised his eyebrows and saw Nian Xi look very uncomfortable. He also regretted it. If he could think more about her that year and care more about her, they would already be married and have children. , She will never meet Jiang Yongning again and be injured again.

It is just that if there is no such thing in this world, it is difficult to turn back many things.

"Xiao Xi, the police will surely find him," Feng Jichuan comforted. "They just want to use him, they don't want his life."

Nian Xi's eyes scratched with doubt.

Feng Jichuan explained, "Before the TOX case, I was in charge of Xiacheng. I also knew that if the police could not find it, I would definitely help you find him if I joined the Interpol."

Nian Xi stumbled, "Interpol?"

"Well, because of TOX's case, I did a good job. In addition to my past performance, there was an olive branch thrown at me," Feng Jichuan said. "But I still have to hone for a while. I was hesitant. , Staying in Xiacheng all the way up, this is my original goal, but Jiang Mining's affairs made me reconsider. "


Nian Xi's mind was chaotic for a while, and he stuttered and asked, "Why ... can you also join me, and I want to go to Su Ning myself?"

Feng Jichuan hesitated for a while before telling the truth, "Xi Xi, the person who wants to go in must be skilled and thoughtful, and he must have excellent grades in the past, and he has to break through big cases. You have n’t done this. I myself am not the leader of Interpol. How could it be possible to bring you in, I still have to rely on myself. "

Nian Xi was hit hard.

She thought that Feng Jichuan was just trying to stimulate her when she came to the police station.

She had previously decided to go to Interpol, but as a result, everyone could go without any further effort, and looking at herself, she had to work hard.

"Xi Xi, don't think too much. Everyone wants to save Jiang Yanning, not that you can save him when you enter the organization, everyone is not sure, I will help you work hard, after all ... you are not my daughter Friends, and my sister ... "Feng Jichuan said with a grin.

If you can't be a couple, protect her like a good brother, just like when you were a kid.

Nian Xi was awkward and moved, "Thank you ..."


For a while, Nian Xi took the case in the office to open the case, and she also wanted to go out to take action, but her leg had not recovered.

It's just that the gossip of the police station is getting louder and hotter. It seems that women's gossips can be found everywhere, especially in crowded places.

On this day, a meeting was held in the bureau.

Nian Xi and Cheng Jing went early and heard whispers from several female colleagues in the monitoring department.

"Have you seen Nian Xi recently, hey, I don't know if her boyfriend is missing, I feel she's a lot ugly."

Nian Xi: "..."

Well, what are these people talking about?

Fourth more. Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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