Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1469: Or your brother's illegitimate daughter

Chapter 1469 Or Your Brother's Bastard Daughter


Lausanne's speechless heart really passed by 10,000 grass and mud horses.

She held a spicy chicken wing in her hand, and she did not have the courage to bite.

"I didn't want to change my husband, I just wanted to eat chicken wings," Lausanne took a bite.

Junting Ning turned to the three little dolls and said, "Be careful of your mother's mouth."

The three little dolls were horrified away from Lausanne.

Lausanne: "..."

The end result was that everyone would have eaten the whole barrel, but as a result, the annual average Ting left a large barrel full and no one dared to touch it.


After supper, Yan Yan missed her mother, grandmother and father a bit, sitting on the sofa looking out the window gloomily. Little Apple and Yan Jin looked at her unhappy and pulled Yan Yan to play ball together indoors.

Nian Junting stared at the three children. In fact, Yan Jin and Yan Su are a bit like each other. Little apples are more like Lausanne, while Yan Yan is like Molucy, Molucy is like Lausanne. Standing together, these three Individuals are somewhat similar.

He picked his legs and squinted at Lausanne, who peeled fruit for the children, and was really anxious for her IQ. It ’s been so long. Did n’t you see any clues? He said deliberately, "Are you sure Yan Yan is not you An illegitimate daughter born outside with another man is like you. "

Lausanne flung him directly, "Go away."

Jun Ting sighed, "That or your brother's illegitimate daughter."

"Neuropathy," Lausanne said positively. "Don't make a joke, it's bad for others."

Annual average Ting: "..."

He wasn't kidding, he had hinted so clearly.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Yan Su picked up Yan Yan and Yan Jin after work, and Yan Yan ran over and held her tightly.

"Sang Sang, thank you for taking care of Yan Yan. This is my concert ticket. It will be held in the gym on Saturday. On Saturday, you have time and the year together," Yan Su took the ticket and left.

As soon as Yan Su left, Xu Zhengxuan and Mo Jin came over, and just saw a nanny car driving out of the villa. Little Apple was still crying in the yard and said she could not bear her sister.

"Oh, who made our little baby cry," Mo Jin quickly picked up Little Apple. "Don't cry or cry, Grandma bought a lot of toys for Little Apple from abroad."

"I don't want toys, I want sister," Little Apple gasped, and continued to cry.

Lausanne saw that his mother couldn't cope with the child, and quickly hugged over to coax himself. "Look, the godmother just gave us a ticket. When I go to a concert in a few days, I will soon see my sister.

Little Apple stopped crying.

Several people walked into the house on the cobblestone path. Mo Jin asked: "The concert you just said was Yan Su. When did her family have a younger sister?"

"Oh, it's Yan Su's daughter," Lausanne said.

Mo Jin was a little embarrassed, and her head was rumbling. Does Yan Su have a daughter?

who? Own son? Or his son wants to be the father.

Because she was too shocked, she forgot to look at the pavilion in front of her, until her daughter and Xu Zheng shouted loudly in her ears, but it was too late, and she directly slammed the wooden pavilion and the temple buzzed.

"Mom, are you okay, what are you thinking about? The road doesn't look," Lausanne was startled, and quickly supported her, Xu Zhengxuan wiped her forehead.

"I have a headache," Mo Jin pushed away Xu Zheng noise and covered the pain.

Xu Zheng hurriedly said: "It definitely hurts, can it not hurt if a big pillar hits it?"

"By the way, how old is Yan Su's daughter," Mo Jin looked up and asked, "when was born, how have you never heard of it before?"

"Yeah, I just learned about it recently. I'm over a year old," Lausanne said.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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