Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1468: Annual average, can you shut up

Chapter 1468: Yearly Junting, Can You Shut Up

"Yes, Susu's mother took it," Lausanne said in a happy mood. "It's really strange. I didn't expect that Little Apple really liked Yan Yan and kept holding other people's small hands. Let her eat whatever the playground buys. A child approached him and he wouldn't let it go. "

The mean arrogant humming, maybe this is the concern of blood thicker than water.

Lausanne went on to say, "Did Apple Apple meet his destined half?"

Annual average Ting: "..."

"There is a kind of relationship that can be a sweetheart, two young people, no doubt, although they are small, but I think they are a good match, and Susu and I are good friends. It will be better if we can form an in-law family in the future." I look like Yan Yan, it must be very beautiful in the future, and the little girl is cute and cute. "

"No," Intermediate Jun directly interrupted, this is a close marriage.

"Why?" Lausanne frowned.

"They are still young. Let him be free to fall in love. I don't approve of parents' marriage arrangement. It's been many years," Jun Ting refused without hesitation. "If you like your daughter so much, give me a baby directly."

"You give me another chance to eat the Ecstasy Soup," Lausanne gave him a light white glance and lowered his head to dress his son.


For a while, Little Apple always clamored to play with her sister. Lausanne had no choice but to grind Yan Su for a while before letting her promise to send Yan Yan and Yan Jin to play, and she was assured that Yan Jin was with her.

When Nian Junting first saw Yan Yan, he came back from the outside carrying KFC. Yan Yan ran to the door to pick up the ball. When he saw him, his fair white face flew across the silky clue. A similarly large eye flashed a little timid, and then milky and milky "huhu" a few times, listening to the accent, a little like an uncle.

Junting Ting looked at him for a while, then bent over and hugged Yan Yan, "Oh, call him Dad."

Yan Yan's eyes were round.

Lausanne walked over to hear her footsteps, she could really feel how her husband wanted her daughter.

"I'm your godmother's husband, so I'm your godfather," Ning Junting said with a rare gentle explanation.

Yan Yan looked blank, thinking she had a father.

"Okay, don't scare people," Lausanne yelled. "She doesn't know what she's talking about now. What's her name? I'll let you buy a family bucket."

"Buy it," the young average Ting reluctantly took out KFC.

A few children came around in a swarm, and after looking at each of them holding a chicken wing, Jun Ting began to pull out the mobile phone picture and show them, "Eat, eat more KFC, but you need to understand what you eat. Grow up, come and see, a chicken on these chickens can grow more than a dozen wings, these chickens can grow up in a few days, they are a lot of hormones, right, there was a news exposure some time ago, there are A kid eats KFC and eats ... "

Yan Jin, Little Apple, and Yan Yan all seemed to want to vomit. Look at the pictures and look at the fragrant chicken wings in their hands. They can't bite.

Lausanne's mouth twitched, and said unbearably, "You can shut up if you're average."

Nian Junting resentfully said, "Luo Luo, how can you cry and drink like this, you said I want to buy KFC, I obediently bought it, but just talk to the baby about social news, you also say me, what do you want So, do you want to change your husband? "

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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